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Everything posted by zeo-mare

  1. yea excellent work i do not have any of these models yet they look vert nice, i might have to get a few, do you have any pics along side any Gundam master grades so i can get a idea of size? i thought the Griffon one looked very cool. keep up the good work. chris
  2. that has to be the greatest avatar ever
  3. there is no picture? is it the message after he dies ? about cannot affording to f+ck up his mission?
  4. it is amazing but even with all of the variations of the pc engine on the market, it was one of the most successful systems in japan and even to this day has a very loyal following worldwide. the usa TG16 however did not fair well when it first came out but has more fans 10 years after its demise than it did during its release. there are 2 Macross games out for the system Macross 2036 being the best and one of the better macross games released it is a side scrolling shoter compareable to games like thunderforce and gradius, the other is a simulation games which i have not played. as for the HE I am not sure if it stood for Home Entertainment or Hudson entertainment, Hudson Soft was one of the major designers along side Nec that is why all the cards are called Hu cards, the "Hu" is short for Hudson who designed the first Cards for the system.
  5. the Yamato is getting old and rare so the value is getting high, as for the Arcadia most new chogokins of that size are no different in price, from the Zambot 3 to Dancouga even the Genesic Gaogaigar and Aoshima's Mazinkaiser expect to pay over $100.00 for any decent size Chogokin regardless of what it is based on or how many features it has. most are mainly diecast with alot of accesseries and weapons I do not think the arcadia has to many gimmicks but it is a really nice display peice, i am probally going to get one soon myself.
  6. if you look real quick sometimes by the way how tall are thse? does anyone have a picture along side a 1/48 valk so i can see the size.
  7. yea you should get permission first, if he kept everything that well preserved and in boxes he probally is a collector and knows the prices, that is how I am. If i came home and found my mother gave away my collection i would hunt the bastard down to the ends of the Earth and get my stuff back. make sure you find out first. just because you are dating his sister and his mother does not seem to care does not give you ownership to his possesions, put yourself in his shoes .but if he does say yea you are very lucky that looks like a nice set. can you post more pics? chris
  8. the link is not working anyone have a different one? or some pics?
  9. that all depends do you mean the people who play dress up all day or the guys like us who stare at them all day edit: my typing sucks
  10. I also found his one I am not sure who she is going as, but it really does not matter when you look like that
  11. i found a few more of the cute poke-girl i also saw a nice one of here as Chun li but i cannot find it anymore.
  12. thanks i look forward to seeing one of these. it does not look to bad for a bootleg particiarly with all of the diecast,
  13. got any pictures of it along side a 1/48 i would like to see the size of it. chris
  14. zeo-mare

    TOMY Gashapons

    many people do not realize that the 2 series are very different from each other, some fans know them as the same, so putting both names in the title gets more views. also does anyone know if these are nice? the monster looks prettty cool does anyone have any pics of it?
  15. that is a nice wing gundam Custom, i do not see why Bandai could not release that as a normal Master grade kit, there really is no difference in the bodies, just the wings and weapons, i would love to have a master grade wing gundam custom, and maybe a few other from the wing series as well.
  16. I thought Manfaye was banned from the board Knight26 you beat to the response
  17. didnt someone alittle while back paint a small Banprestos Valk Pink? how about one of those in 1/48 ?, or one of those funny Macross 7 ones i think there was one with polka dots on it. that would take some major guts to do.
  18. do not feel bad I do not have any either just 1/48's I would not mind getting a nice Strike Valk however I love the way it looks.
  19. thats what i was just trying to figure out , were some of the stickers perhaps printed different, because there is no way on mine to peel off a top layer i was just looking at it.
  20. unfortunally in my area we did not get half the anime shows, stuff like Starblazers and Mazinger were unavailable, the only 2 that we did get were Robotech and Voltron, i used to love both shows when i was a kid but most of us around here watched transformers the most. but these 2 shows had the biggest impact on me when it came to japanese anime because these were the first 2 I saw for many years and I did like both , We got very few good anime at all over here i wish i got half the shows you guys got, it was not really untill the 1990's that i got a chance to see Macross in its real glory as well as Gundam and many others which really got me hooked. chris
  21. I to have also noticed this topic has strayed off course , i do not want to see this thread get closed down , so I will try to put it back on course. i have no problem spending my money and making a 1/48 jetfire, i just need to save up and get one. the money issue is not a problem i do not mind taking a expensive toy like that and haveing a little fun with it. i just need to save up and get it, but right now there are a few other things I need to buy right now. hopefully i will be the one to make it. i may not be the best painter around but i think i can do this one. Hopefully I can find a loose 1/48 out of package that might be cheaper.
  22. was he? I do not remember to much of him, i remember the leader of the Aerialbots Silverbolt (i think that was his name) was very much a wuss and afraid of flying at first
  23. maybe you are right, I do not know if starscream joined personally or against his will. i know Megatron used the machine on many autobots i thought he might be one of them, but still regained some of his memory causing him to rebel frequently against megatron
  24. by the way does anyone know why the Hizack in that pic has one Gundam G05 leg?
  25. the high Zack looks very nice as does the Freedom, it looks like another good year for master grade fans, i cannot wait to see what else Bandai has in store for us.
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