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Everything posted by zeo-mare

  1. hi thanks, mine has a scuff on one leg, i just wanted to see if they are all like this. hopefully the Dragon Kizer will be better. thanks chris
  2. hi i might be intersted where are they being shipped fom? thanks chris
  3. sorry i did not read the thread, i just zoomed down and saw the pictures
  4. hi great work i though really quickly that it was a yamato, do you have any pictures of it in battroid mode? chris
  5. by the way how is the plastic on yours? mine had some little scuffs here and there as well as marks from where the pieces were cut from the sprues. chris
  6. and of course the Palace Athene, this looks like a real good year for HGUC so far they are looking much better now with far better proportions and details then a few years ago.
  7. I've actually been waiting for a Dodge Ram to be done as an alternator. True, this one should have been ironhide, but I guess Prime tends to sell better. The robot mode is a little funky. I like the vehicle mode a lot, though. I'll probably wait for the binaltech version since I am tired of collecting cheap plastic looking toys. I am really hoping that the black version will look ten times better and possibly will have a different looking head that can pass for ironhide. Custom anybody? 363303[/snapback] if they do a black version it will probably be Trailbreaker. chris
  8. well here it is the full color Dragon Kizer and the combined Great Exkaiser I am very impressed, it looks far better then I thought it would from the early pictures. the gaofighgar is looking real nice as well. these will be great chogokins for anyones collection Edfit: crap we posted the same time, i will leave my link up however the picture is alittle bigger http://cgi.2chan.net/y/src/1137990396507.jpg
  9. as posted in the other section, but it belongs more here, i am surprised by the AGG but i am not really a big fan of the design, it is one of the strangest yet for the zeonography series.
  10. really a Ems-05 Agg? wow we are getting some strange Zeon suits this time
  11. your probably talking about the Gabthley and Hambrabi i expected no less, I am praying for a Marasai myself, which i think has some of the best chances of the series to be made. chris
  12. a Gunbuster? cool, i still want to get the Studio Halfeye one first. chris
  13. just got there email all i can say is YOU SUCK AMAZON.COM all well..... easy come easy go i guess.....
  14. because i think he wants to see pictures by the way could you post pics of your MK II? thanks chris
  15. yea i figured it was not a error but i though it seemed like a really good price for it so i posted it for anyone who might be intersted in it. chris
  16. $56.00...it looks like those are from independent sellers on the side that have it new and used. it does not seem like Amazon is accepting any more orders. i did not cancel my order but i do not know if amazon will. chris
  17. it looks like the Eva set is no longer for sale . so i think we are out of luck, by the way where is this rhaxephon set? i found none that were priced way off. does anyone have a link chris
  18. do not know if this is a deal Metal Gear Solid 3 for about $10.00? i do not have a PS2 so i do not know the prices of their games MGS 3
  19. we should take a good look through there list and see if we find anything and post it here. chris
  20. i figured it was a error because of the list price of $9.99, i wonder how many more errors there are like this on their site? we should take another look at their dvds and stuff, there may be some more hidden goodies on there site that we have yet to notice. chris
  21. wow that is a hell of a price. chris
  22. there is still a person on the board with a similar name "bad mother focker" wether or not this is the same person remains to be seen. he signed on to the site very early on looks like around the time the site was upgraded so it may be him, but he has not posted since March of 2005 so it looks like he dropped off the boards some time ago. http://www.macrossworld.com/mwf/index.php?showuser=950 chris
  23. i wish i still had a Hobbytown over here, we used to have 2 of them but they both closed down years ago, it is where i used to pick up my old gundam and macross kits. chris
  24. now i got the link, some real funny stuff in there.
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