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Everything posted by glane21

  1. Fgure Oh states it will be poseable. 364710[/snapback] Excellent, I hadn't seen that confirmed. That goes some way to explaining the price which then makes this cheaper then the VF-0 and a more appealing prospect then it was before. Just out of curiousity Renato, could you please post a link to the articles translation? Pretty Please. Doing the "RX-78" first is always the way with any new license, most people want the original but I would be very interested in seeing the Harguns get made as well. The pt3 Garland would be good, but there aren't enough differences between the pt1 & 2 models for me so I'd pass on that if they did it. 364812[/snapback] Doing the Proto Garland from Part II would be an easy upgrade from this initial toy and I'd like to see that. While it is very similar, it does feature some nice detail upgrades to the head and legs. Plus they could paint it that nice Candy red color that it had in the anime. They could also do the Green grunt hovercycle versions that the bad guys drove in Part II. Another relatively easy but cool upgrade. The Garland from Part III was so far removed in design that I really didn't care for it. If they went on to releae the Hurgun bikes, that would be awesome, but I highly doubt it unless Altier Sai has already secretly pre-engineered one of those as well.
  2. You should post your find over at ToyboxDX.com, there are more Popy experts who peruse that site. I know there are several Golion fans there and old-school gokinites who may be able to shed more light. Nice piece. I too find it fascinating at the long life this toy has had from Popy to Bandai to Matchbox to Trendmasters and various Taiwan bootlegs.
  3. That is sad to hear about Patrick Stewart being a prick, but I guess it should not surprise me. As for Koenig and the rest of the secondaries from Trek, they should thank God that there is a group of fans dedicated to them because otherwise they'd be eating catfood. He's probably the worst of the bunch though. They're all bitter about how Shatner was able to parley the Trek fame into other gigs. Whereas Chekov can't even score a Priceline commercial.
  4. Just because highschool kids with phony sophistication like him doesn't mean he sucks... Often famous people aren't happy with their fan following. You think Lucy Lawliss is happy about being a lezbo icon? Should we hold it against her? You think Patrick Stewart and his classic theatre training is happy with armies of dorks asking him if he asked Riker to shave his beard? 358983[/snapback] That's pretty funny. But I think maybe the fat stacks of cash that Patrick Stewart has reaped as result of Star Trek have eased his pain. Look at all the voice work he happily does now on low-brow shows -> American Dad, Robot Chicken, Chicken Little, car and tire commercials, etc.
  5. Actually, Season 3 proved that Foose & Co. will work on any car regardless of make or condition. They worked on a 1995 Honda Civic Coupe, and two brand new cars: a 2005 Ford Mustang GT and a 2005 Dodge Magnum R/T. 361029[/snapback] Thing is, if they Overhauled your $5500 67 Camaro, you could probably send it to Barret Jackson afterward and pop $100k off the Foose custom. Whereas if they overhaul your $5500 Civic, there would be little or no residual interest from "the collectors". I wonder if they make the people sign something something saying they won't sell the car for that very reason.
  6. You should have tried to get it on Overhaulin'. Foose would go nuts on that.
  7. 6 has to be more than just Baltar hallucinating because she shoed up in person last season, remember? When he wasn't behaving she showed up and accused him of treason and everyone could see her. Then she disappeared once he was back in line. They never explained all that.
  8. Is this a reissue? Because the Cool Girl Jun came out a couple years ago. I've had one for a while now. And she has a non-anime face and short green hair.
  9. These show up on eBay from time to time under the name "Android Hunter", usually go for $80 - $100. Just keep an eye out.
  10. The title sounds like some sort of colon debilitating laxative.
  11. Totally agree with you on Depp, the guy is a freak, plus he lives in France. But I liked his performance in Pirates of the Carribean.
  12. YOU like Jimmy Stewart!??? Next you are going to tell me you like the Mets. 357103[/snapback] You should give Jimmy Stewart some major respect. The guy walked away from a lucrative hollywood career when WWII started and flew B29 bombers in combat, only returning to film when the war ended. Show me any actor you worship today that would do that. Van Damme or Arnold? ha
  13. Nice. Here's mine, skull-type.
  14. It appears the Cylon breeding program is a success because that Cylon is pregnant.
  15. I agree with this. Their quality is low and the car value drops like a stone after you buy it anyway. Add to that the fact that they regularly accept high risk credit loans in order to make sales and that's one screwed company. There were two Mitsu dealers in my town. One of them quietly shutdown and skipped town a couple weeks ago after some customers realized they were not paying off the loans on their trade-ins. Now those poor bastards owe like double the retail on their crappy new Eclipses that are already depreciated to 10% below said retail.
  16. i just wish he'd gone ahead and done that 4th Mad Max film before he's as old as Harrison ford will be in any 4th Indiana Jones film.
  17. No, because you will have received goods or services for your donation. You could only deduct the amount of donation that exceeded the value of the lego ship - if you could prove through appraisal that the fair market value of the ship is less than your winning bid. But the fact that you bought it in a free market auction would tend to make that impossible and the IRS would crawl straight up your rectum.
  18. The problem VWs appear to be the ones built in Mexico, like the Jetta.
  19. Thanks! Glad to see another Orguss fan around here :-) I've had the original 1/40 Nikick and Orgroid since the 80s, and the rest were slowly added to the collection over the years, some by my brother through friends in Japan, some thru eBay (before it really became evilBay). I find the designs for Orguss more interesting and refreshingly out-of-this-world than just about any other realistic mecha series. Best of all, the toys by Takatoku had a very balanced number of opposing mecha. In fact, the 'bad' Terrans had more walkers than the 'good' Emaan had flyers. I always wondered why TT never did the Zentraedi justice with DX'd toys. 348318[/snapback] Yeah..I LOVE the Orguss mechs and show (still haven't got around to picking it up on DVD though ). I had a small plastic KO version of the Nikick when I was growning up that I got from my Grandparents and not knowing what it was (all I knew it had a cool robot & ship mode). It was YEARS until I happened to stumble upon what that little toy I had was and where it was from. Then, during Ebay's early years, I happened to get a TOTAL MIB Nikick. The toy and box looked brand-spankin new! Then I tried to track down the 'Blue Head' Nikick which is just ni-impossible to find and for a decent price. -RF 348397[/snapback] I have 2 of the mass production 'Blue Head' Nikicks mint in box. They're cool ass toys. Only have one of the Orguss II Olsons.
  20. You forgot the coolest amphibious model, the Hy-Gogg with the flexi arms from 0080 War in the Pocket.
  21. The tan/amber visor and cockpit bubble are the earlier issues. They switched to green later when the Olson Orguss II version came into the line. It doesn't appear to affect the value of the toy either way and they appear to be identical otherwise. But I'd say the later issues had a different catalog included as well.
  22. So Lucy Lawless' character was not a Cylon?
  23. The old saying that the wanting is better than the having is seldom wrong. Human nature.
  24. What Microman is that black one? I'd like to get one.
  25. Terminator's continuity isn't that solid to begin with. John Conner is born because of a predestination paradox. Kyle Reese goes back in time to stop the terminator from killing Sarah Conner, mother of John Conner. In the process, they have sex and he winds up being John conner's father. Meaning that the rebel leader Skynet attempted to prevent was only created BECAUSE the terminator was running around in the past. A predestination paradox requires a rigid and unchangable timeline, at least with regards to the events responsible for the paradox. They stop Judgement Day in T2. Which means the future is changable, John Conner's dad was never sent back, the predestination paradox doesn't work, and he doesn't exist. Which means there was never a Kyle Reese chasing a terminator back in time, Sarah Conner never found out about Skynet, John Conner was never born, and Judgement Day wasn't stopped. And we're back at square one with a timeline that has now been bent into a mobius strip of broken causality. Then they do Terminator 3, which says they just moved the date, and didn't cancel the show. Which doesn't do poor John any good, since his dad STILL wasn't sent back in time due to the diffrent timelines. There may be another Kyle Reese, and he may've been sent back in time in his version of the timeline, and may've even fathered a child, but the Kyle that we know won't exist anymore, which means it's impossible for him to go back in time and relay the orginal, now-inaccurate information about Judgement Day to Sarah. If the elements future is changable, predestination paradoxes CANNOT function. And if predestination paradoxes can't work, the foundation of the entire franchise is invalid. The only way for continuity to hold is if T3 is rewritten so Judgement Day happens on the timetable originally laid out by T1. Besides, Terminator 2 was like Aliens. They took a perfectly good sci-fi horror film and stripped out all the scary bits. 343984[/snapback] What I mean is that if this tv series is set between T2 and T3 as indicated and to have Sarah Connor as a main character and they are keeping the continuity of the 3 films then: 1) Sarah will have to have to be in a losing battle with Lukemia 2) They can't fight Terminators because they thought they had stopped judgement day until John finds out otherwise in T3. If they were engaging terminators in the interim, then obviously they wouldn't have thought that. So what the hell will it be about?
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