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Everything posted by zeo-mare

  1. hi i have not checked a few pages back but i have seen no mention of these yet they look great. Silver Myth Cloth Crystal http://store.imageanime.com/sasesimycl.html Hades Shun http://store.imageanime.com/sasehashp.html chris
  2. battle beast were awesome, i had a ton of these, yea the sunburst were released here there were a few of them, the Laser Burst were not sold here however and were only released in japan they still go for a fortune chris
  3. first on my list is a huge kitbash of the Bandai and Coreworks Strike Freedom, I am useing the Wings and weapons as well as a few other parts from the MG Strike Freedom, I will also be useing some parts from the Neograde Strike Freedom Evolve and some diecast boosters from AKO Hobby second is a MG Crossbone Gundam X-2, i am useing a few parts form the Coreworks kit as well as the X Boosters on the back from Neograde, diescast boosters from Mechaskunk and Akohobby are also on this kit. I made a custom lance for it useing a lance that Mechaskunk had up for the Gyan, it is very similar to the one the X-2 has i added custom decals as well as a few parts from the EX-S to it to make it stand out.i have to take some new pics i hate the fact that the camera picks up dust but i for some reason cannot see any at all. the unfinished lance (need to take better picture off so you can see the detail and no dust) third is the Saviour Gundam kitbash, i am useing the 1/100 HG kit, the MG Strike Freedom, the Neograde Strike Freedom Evolve and some other parts to be determind as i go along. i think it will look good in the end it still has alot more work that needs to be done on it (mainly the chest) and it is only about 10% done. it is much more poseable then before and already far more sleeker chris
  4. here is the next Gundam Fix, it is a grunt based off of the ZII. but what caught my eye is the fact that it says in the corner Gundam Ace Fix? is this some sort of new Fix series.
  5. this loser has been spamming the Hobbyfanatics board as well.
  6. the next gundam fix figure is confirmed to be the RX-78 Mushya Gundam, i would love a Heavy Command Gundam as well, but i would much raher see a MG of these. chris
  7. I also prefer to paint all my kits , it takes time and i have a huge backlog of kits i need to finish but in the end they look much better. chris
  8. yea i grabbed paper mario today it is real good so far i like it alot. chris
  9. ughh. i do not want to see this . chris
  10. i think it is just a place holder myself but you never know. chris
  11. it could be a classic style rx-78 useing new technolgy to produce it but have it based on the anime and line art from the late 70's and early 80's as a tribute of the mech that started it all. chris
  12. looks real good, i like the display stand as well.
  13. full decked out Kampfer
  14. yes the Pro's are nice i have been decaling them all up latley they look real good. i will have to take pis of the doga's and sazabi, here is the gundam x fix and kampfer i like these 2 alot. do you have any good pics of the acctual Emisa sazabi and Nu? i would love to see what they really look like out of package
  15. i love it, i think it is one of my favorite macross pieces in my collection, at least until the SV-51 comes out. chris
  16. woohoo ground type gundam all i need is the Gouf custom now i just got the GFF Gundam X it is one of my favorite fixes so far all i need now is my Victory gundam and I am all set for the most part. i will post some pics soon. chris
  17. i definetly want to get the Hi-nu, i wish it looked more like the Coeworks version but it will definetly do for now. damn there is alot of nice kits coming out this year. chris
  18. does anyone have a pic of the biggest Orgroid along side a yamato 1/48? i want to see how big they are. chris
  19. these sound, good, i like that they are finally releasing a dual armor Cosmic region figure, the Strike Noir sounds cool to, but i want a CR version of it for the details. the GFF Gundam X is also out and looks awesome. chris
  20. edit: the icing on the cake it has both Rondo original and SOTN, which is awesome. chris
  21. zeo-mare

    VF-0S MAX

    awesome work on this, i love the color scheme chris
  22. yes it is a awesome figure it stands almost 12 inches and is quite big, i like the Getter 1 mode the best, i got mine for around $300.00 off yahoo Japan Auactions which is a good price. chris
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