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Everything posted by zeo-mare

  1. sorry double post, stupid computer
  2. tons of awesome finds, the only draw back is that these will cost me a few more hundered dollars out of my pocket
  3. i intend to keep mine in mech mode so it is no problem at all. chris
  4. it looks awesome, i really need to pick this up, but i really need another Ikea cabinet first.
  5. yea it was mentioned a litle bit ago, the figure does look awesome however, it is definetly on my list of things to buy. chris
  6. it is from the Advance of Z series, it was mainly books and stuff that they made, but the designs have beome very popular, there is a nice 1/72 G-system kit of it out. chris
  7. the Blue Destiny is now out, i may order one from HLJ this week if i have enough money
  8. thanks i usually like my gundams clean and not battle worn, by the way have you been working on anything new? i have not seen anything new from you in a while, i remember you were working on the strike gundam last.
  9. my next kit is the HGUC Marasai with a custom paint scheme. it is coming out well so far but there is still alittle more work that needs to be done.
  10. Xekueins, this on rocks it is a very good size and has excellent detail on it.
  11. i am definetly getting it and the Palace Athene, my only problem with the gold plating is the fact that you have to cut it at the sprue which makes it look ugly, if you sand it down then you will ruin it, i plan on possibly painting mine from top to bottom anyhow. i just finished these two off. they are two of the nicer HGUC on the market, The Bandai waterslide decals work wonders on these.
  12. it is no problem at all, it happens to all of us, do not worry about it. chris
  13. isnt this the giant lego star wars episode 3 star destroyer? if so we already have a thread to it. it is the one where george lucas donates in the title chris
  14. excellent both the Pallace Athene and Akatsuki look good which is the only 2 kits that i really want to get right now, the MG Nemo looks nice as well, it looks a lot bigger then before, before in the pictures it seemed quite short now it seems to be the size of the rick dias
  15. well i just ordered mine i will definetly post pictures when i get it in. chris
  16. i would love to see some of your macross kits if you have any. chris
  17. that guntank is sweet, by the way welcome to the site chris
  18. the best way that i can think of is with a tamiya clear green you can pick up a jar from image anime for about $2.00 chris
  19. i really am looking forward to seeing pics as well. chris
  20. when i get mine i will definetly post pictures and a reveiw i am so getting one, but i really need to go over my money first, even worse is the GFF Blue Destiny is coming out this month as well as the upcoming GPB armor and some other things i want(including a third Ikea case) i have to tred carefully
  21. that is the Xi Gundam, i would kill for a nice MG kit of it. chris
  22. i take it when you guys are done painting and cut it from the sprue you do not sand the peice?, if so doesnt that just mess the paint job up? i usually cut all the parts from the sprue then sand down the peice where i cut it then airbrush or paint it. this gives the best result. chris
  23. i thought it was coming on christmas eve or christmas day?
  24. i think everyone helped out, and i am very grateful for that. as for toynami bashing i do not take it to serious, but i have had bad experiences with their Alphas i had 2 and both broke pretty much right out of package, sadly that is not a joke so i understand where the bashing sometimes comes from and why it takes place. chris
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