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Everything posted by zeo-mare

  1. i just realized that was your post, i saw those a little while back, by the way very nice case you have them stored in as well.
  2. no, unfortunally no new news on gundam stuff, I am still waiting as well. Chris
  3. pretty sad on my part it is a awesome collection though there is no denying it.
  4. wow I am humbled , my meager little collection sucks next to his, i must get back on ebay and start buying up everything I need , to complete with him My hats off to you Sithlord you have one hell of a collection
  5. i know we can not show the manfaye but a little while back I saw a site with alot of cosplay and there was a pic of the just as dreaded ManMylene from macross 7 I almost wish i could find it again, but i do not want to get this thead locked. Has anyone seen this? Chris
  6. I used to like the Aliens Vs Predator Arcade game from Capcom. I used to like playing that one alot, very similar to there Knights of the Round and Dungeon & Dragons Shadows over Mysteria games you could be the Predators and Arnold from the first Predator film
  7. I do not mind this being a big summer movie with alot of overhyped effects, i am not expecting very much of a plotline, but I am hoping they can pull this off. i am alittle worried, if this turns out to be a goofy Jason VS Freddy flick i will F'ing kill someone, i also hope they are not going to pull a bunch of Charlies Angels and Matrix rehash slow motion fight scenes. that effect is getting way over used. chris
  8. I heard. how many does he have anyhow?
  9. naturally something i have no skill in sounds like a great job you have there, do you have any pics of you collection? sorry if this is getting a little off topic. I am just curious i do not think I have seen that many Valks in one area , except maybe a store, (which is pretty impressive when you think about it )
  10. yea that seems like a cool idea it also seems like something you may see later down the line. aint tracks coming out this month?
  11. wow lucky you. where do you work where you can afford that many and more importantly are they hireing?
  12. sd zambot
  13. here is the pic, very good size on him, I wish he was a little more poseable than this but he is very nice either way.
  14. just got my Zambot in today very nice .the little Zambot Ace is very cool and poseable, the legs on the Zambot 3 however are not. but it is very nice, good size to almost as big as the dancouga
  15. unfortunally due to the way it transforms there seems to be no way around that, I think it looks good though, i am still not to crazy about the yellow color, they should have used that for sunstreaker, who I can only assume will be Blue when he comes out
  16. on all 1/48's there is a slot in the back of the Gunpod for the Gun clip , do these even exist? I can not seem to find any info on these. any help i would like to get one. chris
  17. sometimes vintage yet new , in package Castlevania stuff goes for alot on ebay, I do not know why that is, i have seen some of the Gameboy ones hit ridiculous prices, and god forbid if you have some of the really rare import Dracula X Cd's and Games you could walk away with a small fortune
  18. hi no unfortunally i saw the sign in fromt it does not say any price or date , it just says the fact that it was from the VF-X game (i think that was the name of the game)
  19. I have 2 1/48's and they are both ok, I just looked at the fast pack box, do you mean on the side of the box on the flap where they show the valk from the backside, yea it looks like one wing is slighty raised over the other. if it is one the Yamato box then it probally is not that big of a deal and can probally be found on alot of there 1/48's. do you have a picture of yours? is it a major problem on it that is getting in the way of everything?
  20. actually the front hood on my smokscreen has a hard time going up as well unless forced. does anyone know when the us version of Hound is coming out?
  21. i can not wait until this comes out, does anyone have any sort of idea of a release ? maybe late this year, it looks like it is coming along nicely. I am hoping for a grey low viz style one to be released.
  22. i just noticed the shoulder cannon on smokescreen they could have did a better job than that, I can not beleive the weapon is visiable like that in car mode they should have made it like the gun that turns into the engine and made it more a feature of the car. it looks utterly stupid like that. chris
  23. Tracks looks nice in car mode, even with the yellow being as bright as it is, I would have rather seen Blue though. Chris
  24. wow you are lucky I now got 2, they are worth the money make sure you get a pair of fast packs to go with it. BTW welcome to MAcross World Chris
  25. definetly I am looking forward to the tetsujin 28. I wish that would make a bigger Gaiking, and maybe a Astro boy. chris
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