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Everything posted by sil80jdm

  1. do you just put a dab of super glue on the male connector?
  2. Finally transformed my vf-25g and as much as i love this thing my hip wont connect strongly =( so that thing just falls over.. I guess i gotta try that nail polish trick =( im not really good with stuff like that so now thats got me worried.. all in all it looks fantastic and love the way it feels.. I do agree, it does remind me of a chunky!! thats what i love about it!!! doesnt lock like a chunky though =( at least that hip part! gonna try and put the armor on later after some RE5 =)
  3. I finally cracked out my vf-25g out of that caved in cardboard and styrofoam and man, i was impressed at the heft of the valkyrie.. Only quibble i have is no matter how much they wrap it in plastic first thing i noticed was all the scratches all over the blue.. Its very minor but its something i first noticed.. All the tampos were looking good and complete.. I didnt have the chance to transform it yet but i will tonight, and i cant wait!!! hopefully everything checks out =)
  4. good luck on the vf-25f bro, because thats a web exclusive that things gonna cost way too much =( otherwise i would have preordered that one as well.
  5. Hey un, I paid the same 3100 for the vf-25g it's high but still cheaper than hlj. That's the only thing that sux about orderi g from japan is the rediculous shipping costs
  6. Just got my vf-25g from anime-export! For those guys who were worried about them they are awesome! Not only do I get my emails replied quick, they have great customer service and super fast shipping. I'm completely blown away and preordered the rest of the gang from them because they got the best prices out there so I just wanted to give you guys the heads up because I know it was an issue a couple of pages back. Can't wait till tonight so I can crackit open and see what all the fuss is about!
  7. man i cant wait to get mine!!!
  8. Man, i have been waiting for this toy since i was a kid!!! I cant wait to get this!!! I hope they do the whole tekkaman series, like dagger and evil!!! Glad i sold off my model kits for a pretty penny back in the day =)
  9. Can't wait to see pics!! I'm worried because of the triangle screw up on the missile pods on altos super packs
  10. Beautiful collection Drifand!!!
  11. Are the head antenna on the rvf-25 supposed to be like that, the circular part almost looks like its bent or warped?
  12. Man, your right, i hope mine comes in ok.. Hopefully this is an individual case =(
  13. Is this a common problem with the vf-25g? After watching all the vf-25 transformation videos that tab always clicks, Is it just the vf-25g that has the problem and is very loose? I dont feel like paying that much for a toy to have to put polish on it =(
  14. Anime exports host server is down and they're trying to find another host. It shouldn't take long they told me, no need to worry guys
  15. Anime-Export has them in stock and is pretty cheap only 14400 yen.. I already got mine ordered from them and on the way =)
  16. It all depends if it matters to pay now or later. Both overdrive and anime export require u to pay right away but are a bit cheaper than hlj although hlj doesn't require payment until it's ready to ship. Anime export has it pretty cheap and overdrive is sold out so it pretty much comes down to save money now or wait and pay more. I always prefer to save money because you'll end up waiting either way you look at it. Anime export is the way to go in my opinion, just my two cents
  17. I just ordered through Anime Export.. Its the cheapest price on the web that i can find, Itll be my first purchase with AE but if the guys at collectiondx can trust them so can I =)..
  18. i just put in a preorder for 2 and theyre trying to charge me 16020 each and 4700 yen 36740 total, for combine shipping thats 3x the asked shipping costs when you figure it should be cheaper for the combined order... The page i ordered it from does say 15000 each and 1500 shipping for 1.. I did email them about this so hopefully it gets fixed..
  19. hey xeros, i noticed theres no dvd patch for vol. 8 just jumps to 9... Is this available?
  20. just got done downloading it all and tried it out.. You guys rule!!! Any eta on the other patches for the dvds =)
  21. Are the super packs removable and display in regular modes?
  22. Already looks good!! cant wait to see it finished!
  23. i just noticed i wonder why they didnt include the tv hands with these?
  24. like i always say GO BIG or GO HOME
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