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Everything posted by zeo-mare

  1. wow it even transforms awesome, i want to see Tracks and Meister next. Chris
  2. I wonder, since the MG MK II 2.0 is somewhat a scaled down version of the PG MK II kit, do you think that the Zeta 2.0 may be the same way (scaled down PG Zeta)? chris
  3. in one of the last episodes of the clone wars cartoon (which appearently is a canon mini series that told what happened between the 2nd and 3rd films) right before grevious takes palpatine she and a few of her Jedi buddies are defeated by him as they try to protect Palpatine, i believe the other 2 jedi died. i wonder if she wanted to reface Grevious and and snuck onboard during the battle, heck Anakin and Obi-wan got onboard once the sheilds for Grevious's ship came down you can be sure any Jedi that was up there headed straight for his ship. chris
  4. as you can see the gattling unhooks from the shield, maybe he did not put it on tightly and it is a little crooked. chris
  5. really good Gouf and Effrett pictures. Zeonography Gouf and Effret pictures
  6. I think Image Anime still has them in stock, i know they just got the new ones in for Sunstreaker, as for Victory Leo I knew about the RM line but I heard a re-release for the bigger one as well. chris
  7. I meant Pics not pis, I typed to quick and missed the "c" just went back and edited it. Chris
  8. the Zeonography Gouf/Efreet and the Zeta Gundam Fix box set are out. Chris
  9. actually the remake demo for the Playstation 3 of Final fantasy 7 was just that, a demo to show off what the system might be capable of, it is not a actual game from what i am understanding. just a full motion video to get peoples attention, (it worked to). by the way your thread title is confusing you ask about FF7 and then say Final fantasy 3.
  10. i liked it alot , it is still only a demo the final version may be far far nicer, i did not have any problems on my PC I have a 2.0 GHz processor (slow) and the Geforce 6800 LE but featured no slow down at all, maybe I should try to set the game on the highest settings next time. chris
  11. i heard that Victory Leo(sp?) is being re-released , is this true? chris
  12. In loved the first one and I am downloading the second right now, I have always loved the WW II shooters. chris
  13. my HCM Destiny is also on the way i too will take some pics when it gets here
  14. god those She kits are nice, i really wish i could build them like that. chris
  15. looking good as always, nothing like a nice heavily war torn Gundam
  16. zeo-mare


    ohhh it looks awesome, could my dreams of a 1/48 Elint become a reality as well.
  17. cool pics i am looking forward to the dvd release. chris
  18. Hey Knight26, total congrats to your new job you must be major excited i hope you can take some pictures i am looking forward to seeing your new base. chris
  19. Is there something i'm missing here? Why are you people dissin the MPC/Alternator Prime? Its good stuff and the best Prime out there to date. Uh wait....is the Hasbro 20th Anniversary Prime the Alternator Prime? 332265[/snapback] no, there is a new one coming out for the alternators line it is the same size as the others and is more like a pick-up truck now, he looks ugly. the 20th anniversery Prime is quite awesome chris
  20. a mod should change mgrexx's avatar to that masturbating frog when he is not looking and give him a new title to fit the picture . thanks for the link i think these were also posted on hobbyfanatics as well. chris
  21. hi yea i realize it came out of the box like that i was wondering if the hole was a melted hole or a cracked hole like one of the machines got ahold of it during manufacturing. chris
  22. that new prime looks fantastic, if it comes with the trailer I am also sold. chris
  23. wow that sucks, is the whole in it from being broken or melted? chris
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