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Everything posted by zeo-mare

  1. you know I have seen these lego posts for a little while now and I think it is time to post a message. i am seeing some excellent creations form all of you, it has been along time since i worked with legos, but this makes me want to buy some and get started i think we should have a custom page just for Legos constructions. keep up all of the incredible work guys and gals, i am very impressed with what I am seeing. chris
  2. zeo-mare

    1/48 fast pack

    hi i am not sure where on this site you can find the reveiw, if there is any. They attach very firmly and are definetly recomended for all 1/48, most people who buy the 1/48 are probally going to get these, they make the figure look much better. the extra peice hooks behind the head and keep the back pack in place, it comes in handy.
  3. good job on the Zeta, the Zaku is a nice kit to, as is the MK2 and Wing Zero. you would not happen to have a page of your collection pics would you? thanks chris
  4. zeo-mare

    Dirty Valk

    you see those wallscrolls all the time on ebay, they have a ton of them including someother nice ones as well.
  5. i like, kinda cool looking, looks like he also put a lot of effort into it i will definetly give him that. does anyone know if there are any macross toys big enough to fit a pc into? Chris Edited: really horrible engrish
  6. i look forward to seeing your collection Soze, is there any eva SOC that you think stand out more than another? if I ever decide to buy some i would like to get the best one first.
  7. you might also want to check out the Gaiking another nice one in the series. I also heard the tool belt for the Zambot was nice, do you have any pics of it? i would also like to see some pics of the SOC book , any recomendations to where to pick it up cheap? you look like you have a nice collection, i would love to see the rest of your stuff as well. keep up the collecting chris
  8. here is the Devil Wing and Getter Robos
  9. beat me to the review, mine is coming in this week. He looks real nice also you have a nice chogokin collection. mine is getting up there as well. wow the evas are on the small side arent they i was thinking bout getting them but i might pass. you might want to check out the Genesic Gaogaigar from Max Factory or the Devil Wing (though the wings are very loose on these) from Aoshima those are very nice as well. i am looking forward to getting the Mazinkaiser next
  10. looks promising, i like the second one alot. when is this one coming out?
  11. hey congratulations i wish you well with your new family. I bet you can not wait until you can buy him his first valk chris
  12. yea I basicly do the same thing use a sharpie, but i use rubbing alcohol instead t works great. i have never had a problem with my gundam kits.
  13. thanks i to am worried about panel lineing a $100.00+ toy, i am so used to models i am actually good at panel lineing I was just wondering how it comes out with the gundam markers, does it smudge or anything? and if you get a little on the outside of the panel line does it stain when you try to wipe it off? chris
  14. hey guys how well does a black Gundam fine line marker look on it? i just got a used 1/48, i intend to paneline, but i do not want to ruin it. thanks Chris edited: for horrible engrish
  15. WOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Indeed. look at the price i do not know if it is worth it but they can freekin keep it. http://cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewI...5903574574&rd=1
  16. the doms look nice mine are coming in this week, i just got the Madrock and G-05, cannot figure why they changed the name used to be called the Mudrock very nice additiion, the armor for mine stays on pretty well. so they did a very god job on this newest release, they are getting better as they go along, I can not wait to see the F-91 and F-90 it is about time chris
  17. God Rick looks stupid even worse they do not even have Dana in any sort of familiar Robotech style clothing, she looks like some sort of generic Barbi doll. they could have at least given her the uniform on the box, so the doll somewhat looks within the context of the character it represents. I do not really remember I was alittle young when Robotech first came out and did not follow the numbers of what sold and what did not sell, but was the Robotech merchandise succesful in the USA? after seeing this I can not imageine it being all to popular. I do remember that ugly Valk that could accept the GI joe sized figures. for the most part I should not bring that up, from the look of things most of you are still having a hard time getting this out of your mind, I do not want to add anyhting else horrible chris
  18. do you have any pics? I would love to see. yea I to hate the hands on the 1/48 they suck hard thanks Chris
  19. hi i need the R-A1 thru R-A4 for the Roy. I do not need the hand just the arm (from shoulder down to wrist) how much does this cost? also is there anyway i could sell the other arm off that i have? it is perfect and new. thnaks Chris
  20. Hi, no the 2 designs were quite popular before hand and bandai thought they could cash in, the Gundam Wing version ka has been around for years , B-club made a resin of it a long time ago, it is sometimes called the Wing Gundam protoype, and for good reason, this was the original design that was suposed to be used in the Manga and anime series but was changed at the last moment by a different artist (cannot remember his name) I think it is the guy who desgined the Zeta Gundam Mechs, (sorry it is early) chris
  21. yea the zeta gundam master grade is top floppy, the wings on mine are the worst, i also do not like the hands very much either, they are not at all well for holding the Hyper mega launcher. Hopefully we will start seeing some other Z gundam Master Grades coming out soon. chris
  22. we need more Yuna from FF-X2 please.
  23. what is the RX-78 Ver. kai? you mean the RX-78 ver. Ka? i noticed people are getting those 2 words mixed up alot,I am not sure what Kai stands for but the KA stands for Katoki Hajime. It is more of his special take on other gundams , they feature slight variations to the original design and Gundam fix style stickers and decaling, the Rx-78 is quite nice and probally the best MG of the classic rx-78 design, I heard the Zeta ver. Ka is based on the original Zeta Gundam not the Zeta C-1 or Plus from the Sentinels, but a upgraded remake of the classic Zeta from the Z gundam series. most likely it wil be a complete redesign of the original with all new proportions and gundam fix decaling. i am hoping this one turns out to be true. Chris
  24. problem is i got it a while back form a fellow Macross worlder so i do not think i can send it back. also thankfully the arms hold in fighter mode so i am not to out of luck. i just do not particiarlly like the way it looks in Batroid mode because the screws are visable. chris
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