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Everything posted by zeo-mare

  1. one of the newest kits is one of the best, have been working on this for alittle bit now, it is almost done just a few more tiny warning decals and i have to finish the custom beam javelin i made.
  2. no, i do not think that they even announced it yet to be made, but it wll probably be done at some point.
  3. unlike most on this site i do not have alot of knowledge of jets, they had tons of stuff, including a flying replica (it did some stunts) of the Red Barons plane as well as WWII stuff including ground vehicles. they also had Vietnam era stuff as well as i believe some of the current stuff, i do not know there names but i have seen pics of them from the current Iraq and Afgan wars, i just figured some of you jet fans might like to see the pictures chris
  4. more Thunderbirds, i really wish they could have gone up, i also wished my camera had worked better. they had tons of jets and vehicles, military Humvees, as well as a very nice F-14 and a Phantom, they had tons of Vietnam and current Helicopters and me without a camera. all well maybe next years show...
  5. A-10, they had a bunch of these but my camera missed out on some great shots due to the sucky batteries
  6. i liked this one alot
  7. nice explosion. even at a distance you could feel the heat from it
  8. went to the Quonset MA airshow last week i have been wanting to post pics but have not got around to it up until now. show could have been better but it rained and most of the real jets did not go up , i also had problem with the batteries on my camera so i did not get half the shots i wanted "Thunderbirds go" well they could have if it did not rain
  9. by the way do they all have the white lines on them? the one reveiwed on this site does not have them. http://pony-hp2.web.infoseek.co.jp/HCMP-JAGD.htm
  10. looks like the part that fits into the leg in the first few pics can accidently split if not done right i will have to keep that in mind, i love the way this figure looks. i ordered mine from crosszgundam off of ebay so hopefully by next week i can post pics and a review of it. i also picked up this baby, so far the Cosmic Region series keeps getting better.
  11. it looks awesome i am definelty picking this one up, right now i am getting ready to work on my MG Gyan i will post pics when it is done. chris
  12. got the Infinite Justice, it is now my favorite of the Cosmic Region figures. according to Gunota the #7006 Cosmic Region will be the Akatusuki Gundam. and here are the pics of the upcoming Crossbone X-3, thnakfully it has the sword with it. chris
  13. hi that is not a 1/100 they are showing it is the 1/144 #7006 Cosmic Region figure
  14. very sweet i am still waiting for mine. i also have the Cosmic Region Infinite Justice coming in. i will post pics when i get them. chris
  15. very nice work i like it alot. chris
  16. new PS-2 Jojo games http://www.the-magicbox.com/0606/game060618c.shtml
  17. shameless plug time.... my entire Tf collection is up for sale. i may add the THS- 01 and 02 if anyone is interested. http://www.macrossworld.com/mwf/index.php?showtopic=19315 chris
  18. yup your right it is definetly a photoshop useing parts from different things including a storm trooper style helmet. chris
  19. i heard it will play all pc engine cd games, if you put them in the Wii Disc Drive however i also heard you can download them from the Nintendo website if that is the case you may not be able to play this one. with all games even from systems not being made anymore certain titles that are part of franchises need permission due to copyrights. nintendo usually cracks down on illegal bootlegging and downloading of there own flagship titles . so for nintendo to just put up games like Megaman, Castlevania as well as Dragonball and Macross on there system may look alittle bit hypicritical. So for many of the big titles from certain companies or frachises nintendo may try to get permission first from the companies like Konami, Capcom, and so forth before you see any of their games. so they may have to get permission from Masaya and Big West before we see this game and there is no garentee. chris
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