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Everything posted by zeo-mare

  1. i had heard about this before, it sounds like a very bad idea, i do not know how they are going to pull this of but i can see it sucking already
  2. incredible as always. any chance for a grey low viz digital camo like you did with this
  3. crap that sucks, i have always wanted to see gundam on the big screen, and the type of area i live in located in Massachusetts you can be sure that they will not be showing it around here i will end up having to go way off to see it.
  4. BTW does anyone know if this movie will still have a full theatrical release? or will it only be at the convention, i had heard before that it will be shown in other theaters around the country. also i just noticed no dubbed version of F-91 huh? edited: added more stuff
  5. i am so happy to hear of its release in the states, i do like this movie and i think it is underrated, it is a shame if this movie had been a little more succesful when it first came out there was a posibility that they were going to animate the whole F-90 series, we lucked out big, i wish they would go back and do it it will probly never happen but at least they are on track with the F-91 and the Zeta series, i am also wondering with the speed that they brought the Gundam Seed series out to the US and how serious Bandai is with porting the rest of the saga over here, how long it will take for the Gundam Seed Destiny to be released.
  6. it was now it has become a argument over the new gundam seed destiny series, we really should put this back on topic before it gets closed, this is a cool thread, the next zeonography figures are more zakus and doms unfortunally
  7. is it me? or is this thread becoming hostile
  8. yea i already got mine it is a awesome piece, i hope they make a Xeku zwei for the zeonography series to go against it.
  9. no problem anubis, as for the deepstriker grab it quick there is no telling how many they will make, and i see them selling out and the value going up again on these real quick,
  10. i agree with you on that Anubis, never said the gaia was a rip btw. but i look forward to seeing the new designs and the plot i hope it turns out good. maybe we will also get lucky and they will release some nice Master Grade kits early on in conjunction with the new series.
  11. wow i acctually saw this coming, i knew hound was going to be repainted as swindle at somepoint , looks ok but I like the green hound better..
  12. yea there was actually a four legged death army version there is a toy of it , and i am pretty certain that it did appear in the tv series.
  13. Image Anime in the USA has DeadEnd in stock, this is the first store in the USA that i have seen that has it.Image Anime chris
  14. looks like a bootleg i have never seen this one before , so i do not know the qaulity, but looking at the price and the style of packing ( the gate fold cover that opens up and has all the disc attached to it) i can tell that it is a bootleg, also the authentic imports do not have english subtitles.
  15. never mind i finally found a link that worked to a picture of it. but thanks anyhow, i will keep this thread open just incase i post the pic soon. thank you for your time Chris
  16. sorry mods if this is in the wrong place i looked all over but i cannot find a good picture of it, i used to have a good picture of the cockpit but i can no longer find it does anyone have it? i just need the line art for the cockpit of the Q-RAU for a picture I am doing this would greatly help. i will try and post the pic when I am done. thanks Chris
  17. people asked about the YF and what the letters stand for awhile back, but we never got a clear ansewer on it, i am still waiting myself.
  18. Image Anime has the 1/100 Blue Frame Astray in stock going to try and order mine today.
  19. it looks great keep up the good work
  20. it looks pretty good i heard this is a trilogy could be interesting, did anyone watch the underwater battle, there is something i thought i would never see in life, WWII style planes fighting underwater. i love the retro look to it.
  21. it looks like there behind its head on its back chris
  22. yea i was wondering the same thing the sword looks massive and top heavy, i can almost see this thing on my shelf falling down forward every other second hopefully not, but there is no denying it that is a bitching sword. chris
  23. i like it it, is a very sleak design , by the way you spelled Macross wrong (macrsso)
  24. ohhh that is very nice, how much did it cost and where did you get it from? chris
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