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Everything posted by zeo-mare

  1. oh heck yea i am so getting one
  2. somehow i see it being a soc like the getter robo, a diecast non transformable robot and 2 smaller plastic style ships with it
  3. here is something you guys might be intersted in, it is a 1/100 MG style model kit of the Huckebein MK II from Super Robot Wars these were inspired by Gundams and it is a very nice design. as of this point the only kits available in 1/100 were expensive resin kits. Kotobukiya released really nice 1/144 of this and the MK I a little while back I can only imagine how nice a 1/100 will be. here is hoping for a 1/100 MK I http://www.hlj.com/product/KBYKP-14
  4. this one has a different backpack weapon system, but the main mech looks to be the same. chris
  5. i preordered it and the SHE Mightgaine, i will post a reveiw when it comes in. chris
  6. the Getters are definetly mine, the dougram looks awesome to, if it sells well you may see more dougram mechs
  7. actually 1/144 is not bad i have the normal aktuskui and it is very nice. in fact of all the HGUC seed models it is the best. chris
  8. he does not look to bad, i will need to see color pictures of him first, hopefully he will not be full of neon and awkward colors, if they can stick with G1 style colors he should be awesome. chris
  9. thanks so very much, one last thing how tall are these? chris
  10. hi Solscud007 do you have any more pics of it? i was wondering maybe if you had any action poses, i want to pick one up but i was wondering if it is really all that poseable. chris
  11. are those the slighty bigger alternators style bootlegs we saw a little while back in these threads?
  12. wasnt that suppossed to be Mirage, but he is Blue and white from what i saw. maybe this is the first repaint, perhaps Dragstrip from the Stunticons?
  13. http://www.seibertron.com/media/commercial...%20Bonus%20Misc 380921[/snapback]
  14. indeed the new version of Pegasus Seiya and Dragon Shiryu are awsome and vastly superior to the old ones chris
  15. i am wondering if this is true, there is a playstation 1 emulator already on the web for your pc but it is not completly working yet and requires a high powered pc, i am not sure if the PSP can handle it yet, most of the emulators for arcade games were running slow still. and i do not recall hearing about a PS1 emulator full working yetor even halfway working. you will also need to find the roms and Iso's for the games which is getting hard for certain PS-1 games. it sounds neat but i am pretty certain this is still way off. chris
  16. it is mainly roms of the earlier games with no difference, however i have played Gradius Gaiden for the Playstation 1 (i believe that is on there) it is one of the best gradius games made besides Gradius V and Salamader 2. it is worth the price just for that game. chris
  17. awesome collection you are the only one i know who poses them without the armor on by the way. you should also pick up the other thrones that show up on ebay they are much nicer there are 2 different ones includeing a new one that it chrome red for the evil pope. chris
  18. i prefer the original soundtrack itself, not the songs with lyrics but the orchestra style music in the background. i cannot really stomach the actual songs with lyrics, does anyone remember Dare to be Stupid
  19. wow the prime looks cool, i am definetly picking this up, as for the TF movie, i have the whole soundtrack on my Mp3 player good stuff.
  20. i am not sure if this is what you are looking for but it is the only one i can find
  21. i hope it is real, it would be awesome, i hope it comes with the crown, shoulderpads and cape as well. chris
  22. I was wondering the same thing, i went and checked HLJ and it is not out yet. you can also see the wrong color V antenna, maybe it is a prototype that someone swiped from one of the toy shows. i have seen it happen alot in the past. chris
  23. just noticed that, how would you rate the RX-78 as a toy by the way? i thought it looked weak, is it sturdy and really really poseable? i have the Gouf, Zaku and MK II Titan, and want to get more but the newest ones look to cheap made for me. chris
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