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Everything posted by glane21

  1. No. The series takes place after T2, so it's about Sarah and John thinking they've averted disaster and live a normal life. 343869[/snapback] At least for the 7 years during which she fought lukemia and died just after Judgement Day (as per T3). I don't see how they can do this and have any sort of interesting story without screwing up the continuity established by T3. Since John Connor specifically said they thought they had averted Judgement Day after the events of T2. Dumbasses.
  2. Another weird thing about Mercedes, to me, is that their hopped-up AMG versions are almost identical appearance-wise to the standard model. If I'm going to drop $165k to get the SL65 12 cylinder twin turbo, I want it to look a lot different than the $80k SL500. But they don't unless you're a Mercedes enthusiast who knows the small cues to look for.
  3. Totally agree with you on Harrison Ford. He has squandered all the good will from his most loved roles in recent years. Since Callista Flockhart and the ear ring, he's a total embarrassment. So much for aging gracefully. But I think he may be coming to realize this as he's more willing to talk about his Star Wars and Indiana Jones roles now. Hopefully he will finally do IJ4 before he gets too old.
  4. I think I would take my name off the list and wait a few months. Let some other chump buy it new and eat at least the initial depreciation, then buy it at discount after he trades it back in after 3000 miles because the tight suspension is jarring out his fillings and he can't get more than a dufflebag in it. wait list = dealers' wet dream
  5. I don't know of I agree with that. I have a 300zxTT that has been basically problem free. Whereas it's tough to find a 93-95 RX7 that isn't on it's second engine or in need of one. Sure there are after market fixes to mitigate that, but from the factory, the RX7 was a timebomb. Can't really comment on the Supra as I've never driven one, but I think they owe a lot of their market value to a certain movie. I like the looks of a kit on one but the dashboard design was terrible.
  6. Only episode of this show I remember is the one where they found a Martian War Machine like the ones from the 50's film. Other than that it sucked.
  7. glane21

    1/55's revisited

    I believe that when Bandai started cranking out the Elintseeker and the Ostrich, they made slight detail increases to the molds. These included: - the leg trapezoids - panel lines on the inside of the backpack(the side that faces upward when in fighter mode and the tailfins are extended) - the rounded squares on the back ( there are three in decreasing size on each side) have 3 lines thru the middle of them. Jetfires will have the increased detailing if they are from the latter part of the run, earlier ones don't.
  8. glane21

    1/55's revisited

    FYI, the Taiwan Super also came in a grey variant, I have one.
  9. glane21

    1/55's revisited

    It's not a Joons. The type Kanata is looking for are all boxed. The version your thinking of is carded. 337953[/snapback] Alex are you sure? i could have sworn i saw a boxed red 1a joons 337954[/snapback] Pretty sure. The only ones I've ever seen are the red versions from China. They pop up very rarely on ebay. 337962[/snapback] Remember VF-1X that used to post here? He had an online store for a while before he got into drifting. Anyway, he also was a 1/55 completist and did finally hunt down a Red VF-1A Joons. He had pictures of it on his site and this was years before the Chinese blister carded knock-offs started. Also there is supposedly a Green Taiwan 1J knock-off in the Robotec box along with the grey 1J Hikaru. I had the grey one at one time. Had a nice box and the inner tray was actually styro instead of plastic.
  10. 336384[/snapback] They made a resin kit of the MADOX-01, I've seen it in the back of old Hobby Japans.
  11. Heck Yeah! This movie rocked. The Darkwolf character was a well done Wolverine rip before wolvie became so mainstream. Also, the way the main telepathic bad guy used his power - with the gestures and thunderclap sound - is even copied by Lucas in Episode II when Darth Maul used his force powers in the fight with Obi Wan and Qui Gonn.
  12. If you think about it, all Japanese action figures are overpriced. Toybiz puts out figures with as many or more gimmicks, which are often bigger, at a lower price point. They're all made in China too.
  13. They did manage to find the body armor and helmets from Starship Troopers in their universe, though.
  14. I thouht they took it out of her during the Lucy Lawless reporter episode
  15. Some points of interest: 1) The Galactica regularly used torture in their interrogations. Starbuck was pretty brutal on that one guy before he was flushed out the airlock, and Tigh beat on the first Boomer a while too. 2) Adama tried to choke Boomer to death on Cobol. He only complained to Cain about getting his men back, no mention of the attempted rape on Boomer or her mens' behavior. I don't think he cares about that. 3) As someone pointed out, these cylons are super strong, so why are these two suddenly so weak? 4) Don't Cylons of the same model share memories? Like new Boomer remembers Old Boomer's relationship with the chief. So why doesn't 6 know about this captured 6's plight? Or is that only when they die... 5) It is interesting that the Cylons have the very traits they supposedly hate in humans. 6) The captured Six participated in and had a mission to kill humans, just like all Cylons. No mercy for her. Remember in the mini series when she broke that baby's neck just to do it? I think her model deserves whatever it gets.
  16. I worked on a contract in NO over a three year period and the chaos that has erupted there is no surprise. The state and local government there was always a joke of corruption and stupidity. They knew 3 days in advance Katrina was going to hit them. This was no surprise. Where was the leadership? Where is Ray Nagin now, has anyone seen him? During 9/11, Rudy Giulliani took over and ran the show but this guy seems to be in hiding. That said, there's no excuse for all those people stuck at the Convention Center with no food or water. The Nat Guard should be Heloing pallets of supplies in there. There are reports of babies dying there of dehydration and that really disturbs and angers me. I think that Nagin and the dipshit governor should be prosecuted.
  17. Um, I'd say his chest hurts because he just had it cracked open for surgery within the last few weeks. Get your chest sawed open and see how long the pain lingers. Also, as far as how 6 shows up in Baltar's head, what about that episode where suddenly everyone could see her. She disappeared without a trace and no one could explain how she got off the ship. But she left her glasses so she had to have really been physically there. There's some mystery about her they haven't explained yet, like how she knows the future (how Boomer will have her baby in the cell for example).
  18. Um, I'd say his chest hurts because he just had it cracked open for surgery within the last few weeks.
  19. Yeah, I have an '03 black on black 6MT Coupe with the Brembos. Best car I've ever owned.
  20. What channel was this on? I guess the team with the $80k factory racer Skyline must have had a pretty easy task against a couple of econoboxes. Seems a little uneven.
  21. Somebody bought it. That whole slabbing/grading of comics and now toys is such a scam. Anyone who falls for it and pays the crazy inflated prices is a real sucker.
  22. That was Jayce and Wheeled Warriors. DIC did a lot of shows back then like Jayce, Pole Position, MASK, etc. Nothing beat Mighty Orbots though, and it was actually done by a Japanese production house - Tokyo Movie Shinsha - for ABC.
  23. Does the set include the original hour long uncut pilot? It actually had the Thundercats hitting the mutants instead of hitting near them. It was later heavily edited into 2 episodes, Exodus and something else, with all the violence edited out.
  24. I got my order today, it's the real deal PG Char's Zaku II. Now if they discount the Gundam we're in business.
  25. Starship Troopers
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