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Everything posted by zeo-mare

  1. what a great show, he will be missed. i did not realize he died until i saw this thread. chris
  2. i just saw him, i can say that i would rather have the MP Prime on display as the leader, this new Binaltech one does nothing for me, he looks fairly easy to transform though. i could not find pics of Mirage do you have them? chris
  3. to be honest i do not know, I am not to familiar with the toys. I saw the reveiw and pictures and knew you guys were talking alot about them, i figured you guys might like to see the pictures so i posted it. I am sure someone can tell you which one these are. I am pretty sure these are the Yamato ones. chris
  4. awesome collection my friend, is that your whole set? if not please post the rest. chris
  5. I am not sure if it has been discused yet (if it has I am very sorry) it looks like it is new and just announced. it looks like it will have alot of macross vehicles in it. it seems more like gundam mechs will be the main highlight, but it is cool to have the Vf's make a appearance in it. I have never played the first one but i heard alot of good things. what do you guys think? is this game going to be worth the money? ANOTHER CENTURY'S EPISODE 2 chris
  6. here is some really good pics of some of the newer ones they look pretty cool it is a shame they are so much. BGC figures. chris
  7. its kinda like a hemroid (sp?) if i recall. I still like the Varklie myself, sheesh that entire pic is in engrish
  8. it sucks that you did not get the heat sheild I hope they can replace it for you. if i get one I will definetly have to check to make sure mine has it. chris
  9. I hope i put this in the right thread can someone tell me about the second and top row in this pic? I am interested in the new Astray on the second row and the Aile Strike Pack (what is that thing near it) and the Grey Prototype Astray on the top. thanks chris
  10. more money to spend , I am more interested in the display stands however i am looking forward to those. chris
  11. i noticed in that picture of the MK II to the right side you can see the HCM-Pro Zaku Warrior with Beam Rifle which I believe is Lunamarie's does any one have any pics of it? chris
  12. that MK II looks awesome i am so getting that. chris
  13. zeo-mare

    1/48 CF

    great pics, by the way does it come with the normal hands? the more mechanical looking ones ? chris
  14. All in all i am very happy once again, these look great in my Ikeas (which by the way are filling up real quick, might I add ) I am so looking forward to the Blue Destiny and Guncannons. late this month (in only a few days) the Zeonography Gouf/Effreet is suppossed to be coming out I am really looking forward to that one as well, I will be picking up 2 of that one as well (my wallet this year is dying over here). As soon as they come in i will definetly post pics.
  15. always wanted to see what this one would look like, a red RX-78
  16. GM, one of the best features of this new Gundam fix is the Gm, finally a grunt
  17. RX-78 Ver.Ka very nice with alot of weapons, i wonder how long before the next RX-78 Fix comes out?
  18. Well i got my RX-78 Ver.Ka in today I picked up 2 because I wanted to put together both the RX-78 and GM. I can say that this is a nice set indeed it is the most poseable Gundam fix as of yet. i wonder if the rest will be like this. I also love that we are finally starting to see grunts, I am so hoping for a GM Spartan someday. thankfully i got 2 good ones I have heard that some of the RX-78's had problems. mine were quite nice the paintjobs the detail and parts all fit properly.
  19. very nice, how long before a Titans version is released? chris
  20. it seems about normal for me, the only time it goes slow for me is when i am downloading stuff. chris
  21. maybe he has only 1 or 2 and he is just re-useing them for the shots he does. maybe they came with some figure or model kit, and that is why we cannot find them. chris
  22. I to would love to know, they look great. I checked Hobby Link Japan but never saw any like that. Chris
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