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Everything posted by zeo-mare

  1. yea i know about putting the sword handle all the way in, but it still kinda tilts to the side on mine it only does it alittle but it seems fragile because of that. the freedom will set you back about $40.00 if you are in the USA Image Anime has them already in stock. pretty quick if you ask me.
  2. so far the freedom has been pretty simple they are both very nice kits even without painting the astray looks awesome , i do recomend the freedom gundam not to much panel lines on it and the wings and stand make it look incredible
  3. as for the color blue i am not sure, there is a paint guide on the back page of the booklet (but i cannot read japanese and i suck at mixing paint), that might be able to help you, also for loose parts, the hands look loose i do not want to glue them because there will be no way to unhook the sword, the head is weak to, the panels on the side fall off easy on mine , the handle of the sword is way to fragile, the sword is just to big and heavy for the handle, when you hold it by the handle the whole sword seems to bend, also one last not i would recomend a safe pose for this figure , i would not put it to high on the shelf with the sword upright it seems like it will fall over way to easy and break
  4. Hi, as for the astray the orange parts came like that, they are not painted, there should have been a few more orange parts but bandai did not give them, they are for around the eyes and a few parts on the sword, i did not paint the astray or freedom (I suck at painting) i just panel lined them and am doing some very tiny work with the Gundam markers, the freedom looks very nice everything is pretty much molded in the right color so other than the panel line it will look good even unpainted.
  5. the legs are a bitch to do that is what slowed me down, i am panel lining the whole thing and the legs take forever, i have only finished one, i have not gotten around to finishing the other one yet.
  6. great pics i still have not finished mine yet, did you paint around the eyes or did you just use the stickers?
  7. is this thread still going? i am not going to mix myself into this one (though i really want to ) but i am wondering how long this one is going to last. boy the fun never ceases around here
  8. here is the very nice Mg freedom, i hate the fact that these all came in about the same time, i have yet to finish my pg GP-01 and now these 2, i started working on the astray first and ended about 11:00 at night the next morning the freedom came in and i started that without finishing the others very nice kit this one is the stand for it is very stylish
  9. i wish i was a better painter i would paint these things from scratch, i do not however have the experience or time. so i aminly do minor detail work and panel lining. here is the highlight of the blue frame astray the sword, it is huge
  10. here is a picture of the astray the chrome green gundam marker worked well, it looks better in person.
  11. do not get me wrong i would not say that i am disapointed, i will be proudly displaying it soon with the others i have, it is still a very nice kit the sword plain rocks, there is a few parts that need painting but it is mainly small parts, i think bandai could do better. the one part that bothered me is there are peices on the underside of the shoulderpad that are blue but they molded them in white is is such a easy peice to have made blue i do not know why they molded it the way they did, it seems like laziness, i love the kit alot i think i like the red frame better, though the all white plastic forehead sucks no clear part, i used a chrome green gundam marker and it looks good now, but they really cheaped out on that one piece in particilar
  12. actually they should do it 1/144 so it could match the dendrobium it would be a little bit bigger but for the most part around the same size.
  13. yea technically speaking you should paint the entire thing, but for those of you like myself who are not very good painting this one needs alittle work to really look nice and like the one on the packaging, it is still a very nice kit, i however do not think it is going to be able to hold the sword
  14. both, there are a few blue parts on the sholderpad, there are a few orange parts on the sword and on the face, and what should be the clear crystal parts on the head (those were just molded white and they gave you a sticker ) it is stil a nice kit nontheless but seems like they could have did a little better, the head needed to be glued on mine it falls apart to easy. the sword just plain rocks however it is the real highlight of this kit. the freedom gundam also is coming out good, very nice kit as well, the inner mechanics of the kit are incredibly simple particiarlly on the arms there is very little detail on this one. but it looks awesome on the stand. chris
  15. good lord there right it does look sort of gundamish...well the sheld definetly does anyhow.
  16. yea I know, but i thought it had different weapons, seems like a cheap release if it does not.
  17. did anyone see the Minmay one that he has? it costs $30.00 minmay pvc chris
  18. also the HGUC pycho gundam looks cool quite big to. i also just got my 1/100 MG Freedom Gundam in today as well as the 1/100 Blue frame Astray both are very nice they cheaped out on some of the parts for the astary it definetly needs painting but it is a awesome kit, the sword plain rocks.
  19. cool very nice i love the way they spell Gundam, "GANDAM" i do not know if you saw it but on that site they had the pink color Strike gundam master grade isnt it supossed to have a different backpack?
  20. a definete work of art, any chance for a 1/48 Yamato Compatible version? i cannot wait to see this thing painted chris
  21. very cool i know very little about aviation, is this standard issue ? or is a custom airshow vehicle?
  22. it looks interesteing i am hopefully going to get a chance to check it out. i did like Signs and he seems like a good director, and it seems like a worthwhile film.
  23. i wonder if the B version will have different weapons so far most of the Zeonography figures weapons slightly differ between A and B versions maybe the B one will come with something alittle different, i can see now that the 2 F-90s figures are indeed different the chest peice and the shoulderpads look differerent maybe the weapons will be the same. chris
  24. i have seen one like this on ebay a while back it is a incredible piece to say the least i wish i had some money i would definetly get one.
  25. i can picture that car turning every corner it takes and flipping on its side what autobot would we call such a goofy looking car anyhow? Wheelie?
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