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Everything posted by motley

  1. i believe that these are actually garage kits, they're obviously customized, but the individual figures are kits you can buy. as you see they're called RAcaseal. the green and flesh toned one was a wonderfest give-away. someone asked about them recently at toybox, unfortunately i have no idea who makes them or how to get ahold of them.
  2. cannon fire? i was under the impression he flew a little too low to the ground in a dogfight, and right past an austrailian infantry squad. he took a couple rifle rounds and crashed. still an interesting article. and kind of exlpains why he might have flown too low.
  3. is anybody else having issues with the text? i downloaded the demo, and it installed fine and loads up great. but after the intro movie, none of the text is legible, its smudged and heavily pixelated, so even if i can fix it through the options menu, i can't figure out which option is the options menu. edit, nevermind, this problem is apparently limited to older Geforce cards, and updating the driver fixes it.
  4. they've said its going to be the blue one. it appears to have been a running change, made after this box went into production.
  5. as i recall these are promotional comics for the SD Super Robot Wars games, but that's all i know. these have all been translated, they're not available in english except on sites like this one.
  6. those would appear to be the new gundams from SEED destiny actually, and honestly a combiner doesn't seem all that much a stretch from what the already are. sad, really.
  7. Zinc Panic is reporting that the Gasaraki and Zeorymer mechs are going to be part of a trading figure line called Collect 500, along with mecha from Brain Powered. normally this would probably be a bad thing, but i seem to recall that previous trading kit lines from max factory have been pretty decent. that said i'm still only interested in the gasaraki mecha.
  8. nice! these look very, very good. i haven't seen a release date yet, has anybody heard? or at least something more specific than 2005?
  9. do we know if they're going to do the fakes as well? i'm much more partial to their design than the ATs. i liked the series, right up until that cop-out eva style ending. but it does not seem nearly as interesting on a second viewing. but the mechanical and character designs are top notch.
  10. as i recall these are usually a 7-11 exclusive or something. and they've done these things for the star wars prequels as well as a ton of other things. but this is also the second or third time they've done this with gundam over the last several years. its not all bad as an idea, but its also not great, no matter which franchise they're doing it for.
  11. that's pretty much par for the course. several of the previous GFFs had major detail changes on minor parts, nothing criminal, but annoying if you were looking for it. part of it is katoki making the design his, and part of it is obviously money saving. and for that matter all the designs so far have had something that differentiated the katoki GFF version from the original design, usually though its addition of some monstously huge gun and some sculpting changes, and not the subtraction of a design element.
  12. macross is a secondary focus in my toy collecting, mostly due to the limited merchandise, if there was more readily available, i'd buy it. gundam is my main focus, but my beat up old bandai joke machine is still my favorite toy of all time. for gundam its the gundam fix figuration line mostly, but i also have a ton of MSiA and a few models. i used to buy a lot of transformers, but the main lines suck so much right now that i'm only looking at binaltech, the wst microsized tfs, and a few of the japanese re-issues. and i'm planning to sell off a buch of my collection. specifically my collection is centered around giant robots and mecha in general, so i've also got some mazinger z, machine robo, zoids, and stuff from assorted other lines, depending on what catches my eye and what i can pretend to afford.
  13. these look great. and its even better that they look to be from the original ova. can't wait to see the sylia and nene suits. does anyone know when these are going to be available? i'm not finding any info.
  14. the fighter mode looks pretty decent, but the legs are way too long on the battroid, or at any rate it really looks off. and non-macross, but can someone refresh my memory as to what THIS is from? i recognize it, but i forget the name. at any rate is looks like it might well transform, and it looks pretty good too. so does that priss hardsuit.
  15. there was actually both a crappy cartoon adventure show and a cheesy pbs kids game show. plus several different versions of the pc game, my brother and i played one for late windows 3.X, and i'm pretty sure they have continued to release new versions. its one of the more successful PC game franchises.
  16. no, i know all about the rest of the site. i use it pretty frequently, and its what originally brought me to site four years ago. i assumed from the previous statement that there was some functional reason for hitting the main page, like a hit counter or something.
  17. he does? why?
  18. well, i'm not really complaining, but the people who are do have a point. none have the exact same transformation (other than silverstreak and smokescreen), but there are a lot of similarities. smokescreen and meister have the same basic transformation, there are specifec differences, at least partially due to the design of the car body itself. hound's transformation is very similar as well, but different enough to warrant it as the third transformation style. tracks and sideswipe also have a very similar transformation, and this new one seems to borrow a bit from both of them. grimlock's design seems to be largely original, but there are a number of obvious similarities to hound and smokescreen. personally i don't mind or care if they're all pretty similar, the G1 cars were all pretty similar. more than anything i wish they were playing more true to the G1 transformations and brands, especially since that would have ruled out the viper. but that's just personal preference, and with a modded back end, sideswipe looks a lot like his G1 version.
  19. oh please a police car could be made. well i would think it would be a no brainer, but apparently hasbro doesn't think so, or at least that's what they seem to have said of the matter at OFTCC. but given hasbro's track record with the truth, we'll see. given that alternators/binaltech is a line of officially Licenced vehicles in real world paint schemes, i suspect they'll have a very hard time finding an easily marketable real world emergency vehicles to include in the line. the real world japanese impreza police cars would probably work for binaltech, but i doubt it would sell for alternators.
  20. if nothing else, just remember that bats is type of guy to carry kryptonite around while he's working with supes, just in case. the man doesn't trust anybody.
  21. emergency vehicles are already out. and its been suggested that larger vehicles like trucks are out because those characters will be significantly bigger.
  22. give the guy a little credit. Okiwara's not doing all the design work, everything has his name on it because bandai always has him do the little tweaks that make a design animate easier and look a touch more familiar. yes he does a few of the designs, but all the suck is not his. curse bandai if you need to curse at somebody, well over half the designs for SEED aren't originally Okiwara's, and they still suck, the same is going to be the case for this show, bandai has a direction and a specific look in mind for the show, and the designers are just giving them what they want, not us. don't forget, bandai hates you. and as much as everybody loves katoki they likely won't be tapping him for a show anytime in the near future either. bandai keeps him busy with model and toy designs.
  23. the microman line (which diaclone was an offshoot of) dates to the 70's, but diaclone was a very late addition, as the line was dying out.
  24. macross pre-dates transformers by several years, diaclone as well. while not routinely acknowledged by your average, under-informed, myopic trans-fan, the success of macross is considered to be the genesis for all the transformation heavy toys and anime of the mid 1980's, including Zeta gundam, transformers, and machine robo/gobots.
  25. the F97 is the crossbone gundam, or at least originally. the backstory to crossbone gundam implies that two F97 prototypes somehow managed to come into the possesion of the crossbone vanguard in the outer reaches of the solar system, a place the federation has been traditionally weak. plus it helps that one of the leaders of the crossbone vanguard has a mother who ranks high in the SNRI F9X development program.
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