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That NOS Guy

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Sharon Apple Concert Attendee

Sharon Apple Concert Attendee (4/15)



  1. Maybe it's just me but the WoTW tripods have no organic feel at all, except for the ferry scene and that's a big maybe.
  2. "Hey, nice Space Marine costume!" "It's not a costume." *bloody swath of destruction* -NOS Who is so giving +5 to his humor right now
  3. Aye, the fansubs were drop dead hilarious, I can reall only expect the same for a commercial release seeing they have no incentive to butcher. -NOS Then again, this is ADV
  4. What day are you shooting for, Friday again?
  5. I got on better, Thai Fighters Not only can we crossover with Bloodsport it exposes kids to the wonders of etnic food!
  6. You're assuming it already isn't. Or is this just paranoia? -NOS Who has no idea of WTF he's saying anymore
  7. And seconded. Anyone have some of these in wallpaper?
  8. Now if I could only find the "Oh the humanity!" voice clip and keep on continuious repeat in this thread we'd be set.
  9. it's actually Packard in an MS-07 B-3 Gouf, but whose counting?
  10. I do think that's an F-22
  11. you got quite the imagination there, you might want to seek some help for that. Still better then anything any hollywood writer has put up. I hate humanity so much right now.....
  12. There is a God! -NOS Enough to make you want to sehd a tear.
  13. "I will build the grand army of the Vatican" Who does that make Darth Vader? Fred Phellps?
  14. OMG CNN 15 14gg13rs!1!11 -NOS I can't believe no one made this joke already.
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