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Everything posted by zeo-mare

  1. hi have the VF-11 and it is a very nice kit, I have yet to finish mine because I have been so busy maybe i will post pictures when i do. chris
  2. in the end however it is Konami's game and they can do what they want with it. just because Hideo kojima says it is the only way, does not mean that he is in charge of Konami. while he designed the Metal Gear Solid Games , i do not think he is the original copyright owner of the Metal Gear series , remember metal gear came out in the 1980's and I am pretty sure Konami holds the basic rights to it. chris
  3. I totally F'ing hate this, Castlevania and Ancient Ys Vanished are my 2 favorite games of all time, I am so unhappy about this being made. I wish they would leave this one alone
  4. i do not think you can tell, if i recall you can download a file that can let you downgrade to the proper Ver. so you can play roms. right now I have tons of roms on mine including PC Engine CD games like Dracula X and Spriggan as well as Neo Geo CD, SNES, Gameboy Advance and many others. chris
  5. awesome looking, i would not mind picking one of those up. chris
  6. i cannot tell it looks like it is different on some, i look like a mixture of both. but they mainly looks PVC chris
  7. I just ordered ithe EMSIA Zaku and Gouf from BBTS i will post some pictures when they get here. chris edit: changed message
  8. the guntank is decent, there is virtually no movement compared to the other hcm-pro, and on mine the 2 main guns do not stay on at all. but i really had to pick it up so i can have the 3 main gundams (gundam, guntank, guncannon) from the original tv series side by side
  9. I still think they should make a prequel and sequel of sorts, have it take place between Alien and Aliens even make the film visually identical and bring back Bishop to show continuity, no goofiness or silly stunts make it just like the first 2 films in terms of style and soundtrack. After the events of of Alien 1 it is realized by Earths Military that the planet Ripley landed on had a alien life on board it, intrigued by the possibilities of a new life form the military occupies and builds their colony to learn and study it. During the process of building and capturing the Alien, have the Aliens overwhelm the military personal and colony and a desperate last stand of humans against them and the newly discovered Alien Queen. This of course will lead into the events of Aliens where they bring back Ripley and have her take the military team back to the colony to do what they did in the second film.
  10. yea he usually has things from Gundam up for preorder, i know HLJ just got them in about a day or 2 agao, but i forgot to post it.
  11. it looks like the 1/200 HCM Pro Deactive Mode Box Set for the Strike Freedom and the Destiny Gundam is out. Is anyone here planning on getting it?
  12. hi it just came on over here in MA, it was on from Midnight to 12:30 so you might have missed it, i do not know if it is going to be on every week. it was pretty good the animation was quite good and the story was neat, i hope you get a chance to see it. chris
  13. right now there is no new Master Pieces coming out for the Trandformers line, if i recall the next one is from a differnet series (whose name seems to elude me at this time) so it seems that the MP is not reserved to just transformers. oh by the way i see you are new here, welcome to the site. i hope you enjoy your time here. chris.
  14. My younger brother Shawn seemed to speak highly of XBox live, I am not sure if it might be the games you are playing I heard some games work way better then others.
  15. i like all of the battles myself, sorry i am a special effects kind of guy seeing the Metal Siren in action is awesome, I have always wondered what a sqaudron of these could do. chris
  16. I was wondering the same thing, i heard they were about 5 to 6 inches. I have a few nice gashapon figures here that are around that size, it is not to bad. chris
  17. awesome I cannot wait for this to come out. chris
  18. is the game now out? i did not realize it was . chris
  19. as long as they do not edit out all of the guns and replace them with walkie talkies like they did in E.T. we should be Ok. chris
  20. thanks guys i am really thinking about picking it up, is there any other figured you guys really recomend? does anyone have pics of there Gouf Emsia, i have seen tons of links for it, but i would love to see some pictures of someones personal one from their collection. chris
  21. funny you should mention the hip hop soundtrack, aliitle bit ago when i said they would hire musicians and wrestlers, i could picture 50cent running through the jungle with the wrestler fireing machine guns at the Predator while hip hop music played in the background (shudder ) I am totaly not wanting to see this film, I like the original the way it is. chris
  22. sadly i can see the new version being toned down incredibly and getting a PG-13 rating like they did with Doom, the game for that was really scary but the movie was more of a comedy.
  23. that thought is even worse, i like the first 2 Aliens movies even more then I liked Predator, I am fearing that they will just overhype the film with goofy one liners. chessy CGI and silly untalented pop musician and wrestling stars in a attempt to reach the 13 to 16 year olds. that is why I am dreading this movie. as for the third and fourth Aliens i fully agree with you on that one
  24. as for AVP we are getting a confirmed sequel , so officially our suffering is not yet over. chris
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