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Everything posted by glane21

  1. In the first movie (Rise of) , the headlines also say that they have lost contact with the manned Mars space mission and they are "lost in space." So I think it is more than just an homage to the 60's movie. I think that the next sequel will have that mission crew returning to Earth and encountering the planet of the apes ala the original.
  2. Regarding the creepy paintings Michonne and Carl saw in that house, that Gareth guy in Terminus was painting when Rick's group comes in.
  3. Damn, I guess X3 sucked so hard that I blocked out the memory. Jackman makes a better Wolverine now that he's gotten older, the hair in that clip looks ridiculous.
  4. I didn't understand why Logan said he killed Jean. That he had to kill her because she was hurting people. In the movie continuity, she died in that lake in Canada when that dam broke. He did not kill her. Did that allude to some off-camera Phoenix storyline that was to have occurred between X2 and this film?
  5. No, the toy just has the standard takatoku marks. I added pics of this and the unfolded sticker sheet and instructions to the top thread.
  6. Nitpick, but they got the chest colors wrong for Jetfire. The original had black inside a red stripe, the opposite of Hikaru's VF-1S.
  7. No they're genuine Takatokus, the 1/40 scale Orguss II Olson Type and the Mass Production Type Nikick. They're just rare, low production last releases from the dying company.
  8. I'm not the hugest Frontier fan but I picked one of these up simply because the color scheme reminds me of his Cannon Fodder cousins from Orguss.
  9. These are all 1/60 scale, why is the Yamato so much larger?
  10. Do UN beaurocrats really sport the dirty hippie look?
  11. No kidding, that movie sucked ass. I couldn't even watch t all. Just the 57 second clip above shames the first one.
  12. Fixed the pics. Yes, the box is in super nice condition, this thing was never played with. There is no sign that it ever had a Big West sticker on it either. I'll add pics of the contents.
  13. Here's something I was never aware of , never saw discussed - and I've been collecting this stuff since the 80s. Takatoku appears to have outsourced some 1/55 Valkyrie production to Taiwan. I got this one in recently. It's identical in design to the Japanese box, but does include an Obi and clearly says Made in Taiwan below the Takatoku logo on the front. The toy has the TT markings though the red paint shade is slightly brighter. The sticker sheet is a non-folded version. Instruction sheet is the same.
  14. In the last few days the Toynami Rand Masterpiece Cyclone has jumped from an average price of $150 to $250 or more everywhere that still has them on ebay and amazon. Robotech.com has raised it up to $199, looks like they have 6 left.
  15. The robot should be wearing a giant Sons of Anarchy jacket. Because that's all I see when I look at that actor.
  16. Does this mean that you are or are not making the GBP armor for the VF-11? Please confirm.
  17. They do show Bruce walking with a cane beside Alfred in that 14 minute featurette. So maybe he is suffering the physical effects during his 8 year retirement, which would lend realism as you describe. Of course that scene could also be after one of the Bane ass whoopins.
  18. That's awesome. You have to respect Ron Perlman for doing that.
  19. Black and yellow - all it needs is the jolly roger on the nose and it's the Skull-1 Prometheus.
  20. Find the imax trailer on youtube, it shows the space jockey suit opening up.
  21. I think they would have sold a lot more VF-11's had they made the GPB armor set for it.
  22. I've never seen a Strike without the notched head lasers and I've been at this hobby a long time. I think it's likely that at some point one or more of the lasers on yours was broken or stress-marked and they were replaced with a set from a Bandai Jetfire. Bandai's 2002 VF-1S reissues have the notched lasers again if you wanted to pick one up and swap them out.
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