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Everything posted by daeudi

  1. Nanashi: You put some great looking stuff out. And your efforts are appreciated. That said- Why don't you ever list your references? you could do in a tiny 5 pt. font if you wanted! Just a little something to quiet the nay-sayers? It would quiet those who say you make it up. You have posted pics of your library, so we know you have it, all I (and quite a few others) are asking is that you tell us where we can find the info too. And we could also use it to search for a particular title to scan an image we love for ourselves, especially seeing as how you don't want anyone copying your scans. You know what they say- "Publish or Perish!" And without footnotes or references, it doesn't count as published.... Not trying to upset anyone- I just don't understand your resistance to listing your sources.
  2. in RL: VA-3 based on the FBz-99. In Macross Universe: Other way around. Not arguing- because they sure look like it- but where did you get that the RAFAGA was also based on it? That is News I Can Use, if I can confirm it.
  3. http://images.google.com/images?hl=en&lr=&...om.co.jp+rafaga http://babelfish.altavista.com/babelfish/u...ga2%2Frobo.html
  4. It uses the same transformation sequence as the VA-3, but is more based on the Apache attack copter. It was designed by Sudio Nue to be "based on" the Macross Universe. It is Unofficial. If you check the In-game credits, this vehicle WAS designed by Kawamori. This is a multi-versal video game, using different genre of robot anime. Not part of the Macross timeline. In the game, it has missiles, a rifle, and a Buster Cannon special move. Game animation shows it in a traditional Macross 3 jet flight. It has NO UNSPACY markings in any of the animation. It's name is RAFAGA, which appears to translate directly as Lava-moth,. but is probably best translated as Firefly. Cancer/guns: The characters for cancer and gun appear the same on the net pretty often. anytime you see cancer in these types of pages, replace it with gun. (Gun Pod often comes out as Cancer Poddo).
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