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J Smith

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Everything posted by J Smith

  1. Thanks for that input. I don't think I could find a accurate scale on Starscream, just because Transformers arn't really based on real life vehicles, but more imaginary. So you say it would be closer to a 1/100 scale model and thats what should be best to use on it for the feet? A 1/100 model?
  2. Alright. I have Transformers Energon Starscream, see link below... and I want to custom his feet to have Jetfire like feet. Startscream is 5 and a quarter inches tall from tip top of head to toe. What scale would this be near? 1/72? I was thinking 1/100 scale? If anyone has a 1/100 scale model, can you measure it from head to toe in robot mode? So I am looking towards a model for the feet. All that is needed to be done is to have a recut into SS's lower legs, a new peg added for the custom feet and to have it painted up, the feet. I am not sure if I can do this custom, but I would be happy to pay anyone to do it for me! All I want is Macross/Jetfire feet added to Starscream. They also mode fold up and close and open. http://www.bwtf.com/energon/toys/starscream/rm2.jpg
  3. Just like that Video Game awards that air a year ago or more with that one host. Forget his name... But yeah a TV Toy Awards to Award toys from the 80's and up. And none of that dumb stuff either, like old Vintage Car toys and playmates or anything like that. I"m talking Japanese/US Macross, Transformers, Gundam, Evangelion, GIJoe, whatever that was a main popular toy line...
  4. Awesome thanks all for posting reviews and comments. I think I will pick up one and see for myself how they are. For the cost of them, its not that big of a deal! Yes, there is a fly on my valkyrie. He must of snuck in the pic the 2nd I took it! My picture is ruined because that fly! Argh...
  5. Here's a link to one on ebay... http://cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewI...5902442372&rd=1 Does anyone know a website or even has one and can take pictures of this toy out of the box? I am thinking about buying one, but I am not sure, because I don't know what it actually looks like. Btw, I just got my 1/48 VF-1S in today... Wow this thing is huge!!! Still MP Prime is a inch taller...
  6. Those look awesome.
  7. Alright, thanks I found this place!.. http://www.tmpanime.com/advanced_search_re...azi37&x=71&y=15
  8. Does anyone here make repro stickers/decals of the 1/48 Yamato ones? I want to have some extra decals to use and have the ability to keep the Yamato originals intact and just use the others if there even made. Thanks.
  9. Alright, I sent Rohby an email.
  10. Can you post his email? And does he live in the US? Thanks!
  11. Does anyone make sets of hands from the 1/48 Super Max and Milla sets? Like extra molds because I want those hands so bad to use with my VF-1S 1/48 Valkyrie, they just looks so much better. I figure someone here might make some extra sets! And finally can they even be equiped to the other 1/48's?
  12. Well I just ordered from VE the Square 6" one. I want to have my Valkyrie up higher from the ground. Can't wait to get it along with my 1/48 and Armor this week!
  13. Alright thanks all for the info. I really wish the Animeigo version would be dubbed someday. I hate reading subtitles!!!
  14. http://www.valkyrie-exchange.com/store/model_kits.html Go down to Model Kit Accessories. See all those different types of stands to display your Valkyries. The clear ones. Which one should I get for my 1/48 Valkyrie? I want the smallest size but I don't know if it will be too small? What do people here have? BTW, I just ordered my very first 1/48 VF-1S Red Stripe Version Valkyrie with the Super/Strike Armor Pack!!! ^^
  15. http://cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewI...4193284717&rd=1 Is that legit? I mean is it English and Jap. Language? Isn't that the redone Macross series that they fixed up from old age? Any info on this DVD would be great. Oh how many dvd parts are there?
  16. Here's a question, Has yamato released anything else beside Valkyries and Millia Quad?
  17. Nope thats it! Well for now! ^^
  18. So you can buy Re-Issue Macross Toys, 80's Transformers, Heman is back, Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles. So my question is... Would you consider having/wanting/buying a Remade Macross Saga Episodes? Like if they where to take all the Original Macross Series Episodes and 100% did new animation, with new better voices, better detail, better sound, improved story line, but basically holding true to the original series in what it voiced out and spoke about. Would you buy it? Since every toy seems to be remade, why not cartoon series? I would buy it and I also would love to see this done to the Original G1 Transformers Episodes. I mean I like the older original episodes are ok but one day they just going to be too old and you'll probally get sick of them, thinking "Man imagin a proffesional anination series like Ghost In Shells Detail on this redone".
  19. Alright thank you. The Strike Armor can it be converted to Super Armor? And finally does it only come in one color? Thanks.
  20. Alright so if I wanted 10 of each, thats $12,000. Damn I need some money. Is Milla's Red Quad Suit 1/60 scale? Can't remember. And finally what are all the accessories for the 1/48 valks? Like armor packs, etc? And one last question, which are the newest of the toys? Milla Super and Max's Super? And what are the next line of 1/48's?
  21. So thats 8 total right? Thanks.
  22. Hi, I used to collect Macross, I was collecting around when the first 1/60 scale Yamato Valkyries where out and maybe a year before that. But I have stopped ever since. I was looking around on ebay and saw the awesome 1/48 Super/Strike Max and Milla and it is awesome! So my questions is.... How many 1/48's scales toys are there NOW from Yamato? Can someone list them all please? Thanks! J. Smith
  23. Yes thats it! Wow those toys look kind of dumb now. lol Thanks.
  24. Thanks! I searched ebay and found a few things.. Not much though. I just want to look at the toys to remember them. Haven't seen in like 12 years or more. Sorry for posting here...
  25. Here's a somewhat describing pic...
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