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Everything posted by zeo-mare

  1. o wow it actually came out real nice, it looks quite big to. props to the builder, being such a macross fan I wonder if he or she is on this site. chris
  2. here is a great reveiw and pictures of the HCM PRO Destiny Gundam, wow it looks so awesome. chris HCM PRO Destiny Gundam
  3. Wow indeed great work, i am not to familiar with this series but i know what i like a excellent custom. by the way do you have a 1/48 Macross Yamato customs? chris
  4. wow incredible work i am really looking forward to these where would I be able to get them from? thanks chris
  5. Oops forgot the Link: http://cgi.ebay.com/Limited-Transformers-D...1QQcmdZViewItem 329382[/snapback] I have heard many good things about that box set, i was planning on picking it up when i save up a few more dollars. chris
  6. Terrorism, racism, kids killing kids, i am pissed off at the whole world lately. chris
  7. hmm...the older pics of the Strike Freedom looked better it seemed to have more warning markings and stuff on it. i hope the final version still does. chris
  8. I have the DVD boxset of this, I liked the movie alot I have seen very little of the TV series and first became familiar with the franchise through the movie, so i really do not know the comparisons between the two. but for the movie itself i liked it alot I thought the escaflowne was awesome looking the battles were quite good to, the opening sword fight was quite excellent, the story and characters kept me interested through out as well. someday i may pic up the TV series but not until i save up some money and get some other things ot of the way first.
  9. I am also having that problem now I cannot get the new color back and am stuck on the Invision board
  10. you can also sign up for a free email account, I had the same problem with another forum i was on i would never get the email from them because my email would block them out for some reason, I got a free second account from Yahoo and it worked like a charm, it only took a few minutes to sign up for . chris
  11. looking real good i cannot wait to see the site finished. chris
  12. i have seen some nice used M3, which is what i am looking at. even used these cars are usually so well taken care off it seems like you are sitting in a new car. chris
  13. very cool i like this alot, it is a shame i do not want to start collecting more series. chris
  14. I just saw it, i liked it i thought it was pretty good, the battles were quite good., i found a very good dvd rip version with excellent subs and sound, all in all i recomend seeing it. chris
  15. i to would like to see pics. chris
  16. very nice, how much did you pay? i have been seriously looking at the BMW M-series and the 5-series. maybe i can someday soon join you on the track. chris
  17. nice collection i to would love to see it in higher resolution. chris
  18. My brothers girlfriend is downloading it right now, she said she would give me a copy, I am looking forward to it. a friend who saw it on one of the other sites i go to said he did not like it, i still want to see it though. chris
  19. i hope mine is better, some of the pics i see the paint job looks alittle messy as well, i also noticed the improved articulation. chris
  20. they are from space, but they sent their ships years ago in preperation to the attack, just the ships were deep in the ground hidden, the pilots were still from space. as for the giant plants i am not sure what you are talking about, they begin to re-terraform Earth to look like their planet but it fails those are the only plants i know about. chris
  21. to me they always seemed organic almost like a insect , everyone is different i guess
  22. do not know if it counts but the Alien tripods from the new War of the Worlds film are pretty organic looking almost coming off like a giant 3 legged spider they are very fluid and seem more lifelike than a machine filled with hydraulics and gears, if these type of insect like mech are up your alley you might like these a real lot.
  23. thankfully these games are all region so you will be able to play imports without any problem i am getting most of these when they come out. the Megaman X game is called Irregular Hunter X from what i heard, they better remake Mega Man 2 as well. chris
  24. is that for real? i love megaman 1 and 2 the best i would love to see some sort of classic reinvisionment of the series
  25. Lukes saber looks green to me. it is funny how the Yoda figure looks virtually normal compaed to the others. chris
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