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Everything posted by jasonkimberson

  1. How much are the Macross CMS Convention Figs worth? The Green Hikaru and the Minmay with her hand sticking up?
  2. you just did
  3. where is it going to be at this year? how many people are expected to show?
  4. MPOP Trailer??? http://animepunch.net/v-web/bulletin/bb/viewtopic.php?t=2449
  5. that must not feel too good
  6. mechanized mobility suits....now if they could add some guns and protection...
  7. are those galaxy defenders any good? i kinda wanted to check out those boots
  8. weeee another fun thread
  9. what was the cost?
  10. your best friend eh? hehehe poor nick had to clean up a DIY seat cushion
  11. hey some people use toilet paper as facial tissue, if its good enough for your a$$ then its good enough for your face~!!!!!!!!
  12. I've seen the valk you're talking about when i was in SO-CAL for thanksgiving. if i remember correct. it's non-transformable and i don't think it has any moving parts aside from the landing gear. it does look about joe size but i dont' think the canopy opens. sry i don't know anything else about it, why not ask the guys who work there next time you're at the Spectrum. i just might do that, but i think the people working the store might not know either, unless one is the owner....
  13. ... *winces* Ya know, neither the plane nor the action figure looked that bad when I was a kid. DAMN YOU FOR SOILING MY CHILDHOOD MEMORIES! On the other hand, I was always quite annoyed that it didn't transform, because aside from being a toy of a "transformer"(as all transforming vehicles were Transformers, and Robotech was CLEARLY a rip-off), it was obviously intended to change forms at one point(Look at the tail fins! They're HINGED!) yeah, the tail is hinged so it can hold the boosters. Yes, it does come with boosters. do you have one?
  14. Maybe it's this one pictured above You also like it. Beauty is indeed in the eyes of the beholder Anyway, the one that you saw doesn't look like the one pictured above? nope not as fat, the one in the window is longer
  15. has any of you been to the ANime shop at the Irvine Spectrum? whats that non transformable Valk in the window? that one actually looks cool and i think it could fit a joe.....
  16. i need valks too, anyone want to donate?
  17. maybe we dont have that many jack in the box fans here?
  18. this thread makes you want to go out and buy some loose toys doesn't it
  19. NOOO~!!!! sun damage~!!!!
  20. great work nick, you got skills or too much time on your hands
  21. great collection
  22. that might be another reason why people would want the VF MPC's Because they are super happy with their MPC Alphas that they want to get the whole set
  23. Oh so most of the reasons why people like the Toynami is the same reason I hate them... I could care less about 1. Robotech Name 2. Limited production and crappy numbers 3. Known production amount (even though now they are saying they never finished the production run... that means it more rare... what it really means is nobody wanted them) 4. numbered boxes. 5. good marketting?.. it's great marketting!!! With Toynami, it's 95% hype and 5% product. thats why you aren't their target market, but hey you bought up the MPC Alphas
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