I still think they should make a prequel and sequel of sorts, have it take place between Alien and Aliens even make the film visually identical and bring back Bishop to show continuity, no goofiness or silly stunts make it just like the first 2 films in terms of style and soundtrack. After the events of of Alien 1 it is realized by Earths Military that the planet Ripley landed on had a alien life on board it, intrigued by the possibilities of a new life form the military occupies and builds their colony to learn and study it. During the process of building and capturing the Alien, have the Aliens overwhelm the military personal and colony and a desperate last stand of humans against them and the newly discovered Alien Queen. This of course will lead into the events of Aliens where they bring back Ripley and have her take the military team back to the colony to do what they did in the second film.