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Everything posted by glane21

  1. Custom armor adapted from Bandai model kit.
  2. So what is this big secret about what the Vajra actually are or their origins?
  3. glane21

    More Cms Figures

    ] Lol, that Net Boeki seller must have some serious issues regarding China. This is at the bottom of his listings: NOTE:WE DO NOT SHIP ANY ITEMS TO HONK KONG, MACAO AND ANY CHINESE LIVE IN ANY COUNTORIES PLEASE
  4. I made this HCM Super Ostrich custom out of the Hasegawa kit and a VF-1J HCM a few years ago. Disassemble the upper body to get the head out. I do remember that the legs are pretty much impossible to disassemble because all the screws are hidden under caps that you would have to pry out, leaving big gouges in the plastic.
  5. That's what I meant, Bandai must have given them some indication the 'exotics' were in the plans. Pulling that out of their own arses and throwing it out there would not be smart. Hopefully the initial releases sell well enough to get past the Max and Miriya this time.
  6. That's the key. Toynami's not on the hook to produce anything, just distribute what Bandai pumps out for them. I have no great love for toynami but if they can get me 1/55s cheaper then more power to 'em. Lot of Ostriches and Elints popping up on ebay lately, I suspect some advance warning leaked out somewhere and some folks have decided to cash out to recoup some of their purchase price and pick up a reissue later. Also, they had to make new molds for the 2001/2002 reissues, look at the upgrades - new heatshield attachment method, forearms resculpted. All they gotta do is the new heads, cockpit insert, wings and fastpacks for the Elint and SuperO. Not too bad IMO. Wonder if they'll leave the noses pointy or blunt them? Anyway, I doubt they'd tease the 'exotic variants' if Bandai hadn't indicated as much. You don't think Bandai had to sign off on this press release? I'd say they must have.
  7. According to BBTS, TOYNAMI is importing these to the US: TOYNAMI / BANDAI SUPER VALKYRIES: Toynami has just announced that they will be importing Bandai japanese figures to the U.S., and the prices are right! The first two releases are transforming Super Valkyries from Macross - Max's blue-detailed VF-1A and Hikaru's Red-detailed one. The best part of these figures is the price - Toynami will be bringing them over at an MSRP nearly equal to the Japanese MSRP, so you can pick these babies up for only $84.99 each! Check them out here - http://www.bigbadtoystore.com/bbts/search....55+bandai+super WTF!?!?!
  8. It looked to me like Baltar was actually being physically lifted off the floor by Head Six. I don't think it's physically possible to stand up in that posture he was in. Maybe she is more than a figment of his psyche.
  9. I assume they will have at least a new box design. 1/55 completists will want them for that.
  10. I always loved the still suits from the movie the best. I hope this new one uses a similar design.
  11. They may do repaints but to be fair, the all the recolors of the original Garland had basis either from the anime (brown military) or the series sourcebooks - the silver factory color is in one of the artbooks. So any Proto recolor will be purely financial in motive I guess. My hope is that they are already at work on sculpting the green Hover Garlands , Hurgan, Wildesau, E-X, etc.
  12. Was this supposed to be a sequel of sorts to the first CGI movie? Because it was pretty clear in the manga and in the 1st movie that Briareos was a black guy before he got Cyborged. Now all of a sudden he looked like Onimusha pre-cyborg. Definitely a continuity problem there.
  13. Except that he would suddenly weigh 600 pounds! Guess he had to keep her on top during the McLovin'. I got the impression that they were hinting at romantic feelings towards Cameron from John, the way he was looking at her after he put her chip back in. Then they promptly blew her up, of course.
  14. The Invid and Ray (Rand) are both from the US Robotech toyline. You can get them on ebay pretty easily. Can anyone post a comparison pic between the MH Ride armor and Yamato Garland both in Bike mode? They are supposed to each be 1/15 scale and I want to see how the rider sizes match up with Stick vs. Shogo. Better yet, put Stick on the Garland and snap a pic as well.
  15. The Proto-Garland is definelty a sweet figure. Dead-on details to the line art and the shoulders show no QC issues. Carefully comparing it to the original Garland toy, you can see that there is not a single shared piece. It is an entirely new sculpt even if the changes are hard to detect (like the shapes of the forearms and upper legs that I would have expected them to reuse are even slightly different). And I think that's great because it shows that Yamato was willing to put in some serious work to produce the Proto-Garland even after the issues with the first one may have been a potential sales problem. And that means they may be willing to do more new sculpts like the Green grunt hover-Garlands from Part II . Here's hoping.
  16. Weathered 1/48 looks like a Wonderfestival exclusive http://www.yamato-toys.com/event/200802/
  17. I like the show ok despite it's many faults. I also liked the little promo during the SuperBowl where the Terminator endokeleton came out and beat the snot out of the FOX football robot, that was funny.
  18. There are at least 5 versions of the large SDF-1 toy out there: 1. Original Takatoku release - Brown outer box, green inner box and tray. Arms feature launching springs and comes with 2 sprues of tiny plastic valks and a ghost fighter to launch from them. 2. Taiwan Bootleg of the Takatoku release called "Macross SSF-1" with bootleg quality - also has the launching arms feature and sprues of ships. 3. Bandai/Matchbox release in Matchbox Robotech box but figure has Bandai mark on foot - No arm launchers 4. Bootleg of the Bandai version that is identical to Bandai quality but has no manufacturing marks on the foot at all. The box is larger in size than the Takatoku box, and is blue with a grid pattern and features a picture of the Takatoku version (with launchers) with 2 drawings of valkyries flying around it. Has Macross written on box in English. This one was released in Europe I believe. No arm launchers. 5. Unknown manufacturer release called "Space Battleship" - I do not own this one but have pics of it. It does not have the firing arms like Takatoku. #5 is the one your friend has.
  19. That is the Hergoss Walkyrie HF-1S , a 1/55 knock off released in France, made in Macau. It is a good quality bootleg with some mold changes to the wings,tailfins, nose and head lasers. Good catch.
  20. That was my custom from about 8 or 9 years ago. The valk was real, the box is a total photochop, didn't exist. Sold the 1D to a collector in Japan for about $350. Ah, the memories.
  21. The idea that they are enrolling John in school is friggin ridiculous anyway. They know what he will need to do in his future and the skills he will need. What the hell is he supposed to learn in highschool to help that? I need to learn how to write a theme paper so that I can defeat Skynet! Totally goes aginst the mindset of the characters in T2 which this is supposed to follow. Sarah should already have taught him all the tactics and weapons training he needs. I can stomach small plot point issues but following him in his teen school adventures seems to be a major point of the show. dumb
  22. The Paro's with the 1S head were all released in the US on blister cards as Convertors by the Select toy company during the 80's robot craze. That's where the ones you have came from. I have 2 of the red Millia style with the 1S head. Select only put out the 1S head version, but with the 1J color schemes. Do a web search for Select Convertors and you will probably come across carded pics of them on a couple fan sites.
  23. Notice the last scan says these toys were to appear in the ExoSquad tv show in 1995. Did that actually happen - Macross mechs in another animated show and called by their "Robotech" names? Does this mean that they were going to introduce the term Robotech and Zentraedi and Invid alien races to that show? Pretty crazy if that happened.
  24. I believe that they were allowing for the fact that if you were born and lived exclusively in space, 1g of full gravity would probably be debilitating to your bones and muscles. Arthur C Clarke wrote a lot about that in one of his 20x0 series books.
  25. Wonder if they will be able to get Ian McKellan to reprise as Gandalf? He's pretty much ageless as a character. I think they'll need a younger Bilbo though. Guess they can re-use the same Gollum as well.
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