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Everything posted by zeo-mare

  1. action pose, you can do much more with him and probably a better kneeling pose i just took this pic quick
  2. vehicle mode, there is sadly no comparison in the two. the Galaxy Convoy is far superior and transforms much smoother. the front cabs on the Convoy i cannot get the arms to lock into place the trailer however is awesome as is Roller. but it does not matter because he will be kept in bot mode anyhow the entire time.
  3. here is the Galaxy Convoy and original Convoy side by side. i actually like the Galaxy Convoy figure better after holding them and playing around with the two, he is bigger heavier, more details and the transformation is much more worthwhile. but do not get me wrong this new Convoy is awesome to
  4. close up of figure, of all the Convoy Primes i have had i really like this one the most it is very poseable to and the details are great.
  5. Well it finally got here. and i can say i am pretty impressed with him. i looked through the paperwork and they do not show anything new for the MP-03 Starscream so i did not bother to scan or take a picture of the paper, it is only one sided the other side of it is blank white, i also see no mention of Shoji's name on it so i do not know if he is playing a part in its design. here are the boxes for the two THS Transformers. as you can see the box for the new Convoy is much bigger and thicker.
  6. yea the emsia are nicer then the msia they have slightly better details far better paintjobs and most importantly were designed for maximum poseability, i have 3 already and i am planning on getting more. chris
  7. since the THS series seems to be focusing on prime you never know maybe you will see that one next or even a rodimus prime, chris
  8. wow the front end of prime looks like it has a complex transformation, which is cool considering it is the size of a Gundam Fix figure. chris
  9. from what it says on their site it looks like about 25,800 yen, i really want one myself. i heard about this figure years ago it is nice to see it is finally coming. i want the Getter 2 and 3 as well. chris
  10. the MSIA are the normal figures they are made out of a rubber like PVC they are decent and sturdy as well as pretty poseable, the are about 1/144 scale, the hcm-pro are 1/200 and are much smaller but they are very detailed and poseable and come with tons of great accesseries, they are made out of a ABS plastic so they are strong, they also have excellent paint jobs, i am hoping they will do away with the Msia line and release the figures as either Hcm-pro or Gundam Fix from now on. the Bucue looks great will be picking this one up. chris chris
  11. i am expecting him to be no bigger then the MP prime, which is a good enough size for me. chris
  12. hi indeed i can give you info the gundam fix are not to poseable. some of them like the RX-78 ver.ka and Blue Destiny and upcoming G-Gundam can pull off some decent poses but nothing comparable to the MSIA or EMSIA, they are more like display pieces then playable toys, if you want poseablity try the EMSIA or HCM-Pro, but if you want some nice display figures that look awesome on your shelves get the Gundam Fix, Cosmic Region and Zeonography and you will not be disapointed. Chris
  13. unless they cut down on the diecast content, people assume because the Prime's had alot of diecast that this one will to. the Masterpiece Brave series from Takara which is currently running and came out after the Masterpiece Transformers and has only about a fraction of the diecast that the Masterpiece prime has, so it can happen. in fact they may make the figure about the same size as the Exkaiser and Prime and have only a little bit of Diecast that is how the Exkaiser and Dragon Kizer are, they have alot of accesseries and are slightly smaller then the MP Prime but they still have the same type price tag so you never know the Starscream may be similar the the MP Exkaisers.
  14. hmmm it would be awesome if he did, my THS-02 is confirmed coming tomorrow it is supposed to come with the paper for the MP-03 i will post a good picture of the whole thing, both sides and anything else it comes with to see if maybe some one here can translate what it says, to see if he is helping with this design. chris
  15. hi definetly a review without pics is boring chris
  16. i grabbed one from Image Anime and i am hoping it will be here tomorrow morning, if so i will post a reveiw. chris
  17. The MP Ironhide is currently on ebay i just saw it about a hour ago great custom the front chest seems alittle to big but i think it is a excellent kitbash Edit: no wait the one on ebay is different from the one you posted, however I think it is the same guy, he also has the Ratchet custom and also mentions useing Gundam parts Custom Ironhide auction
  18. very cool i would definetly get one if i had the chance. chris
  19. Hobby Link Japan has it in stock, there completed model pics are awesome looking. how poseable is this kit any how? the hands look like a MG Gundam kit, but i already am certain that this will require full painting and glue like there other kits. http://www.hlj.com/product/HSG20 chris
  20. Hobby Link Japan has it in stock and it looks cool. http://www.hlj.com/product/BAN941430
  21. yea i hear you i regret parting with half of the ones i had, if only I knew how much they would eventually be worth. i plan on rebuying at some point the original cars and trucks from the first season and maybe a few of the seeker jets when I can get around to it. by the way i forgot to say welcome to the site, I hope you enjoy your time here. chris
  22. doh, i did not realize it was a preorder do you have a TF collection already, i would love to see pics of them instead chris
  23. it looks like a decent figure, i grew up with the original Tf and prefer the cars and planes, i have never really been a fan of the animal ones with the exception of a few. but the Bot mode looks cool on this one. when you get it please post a review and some pictures we would love to see them chris
  24. hi if you check the main page and go down to the bottom you will see the section for the Super threads they are all stored in there including the links you are looking for. chris
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