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Everything posted by zeo-mare

  1. yes the Turbo Grafx and Turbo Duo will play import CD games without a adaptor, it cannot however play import Hu-cards. chris
  2. you could also download Magic Engine. it is a emulator for the PC you have to purchase the key so you can unlock all the features but it is worth it. i have been a long time Turbo Grafx and PC Engine fan for years i still have mine after all this time, Macross 2036 is one of my favorite Macross games. and is truly worth the price. i am not to big on Eternal Love Song being a simulation and the fact that i cannot read japanese, but have heard good things about it to. chris
  3. my first experiance with JoJo was with the fighting game for the Dreamcast. it was pretty cool with all the selectable characters and unique figthing styles. i liked it alot. i have never seen the anime or manga. chris
  4. no HLJ had it listed. chrid
  5. looks like we are getting the Powered Gm HGUC next.. sweet. chris
  6. by the way areaseven is that really your car? if so that is one nice ride i envy you. chris
  7. reveiws and pics, looks really nice http://pony-hp2.web.infoseek.co.jp/GARLAND.htm http://pony-hp2.web.infoseek.co.jp/GARLAND2.htm
  8. yup the mightgaine is due out any day now, the Mightkizer and Mightgunner are next, as well as Dinogeist from Exkizer. this price is normal for the Simple Change series. chris
  9. ehh...it is ok. at least it is original chris
  10. i was one of those, i prefered Transformers then GI Joe, after that it was a few different series like Robotech, Voltron, Mask and others.
  11. the Nu Gundam DX and Sazabi DX from Chars Countterattack were made, as for the Gp-01 DX i believe it is the Full Burner one which is different from the normal GP-01. chris
  12. sorry looks like babelfish to me, then again it is almost 2 in the morning over here so i am sure most words do. chris
  13. very cool, probably the same company that make the limited boxed metal Combattler blade a little while back. chris
  14. ohh.. he is bigger then i thought. he looks awesome. chris
  15. very very nice chris
  16. i would recomend contacting hobbyfan they are usually good with replacing parts but you need to contact them soon if you wait to long you will lose your oppertunity, specially if the item goes out of stock then you will have to wait for them to get more which could take months on end. chris
  17. they are getting far more poseable now, only the early releases and the ones with really heavy armor are not to posable. most of the others are not much different then a normal MSIA. i keep mine in standing poses so i can make room in my display cabinets. chris
  18. awesome poster, i do not think that is a frame from the normal show however, the details and shading look alot better then what was seen in most episodes. nice detolfs as well, i have 4 now and they are already almost filled the new one you got i have ever seen before it is nice but a little to small for me and it cost like $20.00 more then the detolfs over here in MA you can pick them up at the store for $59.00 chris
  19. the Crossbone must be part way new, it has the ability to change parts so some stuff must be retooled over the original X-1 and X-2 which did not have that feature, also the X-3 has a unique sword which will most likly come with it. i am glad they are making this one i have always wanted the X-3 to finish of the set. i am interested in that and the Galbaldy, the Sniper is ugly however if it was the Snper II i would be in heaven right now but alas...maybe next time. chris
  20. alot of nice new TF stuff, by the way i know we are getting a reissue of the MP Convoy. BBTS has it for preorder and they have it labeled as MP-04 (which i did not know) and it says it is going to come with a offical Takara Trailer this time (all the trailers so far have been bootlegs) does anyone know more about it? http://www.bigbadtoystore.com/bbts/product...608&mode=retail
  21. pics and reveiws, i love the Dougram http://pony-hp2.web.infoseek.co.jp/REVOL-GETTER1.htm
  22. awesome reveiw and pics. i love the way the inside of the box looks like the old Godakin boxes. http://pony-hp2.web.infoseek.co.jp/CD-VOLTESV_01.htm
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