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Everything posted by jasonkimberson

  1. she said those are kind of old and they came out in feb, she has to call around to find out if anyone still has them...
  2. acutually they just kinda sit around and no one really touches them
  3. hey thats pretty cool, where are you from?
  4. is there such a thing?
  5. ya it looks like a grip~!! hehehe I just bought all my macross stuff in a span of about 5 months I bought that Toynami stuff bascially all at once, and the Bandai stuff, then found out there was better, so i moved on to 1/48's. I loved 1/48's so much i wanted to buy more yamato stuff so i picked up a bunch of 1/60's. Toys do get expensive....hehehe
  6. lol...I was just bein a goof how much did you spend on all your valks you have in that pic?
  7. i'll ask her tonight when i see her.
  8. you have a nice collection ~!!!!
  9. here are some pics Evan stuff : http://img21.photobucket.com/albums/v62/ja...berson/eva1.bmp http://img21.photobucket.com/albums/v62/ja...berson/eva2.bmp
  10. i just picked up the Elint last night, you didn't see me walking around that time did ya? hehehe Treasure Island doesn't have a Elint for sale anymore, hehehehe I live about 15 min away from f and s, hehehe burbank is hella far, that drive must suck~!!! Yup, driving up there on wednesday suck major @$$!!! Traffic is a biatch. I hate it and don't plan on going on a wednesday again unless something special comes out that day. Yeah, I was planning on going this saturday, but then again, I changed my mind because the bookstore where I got my Perfect Rei for only 14 bucks!!! is having a sale this weekend and I want to pick up some artbooks. Maybe they might have some more Perfect Rei's. But that's just wishful thinking. hehe, o ya i have a lot of anime stuff too, my gf sells that stuff all the time. She had the Yamato Batman figs and she is selling the Yamato KOF, .hack sign and kenshin figs right now i think she has a lot of other stuff too, like love hina and inu yasha crap-o-la its good to have hook ups, ...too bad she has a hard time getting macross and transformer stuff
  11. what are you talking about , your collection was nice~!!!!!!!!!!
  12. i just picked up the Elint last night, you didn't see me walking around that time did ya? hehehe Treasure Island doesn't have a Elint for sale anymore, hehehehe I live about 15 min away from f and s, hehehe burbank is hella far, that drive must suck~!!!
  13. gots to have doubles =) 1 misb and 1 to open (and i have more than doubles of some things, hehehe) You saw me at FandS too, hehehehe My clothes go in another room =)
  14. i wish i had a toy store (but then again i probably won't sell anything)
  15. You can see some of my LOTR stuff in this older picture
  16. i have a whole gang load of LOTR stuff, almost the whole set, but i doubt anyone wants to see those..... (probably a couple hundred figures, and my GF has hundreds of hello kitties) this is my closet
  17. I saw someone else post a collection's thread so i decided to post mine =) here are some of my transformers mostly, but I will take some pictures of my macross stuff and post them later... =) Here is a list of what pics are to come: Yamato 1/60: VF-1s (STRIKE) VE-1 Elint Seeker VF-1J Max (SUPER) VF-1J Miria (SUPER) VF-1J Hikaru (SUPER) VF-1S Roy VT-1 Super O VF-1D VF-1A MAX VF-1A Cannon Fodder Yamato 1/48 VF-S Roy (+ STRIKE) VF-1J Hikaru (SUPER) VF-1J Max (SUPER) VF-1J Miria (SUPER) VF-1S Hikaru (+STRIKE) VF-1A Low Vis (Should be in the Mail) 1/48's i Plan to purchase soon VF-1A Max 2 more 1/48 FP's Yamato 1/72 YF-21 (FP) VF-11B Thinking about buying the VF-11B (FP) and will buy the YF-19(FP) if that ever comes out.... Bandai 1/55 VF-1s (SUPER) VF-1s (SUPER) VF-1s (SUPER) VF-1s (SUPER) VF-1s (SUPER) VF-1s (SUPER) VF-1s (SUPER) VF-1s Roy VF-1J Hikaru VF-1J Max VF-1J Miria VF-1A Hikaru VF-1A Cannon Fodder VF-19c (Fire Valk) VF-19c (Fire Valk) VF-19 BLUE VF-17 Stealth (Yellow Line) Toynami MPC 1 VF-1J Rick MPC 2 VF-1A Ben MPC 3 VF-1S Roy MPC 4 VF-1J Max MPC 5 VF-1J Miria MPC 6 YF-1R Jack Plan to Purchase a case of YF-1R's and a case of the new Alphas Banpresto: All of them (i don't counts these as real valks, they are kinda cheesy) So grand total of Normal Valks (not including banpresto) is 41 + 4 YF-1R's coming soon Ordered + 4 Alphas coming soon Preordered
  18. there is a bottom row that got cut off in the picture above ^
  19. what i am talking about is, i think Toynami PURCHASED THE RIGHTS FROM BIG WEST to create macross (JUST MACROSS AND NOT ROBOTECH) toys thats why there new line up is MACROSS (ONLY MACROSS) hence the toynami site with the macross logo.... they also resently purchased the rights to Chobits, Inu Yasha, and Voltron
  20. They could be paving the way for more MPC Veritechs... something with strike cannons, maybe... Maybe Robotech Plus Veritechs are soon to follow! <sarcasm> Who wants their MPC Sam Dalton YF-19?? (aka: Isamu Dyson) </sarcasm> lets hope they don't get their hands on M7...they could make it even worse..... i am pretty sure they have the rights to MACROSS and not just MACROSS SAGA as they did in ROBOTECH on the Toynami Order List MACROSS Super Poseable Action Figures Asst 1 NOT MACROSS SAGA MASTERPIECE COLLECTION or Any other Robotech Macross SAGA creation they made. This would explain the new current C&D's. It seems like they bought the rights and that also explains why they have created a MACROSS Webpage with the MACROSS Logo in Japanese.
  21. 2 years more is a long time.....i would totally agree that we could possiably see the end of Yamato Macross products within 2 years.
  22. They can do destroids and N-Gers. Remember that 4 destroids + the Monster, which we already a sculpt for. I'm with Omni. ADD... oh an Glaugs, regults and wtf??? I forgot the DYRL version macross... Not to mention the Ostrich, Elint and GBP... but there's already threads on those... honestly i doubt many normal buyers will be buying all the monster figures @ 120 to 140+ after they stop making the VF1's. I guess the Q-Rau is the test and if that does well, then maybe they might. Monster Figs aren't as high on my buy list compared to other VF1s or other fighter planes....
  23. Ali makes sense about the DYRL stuff, once they make everything what else can they do? It might be the end for DYRL stuff this year or next and mac zero probably will end sometime late 2005/ early 2006. Makes sense to me...
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