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Everything posted by glane21

  1. ...more - Uraki with GP01, Gato with Zaku II, Van with Escaflowne:
  2. So I've been on this kick to track down pilot figures to display with their respective machines. CMS is making this easy these days. Here are some of mine. Display yours if you got 'em.
  3. I think it was indeed Ghostriders. Cool name.
  4. So at the end of Jedi they replace the old actor of Anakin's force ghost with teh young Hayden Christiansen. So why didn't they replace Alec Guiness with Ewan McGregor? Why did ObiWan's ghost stay the old Ben? Why not throw QuiGon and Samuel Jackson in there too. Makes no sense.
  5. I just got one and overall, I like it. To me the quality is no worse than any of the 1/60 Yamatos I've had.
  6. Pics of mine:
  7. That is indeed one of those "blank" Micromen figures on the Garland, so that gives an idea of the scale of the bike. The figure is obviously a little too small, though, and I hope they make a properly sized Shogo Yahagi for it. At any rate, it looks beautiful! I've waited 20 years for a transforming Garland toy. I've had a pretty shitty year so far and this makes me smile a little at least. Praise Yamato for coming through on this one.
  8. glane21

    1/3000 SDF-1

    There are also bootleg issues of this toy, they pop up on ebay from time to time. I have never handled one to see what, if anything, is printed on the foot, but they have the spring loaded arms like the Takatoku release.
  9. Rosario and everyone, Thank you for your posts. Everything Rosario said was exactly true. My wife had just turned 30 as well. Her pregnancy was difficult because she was diabetic. Things were just coming to normal with our baby, but Heather was going to need a kidney transplant due to the stress on her body from the pregnancy. But she never complained. If you've ever seen the movie Steel Magnolias, it's the same scenario. Her brother was going to give her one of his. She was driving home from a blood test when the accident happened. That is what breaks my heart the most is that she won't get to see her little girl, whom she sacrificed so much for, grow up. She was the kindest, strongest woman I have ever known. I knew I had a great woman but I never truly appreciated that until now. Greg
  10. If you have been trying to contact me and I haven't replied I'm sorry. My wife was killed in a car wreck last Wednesday and I have lost interest in life. If it were not for my baby girl depending on me I would not still be here. I will return if and when I recover.
  11. Yeah, they were very limited resin garage kits sold at some Japan hobby show last year. I believe Black Aces offered some for sale here for like $300. I considered picking one up but I don't like resin kits. It looked awesome, though, and I wanted to see if anyone here picked one up and built it. Also, I think it was the ProtoGarland - the one without wheels.
  12. If so, I would like to see pics of the build up.
  13. glane21


    Yamato and Bandai are not stupid. I'm sure the fact that people were willing to shell out HUNDREDS for a broke-ass Jetfire or Joons knock off on auction sites had a lot to do with their new toys and reissues. Just be glad that you can get a modern 1/48 for what a yellowed, incomplete vintage toy would have cost you 4 or 5 years ago on a good day, when someone didn't snipe your bid at the last second.
  14. If he can jump out of a 7 or 8 story window and not be hurt when smacking the concrete, why would a punch or bullet be a problem? Makes no sense.
  15. The bastardization of his Robocop 2 screenplay must not have bothered him too much to appear in the movie. He played the scientist making Nuke for Cain in the semi truck trailer. Cain even calls him Frank.
  16. Many popular Japanese series/characters get revised/retold as well, though. How many Getter Robo incarnations have there been with the same major characters and story tweaked to some degree. Tetsujin 28, Astro Boy... Anyway, the single greatest contributor to the decline of comics in the US is video games. Could be worse, in Japan (according to USA Today) the young adults have lost interest in having sex, and are afraid of each other. The boys prefer virtual girlfriends and hookers, while the girls prefer to fashion shop and vacation with their girlfriends.
  17. Was it Guy Ritchie who directed Snatch and Lock, Stock and 2 Smoking Barrels? I enjoyed those two, even though they were almost the same movie. Very clever.
  18. Indeed, personally I love the mans paceing when it comes to his story telling. Personally I love his camera work, how he lingers on a scene, letting us soak up the image. Unforgiven, Pale Rider, and Jose Wales are 3 of my favorite movies of all time. Oh toss in Mystic River into that lot as well! I reckon so. The Outlaw Josie Wales is an awesome movie, as is Unforgiven. I thought Pale Rider was a bit more formulaic (Open Range had almost the same story formula) but still enjoyable.
  19. This story immediately made me think of Battle Royale, I wouldn't be surprised if the girl had seen that manga, I understand it's very popular over there. I glanced through volume 1 of the Tokyo Pop release of it here and it's some seriously sick crap. Little girls in school uniforms cutting each other's heads off with scythes and the like.
  20. Saw it on Cinemax a couple weeks back. Not nearly as good as the first one. The lack of budget forces them to use dark, destroyed sets, stock footage, and a single locale. Kind of a let down.
  21. I saw Arnold at San Diego ComiCon couple years back when he was promoting T3. Someone form the audience asked him about the King Conan project. He said he was very enthusiastic about doing it if they could work out everything. Can't remember if it was a script problem or what but the impression was that he was actively trying to get it done. Of course that was the summer before he decided to run for Gov. I re-watched the orginal Conan recently and never realized how good it really was. I love that part where Conan pummels that one Doom follower with the flowers to get his robe. That look Conan gives the guy when he's stroking Conan's chest is priceless.
  22. Like the Starwars Prequels, for instance?
  23. I think this movie is going to be better than expected, visually at least. I'm looking forward to it. http://www.apple.com/trailers/fox/avp/featurette3/large.html
  24. Playing Mantis put out 1/18 diecast 'kits' of the 50's and 60's style batmobiles. You can get them at Walmart for under $20.
  25. I wonder if this show has pumped up the resale value of 1986 Corolla GTS hatchbacks in the states...
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