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Everything posted by Protoplast

  1. The only people enjoying it are people like my uncle who owns 3 buildings in NYC since the 80s and now it paid off big but he's not selling.. I think commodities like gold and natural gas are hot buys just weeks ago oil was around $38-42 and now shot up.. Damn.. Well, that also means that eventually gas will cost more. As for the toy collecting, yes it sounds like Yamato and Bandai both released too much as evident on ebay, tons of 1/55 reissues going for 1/2 price and even 1/60 Yamatos have been selling 30% below market value.
  2. I've seen a lot of ebay auctions and for sale threads of people exiting or stop collecting Macross items and dump their goods on ebay and classifieds causing price drops on not only newer valks but also older vintage ones that are rare. I've seen 3 ebay seller where they were auctioning off every macross item and are taking it at a loss by selling a lot of good stuff at very below market price. Do you think or aware of many baby boomers getting out of macross? It could also be this housing bubble that everyone is scrambling to liquidate their assets just to buy an inflated value property...
  3. But... they look so stupid. And yeah, the VF-1 etc. wasn't supposed to look cool. Well, it bloody does. Well the last two monsters that looked like twins really were FUGLY and annoying! I WANTED TO SHOOT HE REACTIVE WARHEADS AT THEM AGAIN AND AGAIN! Seriously tho if the kept up the volleys of warheads going, they coulda killed them. Well M7 still rocked regardless of the ODD looking Proto-devlyn. Can't wait till I get M7 DVDs back from my friend! IM trying to convert him to a Macross fan! And yah the VF-1 looks freakin great! Dam its so sexy sometimes! Male Protodevlin....HO! HO! HO! Female Protodevlin...HOO! HOO! HOO! Why Kawamori? WHY? That was one of the times during Macross 7 that I actually found myself shouting at my TV. All in all, I stand corrected on Macross 7. It is actually a very enjoyable series, but IMHO, mainly because you get to see alot more of Max, Millia, Exsedol, and of course, you get to see Mylene getting in Basara's face non stop. But those last two annoying as hell protodevlin nearly threw me over the edge. So you think that deep deep in the vast universe exists only creatures like us and nothing unusual out there? Well Aliens vs Predator is coming out in the movies and people seemed to like the idea of seeing monsters more powerful genetically and technologically than humans... I can see Kawamori running out of ideas of making another zentraedi ancestor race but that's too much a ripoff of Robotech's Robotech Masters plot.
  4. I find it interesting that a lot of non-Japanese Macross 7 viewers prefers Gamlin while in Japan, people like Basara. I had an old issue of Newtype Magazine and Basara was listed as #12 in the list of favorite anime characters at the time behind #1 Heero Yui, Gamlin is nowhere to be seen..
  5. Yes, you are a newbie.. 30+ mechs in the closet doesn't mean you got knowledge. Getting confused of Mac+ with M2 is the the biggest sign that you are a big newbie.
  6. Macross 7, like it or not, fits. The Evils that became the Protodeviln were the next step in the same project that created the Zentraedi, and keeps very much with things that are mentioned in SDF Macross. The VF-11 returns from Macross Plus, and the VF-19 and VF-22 are simply the production models of the prototypes from Macross Plus. The Macross Fleets are the evolution of the Megaroad fleets, and one of the ships (the Maizuru, if I remember right) that's the next evolution of the ARMD series. The Varauta are actually members of Megaroad-13. Getting magic powers from music, while certainly bizzare, is a way of emphasizing that there was more to Minmei than simply culture shock, and not outside of Macross continuity. Macross II, like it or not, does not fit. You might have been able to make weak excuses for it before the official sequels, but now, forget it. For starters, after 80 years, they've only been able to get up to the VF-2? Come on, we already had the VF-4, now we're moving backward. Not to mention that, after the official sequels, the VF-2 is really backward, and decidedly low-tech. Then there's the Macross. What was the point of refitting it in 2012, if they were going to spend the next 78 years letting it fall into disrepair again? Even more odd when conisdering that the military was still using the Macross as of 2040 in Macross Plus... without randomly shooting energy bolts into the air. Also, how'd it get in the middle of "Culture Park?" Last I checked, even in SDF Macross, they'd built a city around the Macross... a damn big one by Macross Plus. Finally, who the hell are the Marduk? What do they have to do with Protoculture? If the answer is "nothing," then where'd they get Zentraedi at? I try to enjoy anything Macross. I liked 7 okay, and I take II for what it's worth... an alternate universe retelling of DYRL. A lot of people here who thinks Macross II fits more than M7 because it carries over the basic Macross story template from the original. Great mech design, the typical nothing unusual plot, then they throw in Ishtar who's like another Minmei and then twist the story around, now Macross 2 feels like a completely different story. I know so many people were confused of Hibiki with Hikaru and then saw M2 and said it wasn't what they expected. It's like watching Gundam Wing, they have nothing to do with Gundam Universal Century stories. Which I don't mind watching, it's good to have variety than sticking to the same old conservative stories and designs..
  7. As you pointed out, you only like the music and yet, you don't understand Basara's music and what he sings about. Calling him a "liberal pinko?" So you think only Basara is against war? Even Hikaru questioned why he was in the military and why he fights. One episode in Macross, even Millia + Max tries to stop the endless killing. Don't forget Misa tries to convince his father to try to push for a peaceful resolution. Do you really think Macross is only about flying mechs fighting?? Maybe you should go watch Gundam and enjoy all seeing all the people getting killed senselessly. You also failed to understand that Macross 7 is important, they discovered the origins of Protoculture and those foul beasts and monsters that you didn't understand happens to be the Predators of both humans and zentraedis. At the end of the day, I'm tired of reading people constantly bash M7 and they dare to even call themselves Macross fans..
  8. Maybe not.. because the $149 Xbox will also play Doom3..
  9. I will probably buy the game when it drops to like $30 As with most id games, you are buying the game engine and not much "game." HL is a game built off of Quake2 and that is a well made game compared to Q2's mindless shooting, not bad but not as polished. Same went for Q3A and it was pretty repetitive. I am a Quake fan still but HL is a great game and HL2 wil showoff the great level designs.
  10. I might prefer Macross 7, but I wouldn't sell Macross Plus that short. Sure it is more appealing in a purely visual/action sense, but at the same time it's not shallow.. it's just different, with a different aim and a smaller scope since it's a sidestory. If you outline Macross Plus, the story is almost accidental. It is about the 2 fighters the YF-19 + YF-21 battling to win the contract. Then the distraction is Sharon Apple who happens to be some AI program and has the ability to hypnotize others. The deeper message in Macross Plus is hardly close to what was trying to be said in Macross 7. If you interpret Macross 7's message the same level as Plus, then you haven't really get it yet about M7. In the end of Plus, guy saves girl and bad guy destroyed and rival doesn't get the girl... as simple as that... simple..
  11. It's obvious that Macross Plus is for those people that don't care much about a message or character development. It is simple straight up flying and fighting with top animators in a larger budget flick. Macross 7 has a much deeper message and requires people who have more patience and good understanding of the 1st Macross to appreciate it.
  12. Well if you seen that episode called "Operation Star Gazar" the one that Max pilots his VF-22, that's probably more exciting than Max's older battles in his VF-1J.
  13. I noticed that. I can accept the fact that there are people who do not agree with me about the show... although I've seen an unfortunate tendency on the BBS to shut down (lock) Macross 7 related forums due to flaming by the haters. It's really sad because most of the hate comments and flaming I've seen have been extremely childish. Given that the different Macross series are generally intelligently written programs, it surprises me to see some of the fans stoop to such levels. There are a lot of intelligent things to say about all the series... however, Macross 7 is definitely my favorite. I can really relate to Basara and what he is trying to accomplish. ^-^ There are those who delude themselves into thinking that war brings peace, even if only temporary. However, the only way waging a war can bring "peace" of any kind is if one side is totally wiped out (giving the side that is left "peace") or everyone is wiped out (no people left to wage war = "peace")... or if both sides finally agree that war wasn't the answer after all. In every fight, there is some responsibility for it on both sides. That's why Basara sang to the military as well as to the protodevilin... I agree. This forum is not a suitable place for it. However, if you would like to continue this discussion, you are welcome to do it in the "General Discussion" area of my home page's BBS. Even people who disagree with my views are welcome, however, I do reserve the right to open (no flames!) debate. ^-^ Alinda Sue's sites BBS The main language of the BBS is English, but Japanese is equally welcome there. If some of the writing there looks like gobbly-gook to you, set your encoding to "Japanese Auto-select" and it should clear up. Also, it's set up so that guests can post without logging in, but there's a few more features available to you if you do log in. By the way, back on topic, the singing voice of Basara, Yoshiki Fukuyama, seems to be as much of a peacenik as Basara is. One of the main reasons I like listening to his music (aside from the incredible singing and guitar work ^-^) is the fact that so much of his music carries a positive or thought provoking message. If I had to pick between the voice actor or the singer to appear at a convention as "Macross 7's Basara", I'd pick the singer. peace Well, unfortunately M7 is less appreciated because the premise of Macross is for teenage boys which likes seeing mechanical robots fighting aliens and seeing cute sexy girls like Minmei. M7 is a big change, because Basara happens to be completely different character compared to Hikaru Ichijo and Isamu Dyson. What they could've done was made M7's story execute a little faster so that some people are not bored too quickly and understand Basara's character better because some people just won't understand why he goes in combat to sing and risk getting killed. Gamlin couldn't understand it until he realized that all the firepower is useless against the enemy except for Basara's power. Yes, Yoshiki Fukuyama's music is awesome. The music matches Basara's character very well. Songs like "My Soul for you" is very emotional almost like Yoshiki is singing with a heart-felt tone of voice. What inspired me awhile ago was, during a tough period in my life not long ago, I felt just like Ray, almost no purpose to do anything until I watched M7 and listened to songs "Light the Light" and "Try Again." I found new inspiration and determination like Basara to overcome my problems at the time and lifted me. That scene of young Basara singing to the mountain, reminded me of how I felt, I was determined to do what I can against my odds at the time and I succeeded. It was very different because today's music mostly preaches material things and uninspiring feelings about life... I will check out your BBS that you listed.
  14. Cool. Thanks. ^-^ I remember reading about that in Fukuyama-san's diary. He had lost a lot of information during that and had to redo a good portion of the album. That's why he hadn't been able to post anything during the entire month of April. I'm not surprised he liked doing that track. It's a very Beatles-like thing to do. And... even though it's muffled to sound like an old radio playing in the background, it's a nice piece of guitar work. ^-^ Did he talk about it during the event last Monday? I really wish I could have seen it. Are you going to be making a report of it? Listening to "Jealousy" right now... BTW, I got my first translation for the album up now: "bikini no sora no kienai hi". I know it's the last song on the album, but I'm a bit of a sucker for that "peacenik" stuff. On the last album it was "hachigatsu muika"... I know that dude a couple posts back may consider me a "wimp" for saying so but, it takes a lot more bravery to stand for peace than it does to fight in war. Basara went into the battle and sang for peace, even when others were shooting at him and it would have been easier (and safer) to fight back, he held firm in his determination to convince people with the power of his music. That's what Macross 7 was all about. peace Nice to see some true M7 fans and fans of Basara. Of course, there are alots of Basara + M7 haters out there and reflects the same thing in real world. War is always a means to achieve temporary peace through total domination. But never really solved any problems, we know Israel and Palestineans are fighting for thousands of years.. war never solved their differences. Well the iraq war can be that one thing that America started to bring temporary triumph in that area but also the start of new hatred.. enough of politics..
  15. Well.. to be fair.. the retail price is 14,800 yen, that's $134 Add to the cost of delivery from Asia to the USA, should be another $10-15. So it's fair to say about $150 is a fair price. Prices were fairly "low" in the past 1-2 yr because the economy sucked and sellers had to use lower prices to make sales. Now the economy has rebounded somewhat and the prices will follow... Go figure..
  16. ZZ is not that bad.. the story tends to lag in the beginning but a lot of diehard Gundam fans likes how ZZ ended.. Not to mention ZZ has a huge cast of many mobile suits like the Z, Mark2, ZZ, Psycho Gundam MK2, etc.. I actually like ZZ more than Wing.
  17. Gundam is popular in Japan not just the mecha but the storyline is similar to feudal Japan's political situation in the old days, War lords and Samurais are just like all the Neo Zeon commanders, they fight for honor and for cause, many Bushido rules are preached by Char. This is why people of all ages in Japan follow Gundam.. Macross doesn't interest Japanese enough because they feel the mechas are cool but a bit boring since they only transform from fighter to robot which many many other robot anime series can do like the Transformers, it is not as cool. The storyline of macross, does not have enough complexity.. I'm not a huge huge fan of Macross, I like the way Macross is unique that it has many different types of stories like Plus, Mac7, and DYRL. The problem with this is that the different stories divides audiences. Some like Mac Plus, some hate it.. Gundam stories are mostly the same, generic, just like Final Fantasy marqee.. it can get boring and repetitive but the general public in Japan dig the Samurai like Gundam mechas.. Gundam RX-78 looks like a colorful Samurai..
  18. A lot of modellers actually use watercolor, that's what I use. A regular brush and just brush through the panel gaps and let the paint sip through. When it dries up, it looks like a mess but.. since water color is soluable. Take a wet cloth and just wipe off all the excess watercolor paint.. Leave the panel gaps, and it looks professionally done.. I have done many complex model kits this way to great speed and ease.. I wouldn't use GOO Off or any acidic liquid that can damage plastic.. Try it and see the difference.. The only catch is that you will have to buy a lot of black watercolor paint and don't dilute with water too much, it will look faded..
  19. Sticks and stones will break my bones but words will never hurt me. Frankly, I bought 32 of these babies because I like them. Also, I do not have any other macross toys save for the Robotech Master Piece of crap and 5 1/60s. Yes I buy mutiples of my fav character. I do not have macross models, nor do I collect gundam and other things I see in peoples collection. Yeah I am collecting the transformer reissues from Takara but I only buy one. No I aint no drug lord. It is that last year I made over $10,000 in OT and bonuses. I actually do save a lot of money. This is the year I just started spending money. And no, valks do not come first if I need to eat or make repairs around the house/car. I do my budget carefully. I also find deals whenever I can. I would have 35+ valks but I have friends of mine who wanted them so I make the huge order/purchase to get those deals. I especially get those deals on blemished boxed 1/48s from Kevin. I just dont blindly buy valks at $180. As for my clothes, you havent seen my closet. So i have a couple of clothes out there. Most of them are there for me to sleep in. As for the red black striped shirt, I just got that for my birthday and I get plenty of nice comments when I wear that. As for the opposite sex, I get the wierd ones in which I cant figure out. Then again I am picky... even my parents say I am picky. Well, if you know what you're getting into, that's your business. The economy needs more consumer impulse buyers like you, but Americans aren't very thifty and they will be in bigtime debt when they retire. $10,000 in OT and bonuses isn't a lot of money, I can tell you if my company ONLY gave me $10k in bonuses for the amount of work & effort I put in I would think they are being cheapskate with me. If you're 30, it's time to put your money away and start investing on some real asset that appreciate because there's a clock ticking and you don't have much time left before you are too old to work. Let me ask you, have you thought about a retirement fund? If all the above doesn't click or make any sense, enjoy your massive fleet of toys.. Hopefully in another 10-12 yrs they maybe worth double the value. Personally, I buy a few valks with the money I made from my personal investment.
  20. This doesn't impress me because it is not a "collection." This is called impulse buying, which is good for the sellers but doesn't impress me much about the buyer's abilities.. I can easily pickup a boat load of 1/48s but I'm not that impressed with buying that many of the same and 1/48 Yamatos aren't that special. Good luck, hopefully you got a nice house that you are paying down your mortgage and paying yourself more.. Word of advice, looks like you need a new wardrobe, your selection and taste of clothing is not gonna get any attention from the opposite sex.
  21. It's actually very similar to Mospeada.. Ray who was formerly with UN Spacy got the VF-19S from them and modified it for Basara. It's sort of like Jim from Mospeada who has a Alpha Legioss fighter.
  22. Macross 7 is one of those anime series that blended a lot of the Japanese pop culture themes in the early 90s into the anime. M7 is one of those unpredictible animes that requires you to understand Japanese pop culture. If you met some pretty outrageous or flamboyant Japanese folks, well Basara is one of them. The Japanese youth base are believes pretty much what Basara believes, anti-government and establishment, believes in music, love, and all that hippie stuff against war. So, in M7 it tries to appeal to the Japanese youth with that energy. Now, most of you M7 haters will dread it, because it's a complete 180 from DYRL just like "Gamlin in M7 hated Basara", he came to realize that music is the answer not just all the mecha, weapons, and fighting alone will solve anything. So why ask why, when you should just watch M7 and enjoy all the great stuff about it, if you are closed-minded, then stick to Macross Plus, no adhesive storyline just cinema... plain and simple..
  23. Well, I've been around Asia during the time Mazinger, Macross, or SOC line was conceived. I can tell you that Macross dropped the ball. Mazinger was fading when Gundam came about. At that time, big bulky, and difficult to transform diecast robot toys are the king no matter if I know that anime series or not, that's what everybody wanted and the SOC line gained popularity because of it. Macross dropped the ball after the big hit DYRL + TV series. There was nothing after it and they didn't come out with any anime or product extensions, I believe the Gundam following killed it. Don't forget that the Transformers also came in that time and I was busy collecting that. Bandai leveraged all their resources at the time on Gundam and that was it, Macross was forgotten for awhile.
  24. Quite simple... get a job or a better paying one.. That will do the trick. I used to complain that a cup of coffee cost $1.00, now I drink $3.00 ice mochas at Starbucks. A good paying job will change your perspective.
  25. Sounds like you're going to Iraq?
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