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Evil Porkchop

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Everything posted by Evil Porkchop

  1. N.P. but if you really want to learn about the Camaro, go to www.camaro5.com that is the place for Camaro information.
  2. Actually you would be better off getting a fully loaded 2SS/RS then taking it to a reputable aftermark installer. The TF3 Bumblebee isn't a ZL1, it's an SS. The rims/wheels appear to be the 21 inch ones you can get from GM. The ground effects on TF3 'Bee are really no where near close the GM ground effects. Lastly the hood and front fascia are different also. Not trying to be a downer here, but for the extra money you would shell out for a ZL1 TF Edition, you can get an SS and customize into a much closer approximation of the TF3 'Bee.
  3. Yes, but many of the E's that were forced to retire had less hours on them than the R's that are continuing to fly. Reason the R's are the one's still flying are because of the engines that allow us to go into more airfields, and fly further with more un-loadable fuel. And also contrary to what wikipedia says about the last E-model being delivered to the Boneyard by the 101st ARW at Maine, as far as I know it was a crew from my unit the 126th ARW at Scott that actually flew the aircraft as we were the last unit with qualified E-model pilots.
  4. I'm the first to admit I am not a big fan of the Shornet. But my bias is slowly subsiding and from what I have read it seems to be a more than capable fighter and attack aircraft. I just don't buy off on it being able to be a good ECM or refueling platform for the Navy. Correct me if I'm wrong but don't you want your refuelers and ECM aircraft to have long loiter times. From everything I've read that seems to be one of the Shornet's weak points. And yeah the Air Force is in big trouble with aging airframes, the 135's being the worst off right now. My unit sent some E Models to be 'boned that had less time on the airframes than the R Models we transitioned to.
  5. Bring some 'Cats out of the boneyard if a SHornet can be an ECM platform why not an F-14. But in all seriousness. I'm still amazed that the Navy is putting all their eggs in one basket with the SHornet. Let's see it is the primary attack, fighter, ecm, and re-fueling craft for the Navy... or at least soon will be. The aircraft isn't that good, and trying to make one plane do all those missions makes it average at everything and great at nothing. I hope I'm wrong but if the F-35 (when it enters service) doesn't turn out to be just a simply amazing aircraft then I think Naval Aviation is setting itself back a good 10 years.
  6. The WGA Strike messing up planning I can agree with, but not messing with the quality. I hang the quality completely on RDM... it's not that S4 was bad, it just wasn't as good as S1 and S2.
  7. The episode itself I greatly enjoyed but the vey, very, last bit of it was horrible... really just that last 15 minutes or so... or even just the last 5 minutes it's been a while since I watched the finale. But the explanation of the Final 5 I did like.
  8. Racetrack and Dualla were the two hottest.
  9. As some of you may have noticed. I have been completely liquidating my toy collection and still am to be honest. But it finally paid of this week on Monday when I picked up my brand new Camaro. I had some requests to post pics when I got it so here they are... and apologies in advance if this is the wrong forum for that. And thank you to all of you that bought stuff off of me that made this possible.
  10. Yep, if it's from ILANG then it's one of mine.
  11. Holy poo!!!, I think that KC-135 you got a pic of is from my unit.
  12. Yeah, a sad day for F-22 supporters. Sadly I don't think procuring more F-35 will make up the difference, and as much I don't like to admit I can understand both sides of the arguement.
  13. And let us not forget the Z-25 Condor... this thing had a ton of play value being able to spilt apart and the bomb dropping feature.
  14. I think alot of people forget about the Phantom X-19 when it comes to classic G.I. Joe aircraft it is very, very under-rated IMO. The thing has landing gear mechanism similar to the Night Raven's, the hidden wing guns, cruise missiles...
  15. It could be "dragged" over by a tanker.
  16. I don't know, 20 or even 10 years ago I would have said it would never happen. But with the current "environment" I could see it happening.
  17. "Now this is what I call a target rich environment." "Because I was inverted." "Bull$h!t"
  18. O.K. so where is a website I can pre-order this. I looked at militarytoyshop and it says they are sold out of pre-orders already.
  19. Saw the movie 2 days ago. I liked it, it was a good summer popcorn flick. Funny thing is the thing I liked most about the T:Salvation is that they used A-10s in the movie, instead of F-15, 16, 18, or 22. I don't know if the writers/director actually understand why using the A-10 in a T:Salvation setting makes more sense than the others or if it was just dumb luck though.
  20. My guess would be Lakenheath, I believe a squadron of US F-111's was stationed there in the 70's/80's.
  21. They called it the "Blackbird", but christened (sp?) it Laura in honor of the president.
  22. And the way to keep your military from falling to pieces is to make sure it is constantly (relatively speaking) supplied with the best equipment and people to do the job. Ask anyone what the Air Force's problem is right now and they will tell you that the aircraft are old, so old that if they were cars many of them would have antique/classic plates on them. At some point it's not so much the design of the equipment but the age and wear and tear that is associated with fighting a war. And yes I am in the Air Force so that is where most of my knowledge is. To me people arguing against a new fighter or tanker would be like people telling the Army that the M-60 Patton tank was good enough so the M1 Abrams wasn't needed. By your argument, why does the Army needs tanks then. They serve no real purpose in a counter-insurgency type war either.
  23. I will not argue the fact that you need to fund the current wars that the U.S. is involved in, and at present those 2 wars are a low-tech counter-insurgency/guerilla warfare type of conflict. But you can not count that the next war will be the same kind of war. If history teaches us anything it is that those that plan to fight the previous war usually loses. For all we know the next war could be a counter-insurgency like the current wars or it could end up being a war with a well-equipped foe with technical parity. Whether it is funding the Army, Navy or the Air Force, you need to have a vision of the future that does not pigeon hole your forces into fighting one type of war.
  24. Gates is an idiot, you can only cut the military so much until it becomes ineffective and they are treading dangerously close to that line. The reason the F-22 is being cut, is that the "experts" are unable to envision a war where it will be needed. The same experts that 40 some odd years ago that said fighters don't need guns. Also a C-17 doesn't equal a C-5. As far as I knew when I was at HQ/AMC is that the C-17 was more of a replacement for the aging C-141 fleet. I won't argue the fact that the USAF needs more C-17's to replace aging C-5's though. What the USAF really needs is a new tanker... the ones in my unit are all over 45 years old.
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