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Everything posted by zeo-mare

  1. i like the BT sunstreaker the best, i am not interested in the galvatron, i used to have him when he first came out and i thought it was the worst toy ever.
  2. are you sure? it looks pretty precise, like it is suppossed to be that way, since these are new figures and kind of re-envisionments of the original designs there is a possibility that this might be the final color. chris
  3. great pics , the GFF and chogokins looks great. maybe the xanbugle is smaller than the other chogokins that are out? the Aquarion looks awesome i believe he is about $190.00 if i recall i hope he is big like the Zambot III and Dancouga. chris
  4. agreed on both, gemini looks great, as for tauraus usually in anime the big guy always comes off like a caveman i love the silver highlights however on his armor, those 2 colors silver and gold look great together. chris
  5. gundam z box set, if you really look at it you can see a slight metallic look to it. it seems very light you can somewhat see it on the shiki and the zeta. usually when we think chrome or plated we think very shiny, i think it is a light plated chrome like the current hyakushiki fix, which may suit it better.
  6. great pics the blue destiny GFF looks cool as does the HGUC Hazel. chris
  7. thanks for the pics, i had expected that you did not get the other forms for the zeta box set not for about $70.00, I figured it would be the basic gundams themselves. i heard that these were going to be chrome but it does not look like it from the pics, i hope they come with some sort of art book or something. chris
  8. very cool i will have to check out some of the import titles. the language barrier has never been a problem for me. i just do not want to get a game that is incompatible. thanks so very much chris
  9. i agree, i have been playing ridge racer and wipeout pure all day. i cannot wait for Burnout and GTA to come out. I do not have Lumines yet but will definetly look into it. by the way does anyone know if the USA PSP plays Japanese games? Star Soldier looks pretty good so i want to check that out. chris
  10. very nice i will definelty have to get 2 of them so i can display both, i love the Kampher shotgun, i wonder if we will be seeing him soon. chris
  11. Nice, Very nice more money out of my pocket
  12. The Vf-2SS is my favorite, it is a shame that people did not like the series to much, i thought it had some fantastic designs. I so wish they would make a new model or toy of it
  13. id better start saving then i really want that one. chris
  14. very cool, by the way do you know when the Dragon Final is coming out? i really want that one. i thought about getting the bronze knights but i think i will hold off and just get the finals. unless of course are they recomended? chris
  15. Mine does not have the sticker. is there any real difference between the ones with the sticker and the ones without. i know mine are not bootlegs and all but is there any real difference between the two releases? thanks chris
  16. awesome sword very nice I have seen this one and the Conan style one on ebay many times i only have one sword to my name but maybe someday soon i can get a better one. the pic looks weird for some reason, when i click on your username, on your profile picture your face looks different that is why i did not think it was you. you should take another picture. but a awesome buy none the less
  17. hi yes the fast packs will work on the Low Viz, i beleive the super armor will be out before the end of the year. chris
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