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Everything posted by zeo-mare

  1. you have never seen any of the shows? i figured you probly seen a few for you to be interested in buying such a expensive model, the GP-01 is from the 0083 series, i also recomend the Gundam 0080 and 08th team. both were excellent series.
  2. funny stuff it is a shame they did not show Tingle being blown up, so has anyone voted for JarJar Binks yet he is worthy of this list.
  3. actually the differences between the fazz sentinel (grey) and the Fazz original is the design of the head, also the beam saber on the backpack of the original are different than the sentinal version. on the sentinel they are beam cannons like on the backpack of the EX-S and cannot unhook, also the skulpt on the 2 guns on the fighter jet cannon that hooks to the arm are different as well. as for other creations in the gundam fix line, i am pretty sure he also the original creator of the wing zero ver ka.
  4. ok i never really noticed until you pointed it out. yea it does look like sunstreaker, i actually like the Tracks and cannot wait until it comes out, even if it transforms like a RID it still looks nice, i also like the fact that it transforms different from all of the others most of the other (excpet Hound) all seem to have the same transformation (smokescreen, Meister, Streak,) & ( dead and sideswipe) so it will be nice to have something new. chris
  5. i cannot tell. alot of anime characters look alike from that close i was also thinking Fujiko from Lupin the III but i am not sure chris
  6. yea all 4 doors open on my smokescreen that i used to have, i have the side swipe with the mod it looks much better with the back hood for the chest. btw what figure is getting the sunstreaker head?
  7. very nice work armor it looks fantastic, you have got to take a picture of the rest of your collection as well, i would love to see what else you have. chris
  8. all of the characters mentioned have nothing on this gay freak, while not anime in general its looks and feel are anime all the way ,Zelda the Windwaker, there is a annoying little freak that helps you along the way called Tingle he has to be the stupidist character ever designed for a game he acts even weirder, this is a character you have to see to understand, and this little prick gets definetly gets my vote for Most Annoying Sidekick .i believe that he appears in some of the other zelda titles as well.
  9. yea I saw the preorders at Image Anime for these, it is about time for some villians, i also see that they are making some ultraman ones as well. i am still looking forward to the Tetsujin 28
  10. for new ones not many most of the new gaogaigars that I know of are non transformable mainly chogokins from Max Factory and Kotabukiya. the rest that are available are transformable but they are really expensive Resin kits
  11. thanks they look cool, i do not think prime looks good in truck mode, but these do look interesting i really am interested in Mirage and Starscream the most .thanks for all the help guys chris
  12. they look real nice specially Tracks
  13. yea i just sanded down and smoothed out the edges from where you cut the peices from the sprues, i have yet to finish my gp-01 i have the body one arm and leg done , i really got to get it finished. i hope i can post some pictures soon
  14. yea i would like to see the hangar when you are done, do you plan on doing the GP-01 normal armor as well? i see you did the FB version.
  15. the revenge of the sith logo looks similar to the return of the jedi logo, i remember when it was called Revenge of the jedi durning the filming before he changed it. almost seems like this may have inspired george. do you think this one will end the same way?
  16. it looks real nice Armor i am going to have to start posting pics of mine, i did very little painting but the whole thing has been sanded, panel lined, oil washed on the inside, i kept mine nice and clean, none of the burn marks and i have the custom water slide decals coming in so it should look real nice when done. i should have been finished already but i have been working so much,
  17. i am not likeing that name , it is going to take some time to get used to it. you know it is funny George is good at thinking up storys, other galaxies, spaceships and droids but he really is sucky with titles at least it is better than attack of the clones, that name always sounded like some low budget sci-fi film from the late 1950's
  18. geesh that toy is ugly i am almost offened that it is be mentioned in the same forum as macross
  19. just out of curiousity is Hobby Search down for everybody else ? i cannot get on there site at all, the link is posted on the previous page with the MG freedom gundam pics.
  20. for that kind of price they had better be big or contain some diecast metal. but i am definetly interested in these.
  21. neither link is working, it keeps say the link has been moved. edit: i tried a different browser and i was able to save them and open them, they look cool i wish somebody had some references alog side some alternators so i could see just how small they are. thanks for all the help chris
  22. very nice i definetly want these, they wil look perfect on my shelf with my other Gaogaigar stuff. any idea of price?
  23. yea i have seen the at Image anime i was just wondering if they are worth it., i have not seen them up close but i have seen pictures of them, i may grab a few up to see how they are. how small are they? does anyone have any pics along side other TFs or macross stuff so i can get a idea of size comparisons
  24. actually i also like that lego one, the stance in battroid mode looks cool.
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