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Sharon Apple Concert Attendee

Sharon Apple Concert Attendee (4/15)



  1. Was looking for sketchup regult and the like... saw the question in google and posted my response before I noticed the date :">
  2. Spheres and the like are made by use of the Follow Me Tool. http://download.sketchup.com/OnlineDoc/gsu...l-Follow-Me.htm Scroll to the bottom: Creating a Lathed Shape
  3. Got a SLURL???
  4. Well, you see... After the death of Fokker, Claudia couldn't bear the sight of her own pineapple salad. She gave the fruity marsmallow mix to Shammy, who - drowning in her own sorrow- consumed the entire container. This lead down a dark road for her, a road paved with Peeps, bonbons and triple fudge cookie dough ice cream. After the destruction of Quamzin Kravshera, the Macross TV netowrk realized that they had better develop some new programming. Shammy was pulled for 2 seasons of "Fat Comms" and her self respect never recovered. After a few talk shows and a failed diet spokesperson campaign, she retired to Macross City in seclusion. She was reported missing during the Sharon Apple Incident, and is presumed obese. [/ Behind The Macross ]
  5. Scooped. Patience is a virtue, but I was never known for being virtuous > The problem with it being centered is the CR loses definition.... Maybe 'MACROSS THE SERIES' ??? btw- I also added Gloval... He's on the bridge now.
  6. I have a lot of of Palladium stuff as well- Prefer OLD Rifts and older.... it got way too Monty Haul. Sounds like you intend to get the SC:MSS.... so, if they fixed it: Be sure to let us know!
  7. I'm surprised that he doesn't get his account deleted.... Moving on- Those of us who already own the original Robotech RPG (and all of the supplemental material) would love an explanation as to why we would even consider spending more money on "the Macross Saga Sourcebook".
  8. I wonder if Siembeda fixed the whole Space Destroyer vs Space Fighter issue... (re: the Oberth)
  9. Neither do I. But I was expanding beyond the OP, not ignoring it. A SONG stopping a war.
  10. ==== I'm going to have to stop you there... you seem to have missed the original post... And also... I did not restrict myself to teeny boppers... I can already hear that french canadian drone.... "My ship will fight on..." ============================== All Doom ever wanted to was to unite the world, to make the world a better place. United under his rule, emphasis on make
  11. That was my first thought, but I assumed (rightly) that someone would beat me to it. But I thought of 3 other ghosts... ignoring the Dickensian approach. Stretch, Stinky and Fatso!
  12. My fellow Earthicans.... Would US audiences easily accept something where song defeats war? Depends on how it was shilled. If it was a 'musical' starring Celine Dion or some other twit.... Miley Cyrus as Minmei? Rhianna as Sheryl? It could happen. It would suck. It would probably not bomb. A direct to live action transcription of DYRL? It would not suck. It would probably bomb. Are people open to things they are not familiar with? Very few of them are... of any nationality. Ever try getting a normal kid under 25 to watch an old B&W movie? Not a prayer- unless they have already been watching them. EDIT: Original image got moofed.
  13. While I may agree with you... isn't it a bit disingenuous to spend most of a thread talking about how everything animated before was canon- and then point out a glaring retcon? If communication (i.e. a script element) can be retconned, how do we know the designs weren't as well?
  14. Agreed. Why are the only evil masterminds working for the company? Oh... and this MUST be said... Mama Petrelli is a sick bitch who needs a slug in her head.
  15. It would have to, wouldn't it?
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