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Everything posted by sil80jdm

  1. If anybody ordered more than 1 and can spare an extra please pm me, I can pay extra for your time as well. This isn't easy and getting depressing
  2. Looks awesome!
  3. Just got denied from otacute for the back order of the yf-29
  4. Their shipping is indeed ridiculous. That's the only place I know that when u but 2 of something together costs more than both items being shipped seperately
  5. Just received my 17d from otacute! I gotta say first time ordering from them and really impressed.outer Box was smashed to hell but my 17d art box was perfect because they overpacked it. Gonna open this bad boy up tonight and post some pics really excited about this one guys lets get somemore 17 luv in here!
  6. Got my shipping notification from otacute for my vf-17d with super packs! Come on guys keep the pics coming I can't stop looking at pics of this guy but unfortunately this thread is getting no love
  7. Thanks for the heads up on the 17d w super pack. When I saw it for $218 plus shipping I bought it without thinking too!
  8. Hey guys Not sure if this was asked before will the v1dx speaker set for the 25g fit on the renewal 25g?
  9. Well let this be the factor the D is $100 more than the S
  10. Mine is sitting in customs too but what burns me the most is my homie bought one few days after me and already got his in!?! I know it's not hlj fault but I'm gonna contact them and see if they can do anything as far as get reimbursement from USPS for the delay..spending that much on ems shipping and having sal wait times is unacceptable.
  11. Hkcollectibles.com still has them in stock
  12. Back to "low stock" status guys on hlj! http://www.hlj.com/product/YMTGK-19
  13. Great review!! Just finished it and answered every single one of my questions.. I love it!!!
  14. Alright!!! Can't wait to see it, thanks for putting it up so fast!!
  15. Awesome cant wait!!! Love to know how much die cast is on it since I see it everywhere
  16. Hope to see that video ASAP!! Love your reviews and need one on this so badly since paying $300+ on this guy and have no idea how it is!!! Lol
  17. Anybody order this from ny can tell me the ems shipping price? Is it me or does 5000y for ems just outta control compared to hlj 2970y ems price. Thanks guys!
  18. He always is UN lol
  19. When can I order that guitar?!?! Come on yamato!!! I need this so I can die happy!!!
  20. Do u guys think they're gonna only release this 4g or they gonna do variants of it?
  21. Would probably be easier to cancel the precious order and re order with the better price
  22. So if u pre order something from ny for a higher price and they lower it they will invoice u the lower price?
  23. Bro its the holidays you'll get a payment request soon I'm sure u got it. Never had a problem getting a confirmation from hlj.
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