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Everything posted by zeo-mare

  1. for me it say Document Not Found, that kinda sucks i wanted to see what you pulled off. hopefully you can fix the link soon. chris
  2. wow somebody has outdone themself, all out of legos!!??? i wonder how long that took to build
  3. a gundam fix version would be awesome indeed, if you ever do get one avoid the MSIA version it looks horrible
  4. i do not know about this film yet, i want to see it but at the same time I dont. i hope Spielberg pulls this one off or there will be some very angry TF fans out there.
  5. from the back, you are going to love this thing when you get it Armor, and with the ones i have seen you do, the battle damaged effect will look great for such a war machine. i cannot wait to see your buildup of it.
  6. top and front doors the decal sheet adds alot to this kit
  7. close up of front lot of detail on it with all the weapons containers
  8. show off time, here is mine, you really got to find the decal sheet from G-system for this kit is does not come with any sort of markings or stickers
  9. awesome kit i have one, not to much movment but here is not suppossed to be anyhow. huge kit, incredible detail, there is a nice out of print decal sheet for it you should see if you can find it, it make the kit look far superior. cannot wait to see pics chris
  10. sorry to hear your F-90 had such a bad paint job Graham, mine came out pretty good but it seems like bandai got a little lazy with alot of them hopfully the next will not have that problem . yeah i to noticed the pins on the arms i forgot to mention it a little while back on the thread, i am happy with mine thankfully, they better not mess up the Shiki
  11. you got to be kidding me.
  12. zz looks great i am starting to get sick of zakus however looks like a solid release though
  13. i agree awesome game indeed
  14. a transformer that does not transform, what will they think of next. i will just stick to my Binaltechs
  15. thankfully i do not play online games, how does the Mod chip eat your PS2? i have had mine for a while and never had any probs with it, it was also professionally installed and not one of those do it yourself bits
  16. glad to hear it has come out well, i just have the HK version and so want a official release. just out of curiousity is the movie fullscreen or widescreen, the HK version i think is wide i was wondering about the USA version. chris
  17. oh geesh bandai your f'ing killing me, the strike may turn out to be the best PG yet many of the others sometimes look more like toys with little outside details (RX-78) or a little short and squat (GP-01) this one looks very detailed and very well portioned. it only need some weapons for it now and it wil be perfect, by the way i noticed this before in one of the earlier pics what is that new type sword it comes with anyhow? also the Wing and Ball look great as well. another good year for Gundam release looks like i need to start saving some money up
  18. i used to use the swap mod with the older one i had now i have a mod chip installed. some games even with the swap trick do not work i had about 4 games that i purchased that did not work even with the swap trick
  19. congrats, it could not have happened to a better family chris
  20. the series came on Cartoon network alittle while back and i liked it a lot i am somewhat a fan of Astroboy , this is a newer anime that was just released not the old cartoon from the 1960's it has already been showed in the USA, i have seen bootlegs for it (but I do not want those) the only authentic versions i have seen are the Region 4 (I believe that is the number for it) Australian versions. does anyone know of the US release date if any? many thanks chris
  21. nice to see there are some more PC engine Fans on this board make sure you get the CD rom and pick up Macross 2036 (the sidescrolling shooter not the Strategy game), Dracula X and the Ancient Ys Vanished series.
  22. i have the widescreen version and am playing on the Ps2 and do not seem to have the problem you guys are having with sound and chapter 26, (thank god). i will keep a eye out for anything if it comes up, also i do not think the box is not to bad as long as you take care of it and keep it stored on a good shelf it should last, mine does not seem like paper looks more like cardboard had looks like it should last. is there more than one type of box released for it? edit, added more stuff
  23. i am hopfully getting mine today i will try to post what i think later tonight. but i am really looking forward to it. chris
  24. sweet indeed
  25. wow i did not relize the new ps2 would be so small, it looks good. but i already got one so i do not need this one, it is a shame i would rather have the small sleeker one. chris
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