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Everything posted by zeo-mare

  1. i was hoping for a f-90 / f-91 for along time I am looking forward to this one, all i need now is a zeonagraphy Sazabi/ Nightingale and the Xeku Zwei and I will be all set.
  2. oops beat me to it, yes looks like image anime got some more if anyone wants one. also Aegis I used gun markers to panel line it, it was a bitch, i used the fine line for little details and the big black one for the main parts, i need some new gundam markers mine are wearing down might I add. awesome kit to I definetly recommend it. looks like thy are also getting in a few months a repaint of TF Hound in desert scheme look pretty cool. actually they may seem expensive for shipping but it does not take long, they only ship UPS. for me in MA they usually get here in about a day or 2. I have ordered from them alot and have never had a problem.
  3. actually not quite, even with the gundam boom in the usa, in massachusetts i still have a hard time finding Gundam 1/100 models even a the 2 Toys R Us in the region and even at some of the malls, i do not know how long it wil take for these Gundam seed kits to hit the USA even with the release of the series. this figure (astray) appears later down the line in the cartoon, they may release it about 6 months from now. and it sounds like he is looking for one now
  4. Image Anime in New York had some that is were I got mine, looks like they will be getting some restocks soon. they are also in the US http://matrixcollectibles.site.yahoo.com/ awesome Model. a bitch to panel line.
  5. btw the arm sheild looks like it was from the MG Patlabor. was it?
  6. you made this woah, i have been wanting to get the jinroh normal figure thought it looked awesome, but this looks 10 times better you did a incredible job on it. what type of stuff did you use to customize it anyhow? you mention you got the custom armor from ebay? what parts are from ebay and what did they used to go to? you must post up more of your customs as you do them keep up the excellent work
  7. if i recall coreectly the names got reversed for the cartoon, the toy names are correct,
  8. I am very impressed, I thought I had a nice collection
  9. I am a artist I think I am better then these guys any day actually i have not drawn Superman in a while, so I am probally rusty.
  10. this is false ebay will never send anything like this in a email, never submit a password through email, I get these alot ,you will get more down the line , the scammers never stop doing this, you may also get some from paypal as well, never submit they just want to get your passwords so they can screw your account, just delete that email. Chris
  11. hi, sorry if you mistook that , in no way did I mean you at all, i meant arafat209, a little while back some one had made the exact same statement about him, it was funny that they were trying to remove all aspects of his name and existence, it was like it was forbidden to even speak his name, and someone had made the harry potter reference of the villian "whos name shall not be spoken" so that is why it was said , by the way those are your auctions huh? they look very nice you would not happen to have the Strike Valk would you? always wanted one of those.
  12. Hi RichterX , actually before I meant Arafat or the guys who name shall not be spoken, not Voldamort, though they may be the same guy with all the evil shill bidding names he has
  13. hi i have seen this new Transformers game play it does not look that bad, but I love the original Transformers. I do not want to start a new thread and it is a game for the PS-2 but does anyone know about this PS-2 Transformers game? it is out already, what do you think? I think it looks cool has anyone here played it? if so what do you think of it? http://cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewI...8103700087&rd=1
  14. hi i just got mine awesome figure, this is probally the nicest Transformer i have ever owned, i am looking forward to getting some of the Binaltechs to go with him, thanks to chowser for hooking me up with this great peice
  15. here is my favorite.
  16. yea that might help, a question always comes in handy i saw these 2 auctions up on ebay and they are the same pics, so i figure it has to do with them, maybe he curious about qaulity? or maybe he doubts the seller and wants to know if anyone could vouch for him, he also put up a seperate post for the super Ostrich as well ,it was a pretty simple post as well that did not give you to much of a idea of what he wants. maybe he want to make sure it is not a auction from you know who, mister he whos name shall not be spoken
  17. i think he is talking about these 2 auctions that are up the same guy has the elintseeker and the super ostrich, i think he has doubts they are authentic perhaps? and maybe wants to verify with the macross world memebers who know these things a little better, before he bids big money that these are real and not some sort of reissue or somehting http://cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewI...3191650291&rd=1 http://cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewI...3191651386&rd=1
  18. i think he is talking about these 2 auctions that are up the same guy has the elintseeker and the super ostrich, i think he has doubts they are authentic perhaps? and maybe wants to verify with the macross world memebers who know these things a little better, before he bids big money that these are real and not some sort of reissue or somehting http://cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewI...3191650291&rd=1 http://cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewI...3191651386&rd=1
  19. i look forward to this, I hope it is good.
  20. i have not tried it just yet for those joints on the 2 Gundams i am right now out of glue , it is also a matter of how weak the arms are normaly with the GP-02A Shield and the Zeta's Hyper Cannon being just alittle to big for there own good, so I am not sure what type of difference the glue will make.
  21. i guess it depens on what kind of glue you use, i know by bad experience that some of the glue littlerly melts the rubber, so be careful I cannot remember what type I used , as for the joints I mean the one below the shoulder of the zeta, (can not remember what it is called), not the blue part, but the white part upper half of the arm (hope you can follow what I mean, it is early and I am not quite awake yet)
  22. yea the super glue trick does work, the zeta gundam is real floppy the wings are horrible, the hands are weird to, they have a hard time holding the hyper mega launcher ,the joints at the top of the arm are weak to much like the GP-02A, but a little glue on the joints make them nice and tight.
  23. hi yea I really got to update that site, i used to have tons of pics, up but they all got deleted accidently. I do not have any of the glorious series. would like to have the Dom but there are so many other things to buy right now. the Dendrobium is my nicest kit so far, i also have the 1/100 deepstriker from G-system, which i still have yet to start, that will be the tie with the dendrobium. i do not think i am ready yet to tackle this type of project. i mainly just use gundam markers to paint mine every now and then i use conventional paint, but neve for the whole thing just small details, i do not have the time to paint them from scratch. below is one of my more favorites, we need a zeonagraphy of this one.
  24. i wish i could take pics of all my stuff.
  25. a couple more , yea the sd dendrobium is cool the full size is alot cooler
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