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Everything posted by zeo-mare

  1. Raystorm is nice, i love alot of classics and have gotten a chance to play some of the best shooters available, including Radiant Silvergun and Sapphire for the PC engine. most of the newest shooters have been very bland in my veiw and lack the true playabiltiy and balance as the shooters of yester year. my favorites are however Spriggan Pc Engine Blazing Lazers Pc Engine Soldier Blade Pc Engine Lords of Thunder Pc engine Guardian legend Nes Zanac Nes Zanac X Zanac PS1 Raystorm PS1 Radiant Silvergun Sega Raiden Fighters series arcade Brave Blade arcade Great Sorcerer Striker Dimahoo arcade Salamander 2 arcade Guwunage arcade there are so many others I like Ikaruga (see my avatar) Gradius V the Strikers 1945 series. this has always been my favorite genre of games and i always keep a eye out for the next batch, right now i am looking forward to playing Raiden III for the PC. chris
  2. i just decided to grab up the Galaxy Convoy one off of ebay tisinc had it for cheap plus i have some ebay coupons so i spent only around $41.00 with shipping. i cannot wait to get this. once a usa store starts to get the Optimus Prime one i will definetly grab that one up chris
  3. yup he looks awesome, i am definetly getting him i also want to pick up the Galaxy Convoy as well. chris
  4. cool looking does anyone know aboutt hat hcm-pro astray they show? i would love one of those. chris
  5. ha ha then i guess i am in trouble, if it has 2 figures as everyone is saying then they will both be posed, if it is one figure with configurable armor then i am going to pick up 2 so i can display them both. chris
  6. i have never liked the gerwalk myself, i will always keep mine in Fighter or Mech mode. i have never been fond of the design it always seemed like some halfway transformation that was accidently unintentional
  7. did you not see it? you posted the picture of it a few pages back i have seen the bigger pic of it on another site, it is the actual figure you see in the lower corner and it looks real nice, it is still missing the weapons and stuff but that is the figure itself
  8. yup got a chance to see these, it is a shame that the G-gundam is blocking the nobel gundam and i have already seen the finished ZII and EMSIA F Gundam. so nothing new there. the Seed Gouf looks promising though i wish he was a Emsia instead of a normal msia
  9. i do not know what is scarier the fact that they made him into a figure or the fact that he does not have pants now. chris
  10. there is also a limited edition orange seeker jet. sunfire, sunstorm,?
  11. they are abs plastic, they are quite nice and very poseable, you should try one out. chris
  12. here is the pic it looks pretty good so far.
  13. cool, when you say fygar do you mean Rygar? there is also some others like Xevious as well, i would love some Mega man and castlevania ones myself. chris
  14. here is the pictures of the Dragon Kizer box, it is showing up now on ebay so i am guessing it just came out. if anyone here gets it i hope they can do a review real soon
  15. i am not sure where you heard that, the PC Getter is real nice and my most liked peice in my collection, the thing about all she stuff including the upcoming Gunbuster is that the joints will get loose after time due to the material they are made out of , all She stuff comes with a small screwdriver to tighten the joints so you can lock it into the position you want. this is common in all she stuff, they make the joints loose out of box so you can easily transform it then tighten it so it holds position, maybe your friend did not know this. but i love the figures i have and am defiently getting the Gunbuster
  16. hi most She stuff is small, but there expensive perfect change stuff is usually bigger. i have their Getter Robo it is about 13 inches this will be about the same, remember unlike normal toylines, Studio Halfeye stuff is limited which makes it much more expensive it is also handmade unlike most toy companies which pump everything out by assembly lines, this is one of the reasons their stuff is more expensive then the normal toys also the fact that they use resin instead of plastic, if you look at any high end resin factory (G-system, B-club, Coreworks, Volks) you will see that resin kits are always exspenive and usually require painting and assembly. these are precolored and already assembled this adds to the cost of it. do not treat it like a normal toy see it as a rare highend collectible and you will not be dissapointed. i have a whole shelf of She stuff and i have yet to be dissapointed myself and i still have more on the way. chris off topic show off picture
  17. i watch it as well, i also like miltary history specially stuff from WW II as well as the history of weapons and vehicles. chris
  18. by the way nice cases, how much were they and where can i find some?
  19. do you have a picture of the other shelf? with the open figures chris
  20. here is the pics of the Great Exkaiser he looks very nice and the sword looks huge, i got these pictures from Robotjapan. i am looking forward to this release i already have the Exkaiser. Since this series is remakes of the classic Brave figures I wonder and pray that we will see a Brave Police J-Decker and a Brave Express Mightgaine at some point next
  21. could be a custom, the dumptruck looks like another TF figure from a few years back. chris
  22. you all have a point, i wonder how this is going to turn out, george had a hard enough time writing and plotting 3 new movies, for him to have to conceive 100 half a hour episodes (which is a tough feat for any show) sounds rather dishearting. this thing sounds like it is going to be expensive as hell to. george seems to like to use special effects alot, if this is a star wars show you can expect alot being used for it as well. chris
  23. yea i got their email this is what it said about the starscream MASTERPIECE MP-03 STARSCREAM: Takara has not yet officially announced this item, but all signs point to a fall release of the MP-03 Masterpiece Starscream! We've listed an preorder for the figure at $109.99, this price MAY CHANGE IN THE FUTURE, after Takara releases the official product info. We have estimated the retail price at $109.99 by comparing it to past Masterpiece releases. We have a few preliminary drawings of the figure uploaded, this 'teaser' card is supposedly packaged in the THS-02 Convoy packaging - which will be released in Japan later this week. We wanted to get this red-hot news out to you as soon as possible, please remember that the price and other details may change, but you can cancel or reduce your order at any time if needed. We'll update the site as soon as more information is known - stay tuned!
  24. both of the new figures look great, chris
  25. not really, they know people will buy it, people are already talking about so they know they can make big money still chis
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