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Everything posted by zeo-mare

  1. this is the better mode of the 2 the detail is very good, i had a few paint problems with some of the pieces in this mode, but I bought two of them so i just grabbed parts from the other one, it was nothing big just little things
  2. yea the Force Impulse is cool, it is my least favorite of all my HCM Pro, but it is still nice, i wish it had more detail, the UC Gundams look much better in hcm pro format. I got my stuff in today here is the Guncannon it is really cool, once again they are not very poseable but i am used to it.
  3. yup i have seen the pictures for it already and it does look good, i am wondering if it will have the beam sheild for it on the final.
  4. wasnt Sgt Slaughter a Gi Joe mail in figure? i also could have swore i got a Gold Chrome Viper Character
  5. is this it i got it off of Hobbysearch
  6. agreed, i thought the first film seemed better all around, as for the quality, the first movie that was subbed and online for downloading was far better and very high quality visually, i hope when they sub this one maybe they will have the same thing. i would love to buy the original dvd but i cannot understand japanese and it ruins the story for me, I have already seen the Zeta USA DVD set so i have a basic idea of what is taking place but a hour plus of dialoge and no understanding of it is kind of a turn off. chris
  7. i just finished watching the Zeta Movie 2, it was good, i did not like it as much as the first movie, maybe when i see the subbed version i will think better of it. the picture quality is not as high as the First Movie that i downloaded, also there is some annoying writing on the screen for the entire thing, in the top corner it says "Sample" and in the bottom it says " a date with some Japanese writing" all in all, it is a good find i cannot wait to see the subbed version
  8. I am certain i have seen it on other things including some of my other Gundam dvds that i am certain he did not work on. . Edit just looked up it on Wikipedia, they handle producing and distributions http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bandai
  9. Zaku Warrior Set, I love these i hope they make another set for the Blue Slash Zaku and the orange one. then i would be all set, I added some decals it is a shame the are U.C. decals and do not look right but i do not mind i think it makes them look better. i will have to find some really good Seed Decals someday soon. I also got the HGUC Shiranui Akatsuki Gundam but i cannot seem to get any good pictures of it, the gold plating just is not coming out right, maybe when i finish putting it together i will try to take more pictures of it, it is a nice kit by the way. chris
  10. here is the Force Impulse, I really need some decals for this figure it looks so plain for some reason. even though I have no regrets on buying it.
  11. I love the fact that it come with his mom in the capsule here is pictures of the MK II Set all I need now is the Zeta and it will look complete, the MK II set is real nice it comes with a ton of weapons and stuff for it, as well as some great details
  12. this is one of the best ideas i have seen in a long time. chris
  13. ehhh, it looks ok, i like the fact that it is really poseable but it looks like they could have done better with the details, I got the Hcm-pro MK II set and Zaku Warrior set as well as a few other things this week, i will post the pictures in a few minutes
  14. awesome, i wish there was a way to make the Agg by itself, it would be cool to have all 3 on display, i only want to get 2 however
  15. it looks awesome, i have the say the final version with the decals on it look even better then i thought. chris
  16. the difference between them are as follows. MSIA standard issue Gundam action figures, made of PVC. EMSIA newer Gundam action figures feature far better poseablity details and paintjobs. Gundam Fix high end figures featuring tons of details and weapons and are not very poseable, more like mini pvc statues with limited movement, however the newer ones have gotten better HCM-Pro much smaller 1/200 scale figurs made of ABS plastic have very good details and poseability for there size, also highly recomended
  17. The MK II Titan is nice, the colors and paint jobs on all the ones I have seen have been quite good. i do not mind that it does not come with a display stand at all and at least you get the Barzam as well, most of the GFF are not very poseable and this is another good example , but the figure is still real nice. i cannot wait to see the katoki version of the G Gundam and Nobel Gundam, even though I am not a real fan of the G gundam series ( I did not mind it however) I do think the G Gundam itself is a great design, i am hoping this one will be very poseable like the Mg version or down the line of a EMSIA .
  18. cool about the new figures, i can see there is alot coming out in the next year, which is good for us fans. chris
  19. The Xi is nice, the gundam itself is quite sleek. i have it set up as the xi and the dragon along side it, the dragon kind of sucks, it looks great but many of the parts do not stay on at all the penelope is cool but alittle to excessive and bulky . chris
  20. hi there is no news of the xekueins, as for first time collectors. i love the Blue Destiny, Nu Gundam and Crossbone X-1. you cannot go wrong with those. as for the Zeonography series the Gouf / Efreet is real nice. chris
  21. Hi , yea i agree when the backpack is up i can see it falling over non stop. however since it is in flight mode it will most likely have a display stand to keep it from falling. I just ordered the HCM-Pro Zaku Warrior set and Mk II set from Image Anime I will post pictures when they come in. I have a ton of cool stuff coming in this week and next i cannot wait. HCM-Pro Zaku Warrior Set HCM-Pro MK II G-defensor Set HCM-Pro Force Impulse Gundam HGUC 1/144 Shirnaui Akatusaki (sp?) Gundam Fix Guncannons (got 2 so i can pose both versions) Studio Halfeye Perfect Change Getter Robo Studio Halfeye Simple Change King Exkaiser and hopefully a new Ikea case to display them all in it is going to be a great week. chris
  22. I do not know if this has been posted yet, Infinite Justice Cosmic Region first pic.
  23. I am looking forward to seeing the official katoki line art for these 2, the 2 pictures that are shown above are older pics for the cartoon done by someone else. i am more waiting for the Zeta 2 myself
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