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Everything posted by zeo-mare

  1. i so want the castlevania game. chris
  2. they all look incredible. chris
  3. that is a awesome model kit, i love the design for it. chris
  4. wow awesome a Crossbone X-3. I did not think they would do that one, very cool i wonder if it will come with anything extra or new or just for the most part be a slight reissue of the X-1 and X-2. i know it will have the skull on the chest and most likley the sword, but i wonder if it will get anything else. the other Fix and Zeon sound great to. chris
  5. awesome price for that, you got a incredible deal. chris
  6. wow he even shoots missles out of his penis. what ever will the world think of next
  7. those are all great ones, i have always wanted a MG Guntank, the Zudah sounds neat to, they just released a B-club one not that long ago which looked like crap. now we get the possibility of a HGUC one , once again i feel sorry for those who spent about $150.00 on that version. the MG F-91 sounds cool to.
  8. you should be careful with all toys, but they did not seem prone to easy breakage when i had mine, but like anything in life if you are careful you should have no problem. chris
  9. Transformers victory was cool, but it loses something from the G-1 series, it has virtually none of the cast, even when they transform it does not make the cool sound that we all know and love, and the fact that they yell the name of their special move makes it feel more like a Brave series then a Transformers series. chris
  10. see if you can sell it off on ebay quickly, most people probably do not know yet, if you put it up asap you can probably make your money back still. chris
  11. WOOO-HOOOOO this is the most awesome news ever. the import Masterpiece Convoy is being reissued. i really want to get the import version over again but the price is killing me. this is fantastic ;D seeing that low pre-order price on HLJ is a incredible sight. now i will not have to spend about $200.00 on the ones that show up on ebay. http://www.tfw2005.com/transformers-1144990332.html
  12. more great DS news Final fantasy 3 remake but most importantly Konami announced Castlevania: Portrait of Ruin for Nintendo DS, the latest work of the Castlevania series, the game will be released on November 15, 2006.
  13. i will be among them, i used to love this show and watched it every time it came on. chris
  14. I also agree, even if Kawamori was not involved i do like the movie, it has some of my favorite designs, i really really wish they would make a new Valkyrie II kit i prefer the japanese version over the USA one, the dubbing is horrible and i cannot stand the voices. but i do like the movie alot. i even still have the old comic books from when they were first released
  15. Really? Which ones are they? I can only think of two that my provider has: Cartoon Network and I think "BOOM" or something like that (you have to pay extra for the last one). 390161[/snapback] Hi i have the Cartoon Network and Boomerang(which i think is the same as Boom) and there is one for disney it is pretty much all day and night cartoons, thy still play stuff like gargoyles and stuff on it. the Batman Animated comes on around midnight on Boom chris
  16. yes this show was awesome, it still comes on over here in MA late at night, we have like three different 24/7 all cartoon networks on my TV. so far almost all of the Dc animation I have seen i have liked greatly specially this and the Teen Titans. chris
  17. the only mecha show that i recall that should be forgotten was the Go-bots. they just had channel on my TV the aired a few classic episodes and the Movie and my god was it horrible. i remember in the 1980's i loved anything with robots i would catch the Transformers, Voltron and others every day but i always avoided watching the Go-bots, after about 20 years i could not remember why, until i saws those episodes again, everything is so generic the characters, the voices the animation the stories. that is one we need to forget about. chris
  18. i was going to start a new thread but i am not sure if i should just post it here, here is the completed pictures of the Wave VF-0S which i believe is 1/100 scale. it is labeled at around 1900 yen which means it is definetly one of there plastic kits, i thought it was going to be resin but that is to cheap for one. i will be sticking with the hase version without a doubt it looks far superior. http://www.rakuten.co.jp/be-j/522364/464921/781018/
  19. that might be it, since this is the G-2 version pictured maybe the G1 has a different colorscheme. chris
  20. you have a excellent and very intelligent point there, my only problem is that it is derailing threads, i do not mind you haveing it and i know what it represents. but now that i see that threads are being closed because of it, it may become a problem. i just do not want to see it happen over and over again in other threads as well. chris
  21. yes all of those figures had purple but none of them had what he mentions on it, there was also a cyclonus toy. . i cannot remember if any of the last headmasters or target masters had what he mentioned. but it may have been one of those. chris
  22. there was a USA movie with the similar style plot called "The Final Countdown" http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Final_Countdown(movie)
  23. sadly over the last 60 years the sign has been desecrated in the eyes of many specially those who live in the western world were it has a whole other meaning. Liottel i support your freedom of speech but maybe you should change it before it causes to much problem this whole thread has been derailed beacuse of it, i do not want to see other ones end up the same way. chris
  24. true enough, i have a few coming next week that i cannot wait for so you do have a point. chris
  25. very cool pictures i see a few there that i will definetly be picking up, by the way how much better is the big starscream over the small one? is there any real difference in the 2 in terms of poseabilty or stuff or is the big one just that, a oversided version of the smaller one? chris
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