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Everything posted by zeo-mare

  1. i was hoping for the GM Sniper II i believe it is called, Studio Reckless and B-club made a awesome 1/144 kit alittle while back. here is the pics for the other Fix and Zeonography figures the new zeons look good but i do not need any more gelgoogs i wish they could have picked a different conversion for them. I am hoping the X-3 Crossbone has its sword, that weapon was unique to it so they will most likely include it and if we are lucky maybe we will get the crossbow as well. but i am expecting a similar release to the X-1 and X-2 but with the sword as a extra.
  2. first pic of the GM Sniper Gundam Fix, not what i was hoping for maybe when i see the finished figure i may think otherwise, i kind of figured the RX-78 would be just the normal Ver ka that they just released, just in a different color. not a big release if i do say so, i am far more interested in the ZII
  3. if you are looking for the swap magic disc, i believe TISINC has it for about $25.00 that is where i got mine. chris
  4. tons of new pictures of the GFF ZII and CR Infinite Justice both are looking awesome, the ZII waverider mode looks awesome if they made the side wings bigger like the YF-19 it would look incredible Infinite Justice http://www.rakuten.co.jp/be-j/522366/749458/765406/ ZII http://www.rakuten.co.jp/goodly/583516/619918/668869/ http://www.rakuten.co.jp/goodly/583516/619918/680059/
  5. hi it is being talked about in the Pinned Transformers thread, that is where it is suppossed to be, it looks and sounds awesome so far so we are looking forward to it. chris
  6. You know i don't ever recall Thundercracker using Megatron as a weapon, but it's been quite a while since i watched G1. As for a resource for information like this, the only thing i can think of is seibertron.com. I could have swore they had more comprehensive lists of all the characters before, but it still might be worth checking out as a long shot. 397440[/snapback] In one episode Optimus Prime uses him as a gun if i recall, that is why the MPC Prime comes with him in gun mode and in the episode Autobot Spike, spike goes crazy in a mechanical body and uses Megatron but at the last second turns against the Decepticons and shoots them instead.
  7. i did not know the fitting was that bad, i really wanted to get the Huckebein MK II kit, i may have to rethink that. chris
  8. for me my Studio Halfeye Perfect Change Getter Robo, it cost me about $400.00 but it was worth every penny chris
  9. exactly without the part it cannot transform and that is one of the main features, it should look very nice when done i cannot wait to see the pictures for it. chris
  10. here is the Cosmic Region Destiny Gundam this is the best figure so far out of the CR series, i like the weapons alot on this one. however it is not to poseable once again, thankfuly the wings are the proper size, the CR Freedom and Strike Freedom would have looked fantasic if the wings were bigger.
  11. here is the Nobel and G-Gundam , they are very nice the paintjob on mine is quite good except one place the shoulderpads on the G-Gundam there is one little part where it is messy, this figure is also quite poseable. i cannot wait for the ZII
  12. the RE-GZ? it most likely will. so far they look awesome the new details on the NU Gundam looks great and i really want the Geara Doga ik just got my G Gundam and Nobel Gundam Fix in i will post pictures in a little while.
  13. agreed, if yamato which is a smaller company can make a 1/48 valk with the detail that it has there is no excuse for them to not be able to make this for around the same price, non transformable that is cheap beyond belief. the thing was mention over a year or so ago and we still have nothing to show for it. and with the way it sounds by the time it is done it will be so half-assed that it will not be worth the money or time. bandai can produce diecast figures that are bigger and superior for less. i really wish another company got the chance to hold the rights to produce the figures.
  14. i have a few i go to, childofmecha.com, hobbyfanatics.com, Castlevania Dungeon forum and main site and Ebay main site for bidding (i am always looking for good deals). i have many other places i hang out to so when macrossworld goes down there is always something else to go to. chris
  15. i see, i do not have the zeta so i am not sure how fragile it is i am however planning on ordering it before the end of the month so if i get mine in first i will post a reveiw for you. chris
  16. which one did you order? i have about 15+ and none are fragile. i think the zeta might be but none of the ones i have are, they are quite nice, i believe you will love them. chris
  17. I own at least 15 GFFs and they all have good to excellent paint application. For GFF, certain releases are crappier than others. I suspect the factories they commission them to change with some releases thus the variable quality. I really wanted the Xi Gundam but the paint on that was quite horrid. Same goes for the F-91. 394107[/snapback] yea i hear you on the f-91, my Xi however was acctually quite nice. maybe that one is a hit and miss with some on the market being better then others. it is a shame you passed on them i believe you would have love the Xi and F-91 chris it added new stuff, here is the first picture of the HCM -pro Jagd Doga http://static.flickr.com/46/134936975_a05ab19163_b.jpg
  18. nice new spreads for the upcoming seiyas. http://cms.or.tp/~gamu/sonota/sei/nati/nati.html http://cms.or.tp/~gamu/sonota/sei/ban/ban.html edit added this as well: I am not sure who this guy is but if he was metal he sure would make a great villan for teh Gold Knights. http://cms.or.tp/~gamu/gangu/garo/garo2/garo2.html
  19. hopefully it turn out well, takara and shoji somewhat botched the THS-02 Convoy which also looked awesome on paper. instead we got a cool bot with a horrible transformation. maybe because this toy is bigger it will be easier for them to pull off the transformations on it and have both modes look realalistic and true to the classic character. or we can only hope chris
  20. wow i really want this. chris
  21. Is it really 2 for the price of 1?? But the paint quality sucks unfortunately. Bleeding everywhere on the God Gundam. 393498[/snapback] after looking at the pics it looks no different in paint job to most GFF, so maybe the owner is just being picky? i am ordering mine when it comes out so we will see. kensei yup the cosmic region is 1/144 they are the same thing as the gundam fix they are even packaged the same way. there is no difference in material and details they are the same thing.
  22. it is awesome that they come together 2 figure for the price of one
  23. i am so hoping for the GM sniper MSV, the infinte Justice looks nice to. i am not to big on the Emsia Hyaku, maybe when they make the color pics i will think differently. chris
  24. ouch you are going to have a long wait now with the new gundam seed series coming out (stargazers, sp?), there will be tons of that coming out. plus what ever else they decide to make, we are probably not going to see any X stuff for a few more years.
  25. oh wow that is sad, the Zudah looks great and far superior to the just released and major expensive B-club one, i feel sorry once again for those people out there that bought that version, i am having flash backs of what they just did with the MG Nemo, there is almost no point in buying b-club anymore within a month they end up releasing a MG or Hguc for a fraction of the price with better details. chris
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