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Everything posted by zeo-mare

  1. you would not happen to have anymore custom work would you? i would love to see it chris
  2. hi i am really interested in the legioss, how many inches tall would you say it is? also do you do custom work? lets say if i sent you a kit and some money to paint it? thanks Chris
  3. how much for this completed kit?
  4. yea this region of Massachusetts did not have a sale either that know of unless i missed it, the paper said nothing.
  5. by the way Bobe-patt what the heck is that thing in your avatar?
  6. i doubt you will see a PG astray but maybe a MG version, i would like to see the Providence or Aegis next, the Aegis has a pretty good chance of being released.
  7. i just purchased mine from Tisinc so when it gets here maybe i will post some pics of mine as i build it. chris
  8. awesome i am going to start haveing to keep a eye out for him, i also dig the new blue color tracks, i hope it is official
  9. is this the usa version of hound? i have not seen it yet. where did you get it from anyhow?
  10. looks very nice, i have to get mine soon. so which version are you planning on building the normal GP-01 or the FB ?
  11. uh just out of curiosity you were not directing that at me are you? i do not mind the show but it was one of the only few decent anime we got, I live in Masachusetts during the 1980's we got nothing, now we get tons of anime on every other station.
  12. you should feel guilty how do you expect him to turn onto to anime with something like robotech and not somehting cool like Macross or Gundam just kidding, actually we understood your intentions, what we just cannot believe how rude he was even after you gave him stuff, i would have never tolerated that from a kid. do not take the violent reactions of the other M'worlders to seriously i am sure at some point even you wanted to smack the little bugger
  13. just noticed that , i have seen so many mechs over the years i can not seem to remember all of the little details on them anymore
  14. they do? I have never seen those guns before. by the way that is the ugliest robot I have ever seen
  15. :lol: actually he should have kicked he little punk in the first place
  16. i still can not believe you gave the little prick your stuff, if he came in my house with that attitude i would bitch slapped him as well, (so you are not the only one Jin_Kune_Do), you should have kept the stuff and sold it on ebay or somewhere and used the money to buy anime or other Macross stuff you wanted, if he was young and politely asked about my toys because he showed intrest i may have given him a spare toy i had lying around , but never with such a attitude, just wondering if i go over right now and show some attitide can i have some of your 1/48'S? i mean come on if you caved to a little brat like that, you really would not have much choice with a 29 year older with a leather jacket might be a great way to finish off my collection
  17. i would have slapped the little prick if he demand my stuff you should have sold the stuff off on ebay and spent the money on macross or other anime stuff you wanted. chris
  18. yea i to just preordered mine, looks like toynami may do one right this time.
  19. these are problly good for resale on ebay grab ones like Ikaruga and a few other for about $5.00 and post them on ebay for about $20.00 to $25.00 you might make out good. Chris
  20. i am glad to hear about the posibility of the Tread being released.so these are coming out this month? i am problly going to pick one of these up then.
  21. i am glad to hear that there is some weight to it $80.00 for a all plastic toy would be very disapointing.
  22. actually the MPC legioss looks really nice it is a shame it is so small, but i am used to spending decent money on small items (soul of Chogokin) does anyone know if there is any diecast metal on it ? also if they are planning on releasing the Tread (or is it called a Beta?) for it as well? thanks Chris
  23. the first color pictures of the G-system 1/60 Wing Zero Ver. Ka upgrade are now up, i wonder which will look beter the G-system or the Bandai one? G-SYSTEM WEBSITE
  24. they look very nice looking for a gashapon style collectible i will have to see the final product, i already have a ton of things i collect such as chogokins, gundam fix and Master grades they will have to be nice for me to begin collecting anything else at this point
  25. it is probally going to be a easy upgrade for bandai to do for the Wing Zero Ver ka, same body as the normal Wing Custom just different color plastic and a few new parts. even thought the Gsystem one is coming out i do not think it is really a official product and bandai stands to make far more on there own with a PG release than allow a small company to make a little money (if any) on the side for them with a small resin upgrade, this seems like a nice kit to i am hoping they pull it off, but it is a serious confirmation so i think we will definetly see it.
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