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Everything posted by zeo-mare

  1. that custom is awesome, the original however is another story entirely
  2. hi angel's fury here is a pic of the little orange part on the leg that holds the knives on it should be glued. I would love to see some Gundam designs from Kawamori edit: i really screwed up my typing
  3. yes without a doubt some parts on the astray are weak and need glueing. the MG strike is a very nice kit and very tight ,the leg parts on my MG freedom are loose like hell, due to the way they were designed, but the rest of it is very impressive .by the way Graham sorry to see you no longer collecting gundam I understand though, i still love the series even with the short comings.
  4. really? it is not top heavy or anything? it looks like it will fall over every few seconds, i am actually hoping to put mine in a similar position. how do you have yours posed right now?
  5. here is the part on the freedom that is very loose on mine i do not think the the tissue trick will work it is just to 2 lower pieces , it is just a small peg the pops into the leg that holds the shin and back of legs armor on, there is no poly caps if you turn the freedom side ways it practicly falls off, very weak desgin for the piece,
  6. i am also hoping that you can pose it like this, i know they show it in the booklet but i can almost see this thing falling over every few seconds, i really do not want to have it with the sword aimed downward
  7. sorry my mistake it is getting late, not glue but the nail polish, i never tried the tissue way, i will have to check it out. here are the pics there are 2 parts on the shoulder, one of which i just noticed, i took a picture of mine near the package so you can see what i am talking about
  8. yea i will take some pics in a little bit of the underside of the astray arm that is really the only part that needs to be painted blue there are a few part s the need that orange though, chris
  9. that really works? i have never tries that before, i sometimes use a light bit of glue around the edges polycaps hole it sometimes works well, but for this kit it does not seem that the arms will give away from weakness just that the sword is so big that it will problly fall over from the weight. gee thanks
  10. i cannot wait to see the alpha, i really hope it lives up to the hype, it looks great i just wish it was bigger
  11. i really cannot see any way of tightning the joints, being only a high grade there are no screws only polycaps. the only thing i can think of is glueing but i really do not want to do that to a gundam kit
  12. actually the sword is so big i do not think any mods to the hands or arms will work it seems like it is so top heavy that most of the really cool pose's that you can think of are probly out of the question
  13. no because they are completly different, the blue fame is almost identical to the red frame, it does not contain any inner detail or parts that can unhook to see the insides. only problem i see is the fact that it will problly no be able to hold the sword upright
  14. actually the feet on the freedom are the same as the strike, the moving knee joints suck on this one as well , the only part that i see is loose is the white armor parts around the shins and back half of the leg on mine they are really loose and fall off easy. the inner detail is actually very simple mainly around the arms there is little to no detail chris
  15. god i hope he is not gonna look like that in the film, i do not think this is a good idea, what happened to Christan Bale ? i thought he was also mentioned as well, does anyone know what happned?
  16. fire bomber vader, i cannot wait to see the ship designs
  17. i use a sharpie marker for the washes it comes out good, i cover the part entirely with the marker and use a little bit of rubbing alcohol on a q-tip to cover the part and use a good shoft rag to wipe it off, works wonderful, for the main details on the face or little details I use a gundam fine line marker, you do not want to use one of those for the inside parts or for areas that need wash, you will wreck it real quick
  18. from the back i wish i was a better painter i would paint mine, i just do not have the skill or time to learn.
  19. I have finished alittle bit more of the freedom the wings are awesome on it
  20. hey Stamen0083 is that your strike? i love the mods do you have any more pictures of it, yea i do not like the head to much on the freedom but it is not to bad.
  21. i have yet to use the dry transfers for the strike, they look awesome when done right but yea it is way to easy to screw them up,
  22. god are they really that small? how can someone ride in one of those the grimlock is looking cool i would have prefered Prowl but i guess we cannot win them all i hope they do Mirage and a nice Wheeljack
  23. neither the freedom or astray come with water slide only standard issue stickers and the freedom comes with dry transfers. chris
  24. hey just out of stupid curiosity what is my avatar showing for a picture? it is suppossed to be Sauron on my normal internet explorer it is showing properly but on Mozilla it is still showing the Yuna pic i like mozilla better because i get no pop ups on other sites edit Never mind i pushed refresh and they just popped up, it took a while for some reason
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