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Everything posted by zeo-mare

  1. That is all you say??? that is a grand collection I love the giant size Astro Boy and Super Robots (Mazinger, Grendizer) chris
  2. look around on sites like Gamefaqs, sometimes they have downloadable save game data for you. chris
  3. yea the Coreworks one looks nice, it has been out for alittle bit it cost around $130.00, sadly it has already sold out, so it may be alittle bit before they restock it again. chris
  4. hi yea i will post it in a little bit, buy the way the HG 1/550 is small just to let you know. the HGUC 1/144 has far better detail and is a definete attention grabber. chris
  5. I highly recomend it it is a awesome piece and the details are quite good for it. I was almost forced to sell mine but thankfully i did not
  6. yea i know how that feels. if i took all the extra parts i have from my GFF i could literly fill a entire room with, usually i will spread the wepons out among the other figures and give them something alittle extra.
  7. it is a statue and not a figure it looks pretty good in color , but you cannot pose it.
  8. well i just found my new favorite Gundam Fix The Blue Destiny came in today, i like this one alot, it seems to use the RX-78 Ver. ka frame to make it more poseable then the other fixes that are on the market. I like the grunt the most mainly because of its simple colors it seems that the Gundam mode has to many colors on it. the 2 tone blue looks fantastic. I thought about maybe giving it one red shoulder pad to spice things up. Chris
  9. actually i was joking around, i know that the part comes off and was making fun of the fact that he was missing his crotch, he had the Valk posed without it, even though everything else in the picture is complete. it looked really funny that is why i mentioned it. it loked like Loraine Bobbit (sp?) got ahold of him. chris
  10. Try Image Anime and Big Bad Toystore, I believe both are still taking preorders. even though both are in the USA they get there import orders very quickly only like a week or so after Hobby Link Japan. They are both reliable and have fast and inexpenisve shipping. chris
  11. woohoo like the title says in the auction "drive this baby down the street", actually i would love to see someone try before getting flagged down by the police Ebay auction chris
  12. hi i do not know how much info there is on the VA-3 in real life or if it was just something whipped up quickly for the release and they did not do a real extensive background for it. I have never seen really any other paint jobs for it. i am sure if you wanted you could just create your own. by the way i should not have mentioned the one on ebay now i can see you are going to bid against me chris
  13. War films are my thing, I prefer the WWII films the most but i do love the Modern and Vietnam films as well. DasBoot, Directors Cut Black Hawk Down Saving Private Ryan Band of Brothers Enemy at the Gates, (another good movie looks like the director watched private ryan before making this one) Tora Tora Tora (what pearl harbor should have been) Full Metal Jacket Chris
  14. studio halfeye version? i was just bidding on one on ebay and looking to get one in the wanted section as for price I am not sure on yahoo japan they go for about $150.00 when they sell the one on ebay is up to $113.00, you can find pics on the main site. as you know there is more to this site then the forums. there is some pretty decent pictures in the model section, I want to get one and paint it and keep it in the fighter mode. i think the other modes are ugly. Edit: here is the link http://www.macrossworld.com/macross/models/she/she_main.htm Chris
  15. i would really like to see pictures as well, this is one of those kits i have always wanted but have never got around to building. chris
  16. i was going to make that exact same joke about it when i first saw it.
  17. nice i would love to see a custom GPB for these figures, by the way what happened to your VF-1J's crotch?
  18. slightly bigger picture, yup the weirdest GFF as of yet. this little guy is going to look strange on my shelf. chris
  19. this looks really nice, i may look into these. chris
  20. any pics of yours? I just ordered mine so hopefully it will be here soon. chris
  21. I have ordered from them many times in the past and i plan to do so many times again, there services are quite good. chris
  22. i heard even though they are labeled 1/100 they are alittle bigger. chris
  23. Happy New Years Macrossworld , I wish you all a safe and happy night. Chris Reynolds and Family
  24. Yes, the front part of the GBP-1S's back pack booster is detachable. No, you cannot attach a regular FAST Pack version on it. Graham 356357[/snapback] what is underneath? since it detaches is there any sort of inner detail? chri
  25. hi i have heard all good things about the Zeta 2.0, i am holding off on mG kits right now and focusing on other things. by the way do you have any bigger pictures of your X Divider? chris
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