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Everything posted by daeudi

  1. I don't know... The live action version of Macross Plus wasn't too bad. The visuals were great. I could have done without them making Myung a pilot, and they shouldn't have turned away from the love triangle bit. All in all... If you had never seen the original anime, it was pretty good. === And now I will "Abort to Dodge!"
  2. "All right, tell you what, I'll raise the stakes a little bit. If there is a God, may he strike me dead. See? Nothing happened."
  3. My daughter and I had been geeking out over IJatKotCS for months. She's 14, and Indy has always been her favorite movie character, "evar!" When it finally came out.... We were sitting in the theater and a few minutes after Indy stared into the skull, she turned to me and ruefully said: "Phantom Menace." At the climax, where the 'cgi thing' (the gray) appears, she was heard to say "And there's JarJar." I think she's so cool She will no longer make fun of me when I say that there were only 3 Star Wars movies. ======== God help us, the only thing of his own left to ruin is Willow. Edit: (said because, imho, American Graffiti 2 sucked ballz.)
  4. A fellow Mekton gamer on the MZML scanned these for me from his copy of GUNHED MECHANIX. (he has more to come!) http://s289.photobucket.com/albums/ll217/footyfoot/ Here are the thumbnails. p.s. Thanks Morpheus and Chindenathus
  5. Anyone have any decent Line art for the GUNHED? All I can find is this:
  6. He's embaressed by his Photoshopping, but otherwise, he doesn't care.
  7. Thanks, but I merely posted what a friend of mine sent me. I keep trying to sway him over to the dark side (mecha) but he is only mildly interested... he prefers Kryptonians. <<Although- I must admit that now I want to do the Avengers.>>
  8. "All I ever get is fish jokes." The only one which doesn't make me sick is Batman.
  9. And this one just happened to amuse me....
  10. C.lassic B.attle T.ech === When FASA attempted to sell BT to Japan, they obviously couldn't use all the mecha designs that they 'borrowed' from Japanese anime... so they commisioned Studio Nue (mainly SK) to make new mecha designs. Unfortunately, FASA failed to account for the fact that anime is full of FAST moving mecha, and BT is a very slow moving game. It moved even slower off the shelves, it seems the people of Greater Nippon were not intereested in it at all. And so those beautiful designs fell to the wayside. I still say that RTG ought to try to buy those images from FASA for a new Mekton World.
  11. I think I NEED to do this one Unfortunately, I lost my old files... can some one link me to the top view lineart for the 19 and 21? (does anyone else use vector art? if so, say Hi!!) Apparently yellowlightman (sp?) shut down while I was gone...
  12. It COULD happen!!! As posted elsewhere, from SK's own hand...
  13. daeudi

    Second Life

    Anyone else getting into Second Life? Eventually I hope to have avatars for all the VF series... but it is slow going. Regardless..... If enough of us got together and pooled our Linden's we could create a Macross City sim... I think it would be awesome to visit the SDF-1 in full scale, floating in a lake..... There are more than enough details shown in M+ to do a very good recreation. Just a thought.... btw- my SL name is Daeudi Enoch. Say hi sometime.
  14. Armored Core ______ Heck, the PSX versions of the game allowed you to build Macross Destroids!
  15. So did I... I wanted the bickering to stop
  16. oh... well, I missed that. Or maybe didn't look close enough and assumed it was yet another minimissile, who knows. Still... its weapon suite is closer to the Qrau, but structually closer to the NGer.
  17. Uhm... instead of arguing over which one it is based on, Would anyone bother to agree that it looks more like a unisex amalgamation of both the NGer and QRau? I mean seriously, if you took the best features of both, combined them, and then added a massive micromissile rack.... you get the EB, right? EB weapons: Triple gatling in chest (from QRau wrists) 2 different caliber cannons in R Chest... from both PAs Wrist energy cannons- smaller versions of shoulder cannon from NGer.
  18. Agreed. I have a complete PDF of the Hobby Book. I would love to have PDFs of Memory Perfect, and Design Works books that I own. That way I could drool on my laptop. And stuff that I would never be able to afford or find- like the the Gold Book- would be pure gold. But to mutilate a book, especially one that is practically irreplaceable, goes against everythhing in my being.
  19. What gave the idea that these things were 6km long? Please tell me something other than a fan site or Siembieda. http://www.macrossworld.com/mwf/index.php?...st&p=430881
  20. Not trying to flame anyone, but is Op4 really Nanashi? The ... style... seems the same.
  21. Okay... I went into photoshop and combbined the spreads into tabloid size pages. Then I made an Acrobat 7.0 compatible PDF, which is only 65Mb- but still high res. I want to share it, but I have no where to host it. Anyone want it, so that they can share it? If so, let me know how to send it to you.
  22. Thank you very much, domo arigato, gracias, grazzi ... uhm... that's all the languages I know
  23. That would be much appreciated
  24. M+: Voices: http://www.jameswong.com/ykproject/extras.html
  25. The Macross Model Hobby Handbook
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