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Everything posted by glane21

  1. Actually, the 1st issue YF-19 is worth more than the improved second issues, in part because the production run was lower. not true. where did you get that? As long as it's in the box, they go for the same price. out of box, the second edition sells for more. I do now know if the run was cut short but some of the retail stores on the net have the first one for alot more. http://www.tisinc99.com/macplusyftra1.html http://www.tisinc99.com/macplusyftra2.html http://www.epopy.com/macross/macross_index.html Etailers are a bad place to gauge the value of a toy. the thing is though, the value of these things are really determined by demand at a point in time. Neither of the 1st or 2nd edition have sold particularly better. People pick these up if the price is right. Personally given the choices, I'd take 2nd edition hands down without second thought... I'd surmise many more feel the same way... second editions for yamato are just patched up toys. I know the first issue YF-19's are worth more because I lived through the whole craze that was sparked when Yamato issued the revised versions. I had 2 first issues and thought they were pieces of crap. I was glad to unload them for over 3x retail each. The second issues were still going for retail at the same time.
  2. Actually, the 1st issue YF-19 is worth more than the improved second issues, in part because the production run was lower.
  3. When is that Crabcannon Zoid that looks like a Masamune Shirow tank design coming out?
  4. Define cheap, and where you are. That will help dewtermine if it's of interest to folks in the US.
  5. ... real cool lookin. I hope EP 3 is so violent little kids run out of the theatre screaming. You know, that would actually be funny. After years of being accused of kiddy-fying his films, Lucas snaps and makes "3" a gore-fest. You should hear how Mace gets it... Is he eaten by a big-ass genetically enhanced shark?
  6. Well I'm pretty much keeping the standard grading scales in mind (I can supply you many, many links to grading scales): SWFigures.com I would classify it as a solid 9 (maaaaayyyybbbeeeee a 9.5)... i.e. NOT MINT And your right I said CROCK as in Crock of Shiznit, not crook... a crook would be someone trying to sell my '81 VW as "mint" Age and rarity in mind... it probably is worth $1000 as a 9+. My argument is the word "Mint" I see a lot of crap labeled as "Mint" on Ebay that is in no way mint "Near Mint" yes (Shelf wear is "near mint"). Anyone who thinks that an original Japanese issue Legioss is worth $1000 PLEASE PM ME! I will gladly sell you a Green one in C9 box with all accessories (including pilot), missiles still in bag, and stickers applied for half that price. Shipped even. Then you can put it on eBay and double your money. No kidding.
  7. You could easily dress that up as a Garland from MegaZone 23 as well. In the latest CycleWorld magazine, someone wrote in about the similarity between the Suzuki and the Akira bike.
  8. I'm glad I'm not the only one that appreciates some of these movies that most people seem to think suck! Some favorites in my DVD collection: Starship Troopers (anyone else heard there is a sequel in the works?) Alien 3 Predator 2 Resident Evil Super Nova Red Planet (don't have the DVD but it's on Sci-Fi every other weekend) and not a space movie, but The Big Lebowski
  9. glane21

    Whoo boy...

    Wow, must really suck living in a socialist - oriented country doesn't it guys? They tax the hell out of you poor bastids. They tax us plenty in the US too but at least they don't bend us over on imports as well. Are there still customs taxes from the US to Canada after NAFTA?
  10. Of all the new Trek series, the episode "Yesterday's Enterprise" from TNG stands out as what they can do when it all comes together. That episode rocked. Most of the time, though, they rely on all this technobabble horseshit like "if we direct a subspace tachyon particle from the main deflector , or release plasma from the warp core, it just might let us break free." That gets old. In the old days, all they needed was Kirk to kick somebody's ass or screw some chick and the job got done!
  11. Here's what's going to happen. The preds and aliens will wipe out the humans till only the chick is alive. Then at the last minute Ahnold will bust in as Dutch from Predator 1 and whack the predators. Then he turns and starts Groping the chick. An alien sneaks up and bites him only to hit steel because he is also the TERMINATOR!! The terminator promptly wastes the aliens , shoots the chick and flies off to California to be the Governator! The end.
  12. Where is this pic from?!
  13. Also the effects are being handled by the same group that did Alien Resurrection. I didn't care for the way the Aliens looked in that movie so, to me, that's not good. I prefer the look from Aliens. Hope they don't F* up the Predators too.
  14. 1) Just because humans aren;t aware of Aliens doesn't mean Aliens aren't aquainted with humans. My only problem with the setting... it smells too much to that eps of Enterprise with the Borgs and all. <_< 2) Perhaps... a cold climate Predator? Supposedly the expedition is luring the Predators to Antarctica with Alien eggs. That would mean they know about them. And the Predator's reptilian appearance would lend credibility to them not liking cold weather. They could wear some sort of heated body armor I guess. Fulcy - Yeah I agree that the Weyland guy is the founder of what becomes Weyland-Yutani corp. But the board members in Aliens who state that the Alien is a "lifeform never encountered in over X hundred charted systems" were from Weyland-Yutani, though. So they should know if old man Weyland had some Alien eggs back in the day. Unless they were pulling a snow-job over on Ripley to get the coordinates of the derelict.
  15. “Alien vs. Predator” Now in Pre-Production, Filming Set for October Written 06-16-2003 by ChrisFaile Last July, 20th Century Fox announced that Paul W.S. Anderson (writer/director of the “Resident Evil” film adaptation) had been chosen to spearhead a cinematic match-up between two cult characters in film history with “Alien vs. Predator.” It’s a battle long-savored by moviegoers and likely to be a tentpole release for the studio. But, since then, all has been quiet with the project— until now. The film, which follows up on the 1999 videogame featuring the same titular clash and the Dark Horse comic book series, has begun moving into high gear, with sources telling FilmJerk.com that principal photography is now scheduled to begin late October in Prague. These sources follow a scooper giving similar details today at Cinescape. But FilmJerk is the only source to get details on the lead characters as well— or as these characters might be better known, potential cannon fodder. Of course, some have decried Anderson’s selection for the project, based on the work he did on “Resident Evil.” There are also those who view this as a thinly-veiled attempt to prop up two franchises that dropped significantly at the box office with subsequent entries (particularly “Alien”). Whatever the case may be, this looks to be a smart move by the studio to reinvigorate the two brands in a combined attempt (the last installment of “The Predator” came out in 1990 and “Alien” last graced screens in 1997) and coax each franchise back to the forefront. This new film will not involve any of the human characters from the films’ previous efforts, instead using entirely new individuals. As reported by several news sources, the story looks to involve human scientists going on an expedition to Antarctica to lure Predator hunters, using Alien eggs as bait. Of course, these plans quickly goes awry and the humans find themselves in the crossfire between two warring alien species. Among the characters are: Alexia “Lex” Homer: In her late 20s, Lex is stunning, buff, courageous, and intelligent, as well as the heroine of this film. She is an environmental researcher hired by Weyland Industries to keep everyone on the expedition “alive,” as the head of the company puts it. A tough cookie, with a good sense of humor, she has a history of guts and glory having been the youngest to climb Mount Everest without oxygen tanks. Lex is initially second in command to Max Stafford, but when all hell breaks loose, she must assume full leadership of the remaining crew. She is not only a survivor, but a true warrior as well. Sebastian Wells: Wells is an American archeologist in his early 30s who is very passionate about his work. Described as “unshaven and rumpled, yet also handsome and charming,” Sebastian joins the team and has an instant chemistry with Lex. His expertise, and fervid beliefs often has him butting heads with his boss, whom he feels has his priorities askew. Verheiden: A tanned, muscular European, Verheiden is an Egyptologist who is just as much “at home with manual labor as with a text book.” He also has a romantic history with Lex, which ended rather precariously. This is evident when they are reunited on Weyland’s team, and Verheiden notices that Sebastian is his likely rival. The casting agents are looking for someone who speaks with a strong accent. Charles Weyland: In his early 40s, Weyland is a driven billionaire industrialist with blue eyes and shock of dark black hair, giving him the air of a sportsman or movie star. This zealous, all-knowing patron of science has a secret beneath his virile bravado and cultured manner: He is dying of cancer. He is a man rapidly decaying, with his signature 9-iron golf club really serves as his cane and his cataracts disguised by blue contact lenses. Weyland has no intention of dying without first leaving a legacy for humankind. He finances the expedition, chooses its team members and insists on coming along— no matter what the consequence to his health. Max Stafford: An “elegant, handsome man of Afro-Caribbean descent,” he is well over 6 feet tall and speaks with a clipped, precise English accent. Max is Charles Weyland’s right arm - a loyal spokesman and ex-soldier whose job is to assemble and lead the expedition team. Quinn: He is muscular, arrogant and brutish, a leathery skinned Texan who is in charge of the expedition’s drill team. Quinn must face the aliens alone, and ends up narrowly escaping death. According to the character notes, his second confrontation with the enemy doesn’t go nearly as well, it seems. Miller: A dedicated scientist who looks the part. He wears thick glasses, and his age is undeterminable. He's also a bit clumsy and is self-effacing and awkward around women - something Lex notices firsthand. A chemical engineer, Miller is an integral part of the expedition whose astute observations and knowledge of metallurgy help unlock the mystery behind Weyland’s discovery. Except for the part of Lex, casting agents are looking to fill out the above castmembers those who are a citizen of the European Union, and who hold a passport to one of these countries. The four “Alien” films took in more than $260 million in domestic box office combined, not counting ancillaries and DVD/VHS sales; in comparison, the two “Predator” films brought in just over $90 million. Adjusted for current-day inflation, the “Alien” domestic sum rises to $460 million, with the latter two films in the franchise accounting for just over a quarter of that total. Not known at this time is how it affects a rumored fifth film in the “Alien” canon. The Scorecard Producer: John Davis Director/Writer: Paul Anderson Casting Directors: Donna Isaacson and Christian Kaplan Start Date: Late October, 2003 Location: Prague -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Ok, so here are the continuity problems I see right off the bat: 1) This is supposedlty set in the near future but the Alien species was never encountered by humans before the first movie (according to the boardroom meeting scene in Aliens) 2) Predators hunt during heatwaves, what the hell would they be doing in Antarctica?
  16. This movie sucked ass. The acting was indeed very bad, especially from the guy who played Kraven. The Resident Evil 2 trailer was better than the movie. Some observations/questions with ******POSSIBLE SPOILERS AHEAD***** - Why did the vampires cast reflections and apparently they can be drowned to death!? - Also the vampires were pussies! Without their guns they were defenseless and running like bitches, except for the old guy Viktor. The rest seemed to have no more powers than you or me. Couldn't see in the dark, weren't especially fast/strong and were always scared. Other than stepping off high towers and occasional acrobatics, not much was happening there. - Speaking of whom, why sleep for centuries? He's frigging immortal. Makes no sense. - Doesn't silver kill vampires also? They handled it with no reaction. - What was Lucian to gain by creating a werewolf / vampire hybrid? How was that a revenge for Sonia?
  17. Did anyone see that Rob Zombie movie House of 1000 Corpses? If so, how was it? I have to say I liked Resident Evil, though it was not as good as I hoped. Dawn of The Dead still ranks as my #1 fave. So what other Zombie video games are left after RE, House of the Dead, and Silent Hill that can be made into features?
  18. I think the implication is that the Bishop android brought at least one facehugger onto the dropship while Ripley was busy with the Queen. Burke had told him earlier in the movie that they were to be placed in stasis for transport back to Earth. Plus at the end of Alien3, it is another Bishop model that comes to get Ripley, sort of indicating they were all Corporation lackeys. On another note, did anyone else see that some Japanese company has made replica's of Ripley's Reeboks from Aliens. I saw pics on some wbepage show coverage.
  19. glane21

    Macross Figures

    The problem is everybody wants the same two (Hikaru and Minmay). I just ordered 2 sets to make sure I get the ONE I want. Look for the rest to be in the For Sale section shortly thereafter.
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