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Everything posted by zeo-mare

  1. do not worry, i am certain you will see one and most likely this year as well. chris
  2. A EMSiA BuCUE??? Sweet I am really looking forward to that one. I really want to see the prototype for it. chris
  3. My baby, and one of my most expensive toys, or at least until I get my Gunbuster this is a old picture. right now this box is wrapped in bubblewrap and stored away until i get my next Ikea Detolf. this thing has to be seen to be believed, you should see the imagination that went into designing him. it looks like the Gun Buster is of the same calibre some I am really hopefully for it. every little part moves, i only played around with him for a few minutes but was blown away with the amount of parts and movement. the thing on your first try transforming and looking at the manual can take over a hour because there is so much tha moves and changes. when i get my case i will be keeping him in Getter 1 mode which is the nicest. by the way if anyone here has Studio halfeye stuff please post pictures this could become one of the greatest threads on this site in my veiw. if you guys have anything please post pictures and reveiws, specially the VF-5000B
  4. Here are the Simple Change Series, despite being called simple they are anything but, the Dragon Kizer has tons of precolored parts, they are about the size of a Gundam MSIA, i want to get the Getter Dragon and Getter Robo if i can. I also have the Exkaiser but have not got him in yet, Rinkya just shipped so maybe i will post pics when i get him.
  5. here is my Shin Getter 1, it is very cool quite a good size for him, bigger then the Soul of Chogokin Getter Robo and Getter Dragon. alot of good detail and the ability to split apart into the main 3 ships is really neat. almost every little part transforms on him in some way or another, it is only when you own it and play around with it do you realize the detail and creativity that went into designing it. I want to get the Getter 2 soon as well.
  6. hi most of there new stuff is already assembled like a toy, so there is no sanding or anything. they are made out of precolored resin and are hand assembled by them. so once you get it you are already to display. you can use a screwdriver to tighten the screws so they will hold there poses better. I have a Shin Getter that is similar to the one you show as well as a few other things. there are 2 versions of the getter 1 i have the other it is almost the same. you should check out there Perfect Change Getter Robo it is incredible, it is about 10 inches tall and the details on it are amazing almost every part transforms in some way or another. I have mine but i am leaving it in the package for now until i get my next Ikea case. I also love there mini change Dragon Kizer and Great Exkaiser. I am hoping the Gunbuster will be big as well it already looks awesome, and for over $500.00 it had better be all the stuff you posted is preassembled, watch out though there are 2 gaofighgars one is ready to display the other needs to be painted and put together. chris
  7. as a big Studio Halfeye collector I am really looking forward to this, i am hoping to save up some money this year and pick one up. I am still waiting to get my last God Sigma Gravion. chris
  8. the Mods did not want anymore Animated Gifs so they may have put some sort of block in place to those who try to upload them on our site. chris
  9. well that is pretty cool. chris
  10. a girl rubbing her breasts
  11. i agree, i liked the one you had originally alot better i could watch it all day.
  12. nice avatar jwinges but i do not know if you noticed your title where it says "no animated avatars" that is not a joke the Administration does not want animated avatars anymore that is why he is pulling them down left and right. you might want to pull it before you get suspended. chris
  13. it is limited and cost about $250.00 to $300.00 on yahoo Japan, it is already out and i am still trying to get one. you could only get it through a special order that one of the japanese magazine was having. you had to pay about the same for it as what it is going for online. chris
  14. I do not like it, i will just stick with the GFF version . wow the hands are huge on it
  15. yea i knew about the zgok, but there has been nothing mentioned after that. i heard rumors of the G-Gundam and Nobel Gundam but nothing more. I would like a Hazel myself it seems to have become a popular design something tells me you will be seeing a MG kit this year. i am hoping this year we will see a GFF Gundam X/ Gundam XX and a Victory Gundam chris
  16. the Guncannon should be out this month if I recall. does anyone know what is next after it? chris
  17. the difference is quite small, you can probably get away with useing some of the Fix figures with their HGUC counterparts. also it seems that some of the newer Fix figures are alittle bigger, i am certain that the RX-78 Ver Ka. is about the same size as the HGUC one, in that picture they show the Perfect Gundam (Minus its armor). i am also not sure how accurate the HG 1/144 Freedom Gundam is compared to the Cosmic Region one, even though there may be a few little difference there is a posibility that you might be able to get away with useing the Cosmic Region Freedom with the HGUC Meteor. Chris
  18. i have been wondering the same thing myself for awhile, i would love to know if it fits, the HG Freedom looks like crap i would much rather use the Cosmic region one. chris
  19. i am definetly getting this when the us stores start carrying it. i will post pictures when i do. chris
  20. For me Gundam Fix Studio Halfeye stuff and Chogokins. I never seem to have any money left anymore. chris
  21. prime is the only one i like, but i wish it was Ironhide instead. chris
  22. i was shocked by that to, no arnold DNA? I am a little disapointed... by the way this thread is getting alittle off topic lets try and get back on it. chris
  23. agreed beast looks different in the film, i believe he has clothes as well ...thankfully Juggernaught on the other hand looks really crappy, i am very disapointed with this one. I am hopeing much like the figure of beast this is not what he will look like in the film. chris
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