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Everything posted by glane21

  1. I happened to find the standard Fox sports version in a Ross store for $6. I figured why not since it was so cheap and I like the design. It's still in the box, looks good enough in there.
  2. glane21

    Joons VF-1A?

    Yeah, that's a Bandai stuck in a Joons box along with at least one piece of Strike armor.
  3. glane21

    1/55's revisited

    Some notes on your 1/55 list: - 02. 1J Hikaru TV - the Hikaru 1J Takatoku had 4 box variants regarding the shape of the front window area - The French Hergoss Walkyrie HS-1S is missing from the list. This is a very high quality boot and was actually manufactured in Macau - On the Space Gandam, there are at least 3 box variants and I believe they are all Korean in make, not Matsushiro. If there is indeed a Matushiro Space Gandam, then there are 4 variants. - Space Gandam Version 1 has the Korean anime characters on the box - Space Gandam Version 2 has no characters - Space Gandam Version 3 has no characters and "Manufactured for Clover Toys Inc. U.S.A." printed on the box front - 02. 1S Super Hikaru (Super Valkyrie) - White VF with true Blue Armor. Spain or Mexico - this one is a genuine Bandai release in "euro" market box, hence the Spanish and French - 05. 1S (Galaxy Defender) - Completely retooled, molded in blue and grey. Taiwan or Hong Kong - The Galaxy Defender is manufactured by Happy Well of hong Kong and in addition to the orange box shown earlier in this thread, there is this blue "Soldier Bear" box that was sold on US military bases around the world: - Need to add the 2007/2008 Bandai reissues of 1J Hikaru (now with heatshield), 1S Roy, Super 1A Hikaru and Super 1A Max
  4. How crazy that 20 years later, with no current tv series, Robotech makes it as a kid's meal toy. Incidentally, there was also a kid's meal Voltron toy in , I think, Australia and/or the Philippines that is scaled down Toynami Masterpiece. May be from the same food franchise since they seem to have a Toynami relationship going.
  5. George Sohn says no Shadow Beta, according to Josh B over at CollectionDX.com, who just interviewed him at Toyfair 2010. The original Betas sold too poorly to release a Shadow. In fact, they have no new Robotech merchandise other than the vinyl Battlepods.
  6. Why do they even bother putting up the No Pictures signs when someone is allowed, or has time, to put a pack of cigarettes (the official Asian scale object) in front of it and then take a picture? Also there is a tiny battleship there for scale as well, but I assume Yamato put that there.
  7. This is true, because Paul Watson is such a putz. Like when he sent a couple of the hippies over to illegally board the japanese ship then immediately calls the press to say his crewmen have been abducted. I realize he's waging a propaganda war, but without this show, the general public would not have realized that it was all his own idea. I think he hurts his own cause by allowing his schemes to be televised. He comes off like a whiney bitch. It is amusing how he's willing to throw his volunteers into very dangerous situations like cannon fodder though...and he always looks like he just woke up. I was disappointed by the seemingly ineffective LRADs. I wanted to see those guys puking and passing out.
  8. There are 2 versions of this Taiwanese Super Valk. Yours, and another where the Valkyrie is molded in Grey instead of white. I have the Grey version. Mine did come with a gunclip though. The arm armor does not fit well, otherwise they are not terrible bootlegs.
  9. It's a very good movie but incredibly sad, almost depressing in parts, for a kid's feature. My wife was balling through half of it, especially the first part. My little girl did not seem as affected by the sad parts so maybe it will go over most kids' heads.
  10. Absolutely agree and I can't believe it hasn't occurred to Yamato. It seems to be one of the most common and wished for custom schemes. I believe they would sell like gangbusters for them.
  11. I was reading one of those 'making of' books on this movie today and they say they hope to break new digital FX ground with the final battle of the movie which will be John Connor and the good cyborg guy against a photo-realistic digital recreation of a person from 25 years ago. Which pretty much tells you it is a Schwarzenegger T-800. And I think that's F'n awesome!!!!
  12. Mikimoto must spend most of his time churning out DYRL character group shots these days. Look at all of 'em on these cards, and then you have the wall scrolls and posters and game ads, etc!
  13. I took it to mean that since hera was the first hybrid, she would be the first and therefore oldest woman to have both human and cylon dna. Since all modern day humans would be descendants of such matings by now, she would be the Eve.
  14. glane21


    Happywell packaged and sold this toy in the Galaxy Defender line at walmarts some years back. They also packaged and sold it in a line called Soldier Bear Toys, which was distributed to US Military Base stores. That's why you saw it on military tv. Same toy, different boxes.
  15. Am I mistaken or did Baltar drop an actual F-bomb instead of Frak when he first started cursing in his dad's house. He said "I don't f-ing believe this." I think right after the nurse left.
  16. Yamato's 1/60 YF-19 Fold Booster set had the lightup feature, so they do sometimes engage in that gimmick.
  17. Because Toynami was going to release variants with new head sculpts. Also, having them easily available to 'Robotech' fans here and in other outside-Japan markets would lead to higher global sales. Therefore Bandai would have been more inclined to invest in the reproduction of more variants and create the new VF-1D. They would have been cheaper for us - $88 shipped in the US for a 1/55 with Super packs is a lot better than $150 shipped from Hong Kong. As it is there have been no displays of 1/55s even by Bandai at the various Japanese shows since last year, which would seem to indicate they have killed the reissues yet again.
  18. Ok, why do all the people in the trailer seem so shocked by the humanoid terminator infiltrators, wouldn't John have warned everyone about what was coming? Even he seems surprised by it in some of the shots. I know some things are different than he expected, as the voice over says, but the endos should be old hat for him.
  19. It doesn't matter what mech you choose because you would never pilot it for fear of scratches and damages. It must remain MIB!! Even the smallest dent would make you piss your pants in aguish and cry HOT TEARS OF SHAME. The only possible solution would be to have TWO of them, one to pilot and one to keep mint in the Hangar. And if it was a variable mech, then you would additionally need one to store in each mode. Plus another one to sell at a profit
  20. The Tamashii nations setup at the Toynami booth at the NYComicon has no 1/55 valks on display or any mention of them. Not sure if this means the distribution deal and future reissues are canned, but it's not a hopeful sign. http://toyfair09.figures.com/showgallery.php?cat=677
  21. This was pretty entertaining. I actually did try to work a huge invisible penis into the story but Antarctic wouldn't let me!!! I will wait to share other fascinating anecdotes in the interview.
  22. I would love to have one of those full-scale R/C T-1's they built for the T3 movie. That and the big ass Robot from the Lost in Space movie. I saw a 'making of' feature on that Robot and it was freakin' awesome.
  23. So it looked like the next week preview showed
  24. I haven't had any published work since RoboDojo. I'm just too busy with my "real job" and family. I do commission work here and there. But I do have a couple of ideas that I may try to get out there soon. By the way, if anyone wants signed copies of my Antarctic books PM me, I have a few left for cover price plus shipping. Some original art pages as well.
  25. Thanks, very glad you liked it. That was my goal with the new Cyclone design was to tweak it enough so the reader could tell who was who when they were all armored up, but not to go beyond what was reasonable. I really did want to grey-tone the artwork but they digitized the artwork for lettering and it would not have transferred well to print. Probably would have been unreadable. Plus this book was on a super rush as I mentioned before and so it really suffered from some of the inkers they farmed it out to. One of them put the 'NICK' on that trooper, I guess as some inside message to his friends. The original plan was for a 3 issue series so you would have gotten to see poor Aaron after the experiments. But the license thing made me shorten it to an oversized single issue in order to get it out before the end of that year.
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