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Everything posted by zeo-mare

  1. depends on how well you take care of it, even if it is metal if it is stored away properly on a shelf or like some people do keep it in the box and put that on display it can last years heck it may last longer than some plastic toys. as for it being nostalgia, no not really, metal toys have never been nostalgic there has always been metal and diecast toys since i was a kid during the late 70's into the 1980's every decade has had there fair share of diecast toys and it wil be no different for years to come.
  2. zeo-mare

    Scale Pref.

    i wish i could tell you but i have no 1/60's i only have 1/48's
  3. it all depends on the toy, for me I love diecast stuff and some times there is no way around it, imagine a chogokin without any sort of metal but i understand i to bought the US version of the Alts because they were cheaper and seemed just as good, I would rather still have the imports and may still as of yet pick some up. but for me it all depends on the toy, i would not spend $40.00 on a plastic chogokin even if it was more posable, but i would have no problem spending $80.00 on the exact same toy if it is metal, even with some of the limitations, you mention, it all depends on what it is.
  4. i am looking foerward to MGS3, as for the rest i am not really interested. can you even fly the alpha's in Robotech Invasion? i cannot imagine a Robotech game that you cannot. as for Neo Contra i will stick to Shattered Soldier or Roms of the Arcade or Contra 3 for the SNES i never want to play another conventional overhead 3-D contra ever again, the PS1 versions almost killed the series for me, and I am not that impressed by what i have seen so far for it, i really do not want to play as a futuristic samurai type warrior in a contra game,
  5. very posable to might i add
  6. from the back I panel lined the whole thing and did oil wash for the internals , lot of good weapons for it, 2 guns a huge heat hawk and waist missile launchers
  7. got the MG Hi-zack very nice kit, I have not decaled it yet, do not think i am going to use the stickers and dry Transfers it came with I have a lot of custom waterslide decals left over i am going to see if there is anything i can salvage off of those.
  8. very nice JM i still do not have any of these yet maybe someday soon. chris
  9. great pic of prime. so did he at all like the game??
  10. wow you like to keep busy dont you? this is a nice one as well, very clean. are you going to completly panel line this one? i noticed you mention slight detailing with the panel lines but i do not see any on it yet
  11. another great custom the weathering looks great as does the paint job around the green section of the valk. come on Ymato how hard is it for you guys to make this one official???
  12. beautiful work my friend i like it alot. chris
  13. it looks like it is on the section with the HGUC and not the MG kits, looking forward to it though
  14. I have yet to see the whole animation, i have the entire Manga set and used to love playing the arcade game however. is the anime any good i have always wanted to see it?
  15. ohhh they do look nice but i really do not want to start collecting another toy line at this point i will stick with the Fix series.
  16. ugh another new series? wont dont they just expand the HCM Pro? instead?
  17. looks like you are building up quite a collection there Armor. keep up the good work chris
  18. that is the Aile pack and Skygrasper, it is a upgrade kit for the PG Strike Gundam they seperate into 2 peices the backhalf hooks on to the Strike Gundam and allows it to fly the front half is a small attack craft, i wish they would have had the Aile come with the strike gundam in the first place
  19. nice piece i should have grabbed it when it came out, almost bought the Cloud with the Bike, but retracted my bid after the guy emailed everyone that he had not realized that there were some small chips on it. someday i hope to pick that one up chris
  20. very nice i may have to pick one of these up someday, i normally do not like full chrome kits, I do not like the Gundam ones either except the MG Hyaku shiki, but it is not full chrome. these are nice though. how much did this cost?
  21. Excellent work my friend, keep up the great modeling, it is always so much more rewarding when you put this much effort into things,
  22. yea there are pics of the Gundam PG strike on the link that GandCannon provide , it does look awesome, i cannot wait to see the Revamped Aile pack for it, i wonder how it is going to look.
  23. only problem with a B-club pack is the price, most normal 1/100 resin Gundam kits cost $170.00 or more that is how much i paid for the Crossbone X-1 alittle while back and it is not even that big of a kit, a weapons pack would problly cost over $200.00 easy, the PG kit is about $140.00 and the upcoming Weapons set will be about $50.00 , I do not think i would spend that much on a resin kit when I can by the full PG and weapon set for less or about the same price. But that is only me.
  24. well i just ordered the Master Grade Hizack i will begin posting pictures of the build up for it when it comes in, should be around Wednesday
  25. that is awesome whats the price on it , I have never seen that before. I wish i could get ahold of 1 of these , I also saw some really nice Gundam helmets as well, specially one that they had for Char
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