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Everything posted by zeo-mare

  1. ahh... a Gundam X and Gundam XX would be most awesome, i think there is a very good chance of us seeing them at some point in the near future. So do not give up hope just yet. chris
  2. another, i cannot wait for the destiny Gundam to come out, i am hoping maybe for a Legend Gundam or Strike Gundam after that. also this month is the release of the Blue Destiny, when i get that i will definetly post pictures.
  3. both freedoms, this new figure is the nicest so far of the Cosmic Region series, even with its short comings, if they could have made the wings longer and kept the gold parts it would be perfect.
  4. the backside, the wings are still the short version like you see on the HG kits i wish to god they could have made them sleeker like the Mg kit for the normal freedom, they also looks less exciting without the gold parts but they are still light years ahead of the normal CR Freedom Gundam.
  5. so far it is a nice figure it is not however as poseable as i had hoped, i was praying that the RX-78 Ver.ka was a new phase in Gundam Fix figures i guess not I also hate the fact that they took the gold of the wings
  6. just got this in now, i will take more pics in alittle bit. the gold looks really nice on it, i wish it still had the gold on the wings, but they changed those parts to grey.
  7. when you say they are easy to ruin, do they fall or flake apart? i just want to be careful when placing the ones i have on. chris
  8. it looks pretty good so far i look forward to seeing more. chris
  9. I let the Toy guys play with themselves... um, I mean, play with their valks. 351696[/snapback] i have the normal vf-11, it was tight as first. but it seems to have completely worn out, i do not play with it at all it was just on the shelf and it seems like the joints got weaker over time and just failed, it will no longer stand up. some of the polycaps are hard to get to and i cannot find a way to make them tight again with out taking it seriously apart . chris
  10. hi it looks very nice, I love the clean look to it. i was wondering are the joints loose on yours?
  11. Hi thanks very much that is the one i am looking for, just out of curiosity i have three questions i was wondering if you could help me on. is it worth the money? is it poseable? and how big is it? thanks chris
  12. Hi guys i was not sure if this belongs in this section or the Models section, the models section seems more for macross only. if it is in the wrong section i am very sorry. I wanted to get one of these for my collection but i wanted to see some pics for it first. I found very little on Google for some reason mainly boxart and not completed kits. I heard these were the same size as the deluxe figure that was released back in the 1980's is this true? if anyone has any pics or links that could help please let me know. thanks so very much chris
  13. hi Anubis I was wondeing about the decals how good do they work? i have 2 sets right now but i wanted to find out from you first. i got some bandai decals a year or so ago (not gundam ones) and they fell all apart upon touching water. how well do these work within water. chris
  14. I wish, i would love for something like this. it would make for a great christmas present. chris
  15. 1/48 for me
  16. is Night Court on DVD yet? if so how good is the video and audio quality for it? chris
  17. still it is right around the corner, the end of the month will be here faster then you know it. i had better start saving now. chris
  18. really is it already time for it to come out, damn i am really short on cash this month. chris
  19. hi vfxraven19 just out of curiousity where is the V antenna for your Aegis gundam?
  20. the only place you are going to find one of these is Ebay, i am not sure if there are any up right now but you might want to check. chris
  21. wow there goes my money for a few months.
  22. nice looking if i get it i will definetly paint it. i will probably get rid of most the yellow light up parts and paint them gold, i might just keep the eyes. chris
  23. i am looking forward to seeing the new Voice Dolls, i wonder is there a version of "Four" coming out? I would love to see one of her or maybe the rah statues. chris
  24. i also grew up with Voltron. but i like gaigaigar alot as well. chris
  25. sweet i wish i had room for it. chris
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