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    Mpls, MN

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Destroid Armour Waxer

Destroid Armour Waxer (3/15)



  1. I'd start with water and if that doesn't work try a 50/50 mixture of rubbing alcohol and water. Should clean it right up.
  2. You're looking at a pretty big project....Since you already own the DVD's I wouldn't feel to guilty about downloading a torrent where the work has already been done.
  3. Why not just buy spray paint from the hardware store ?
  4. The '19 was by far the easiest build from their 1/72 line.....I guess it makes sense that they would go with this particular Valk for their new foray into 1/48. Hopefully it gets a a lot more detail because the 1/72 was severely lacking in details......Can't wait either way !!
  5. Not usually a fan of fillers but I thought the most recent filler arc about the backstory of Urahara and the Vizards was very cool.
  6. Tamiya flat base is pretty hard to work with if you don't have your ratios right.....It can leave a 'chalky' finish. If you have an airbrush, you really can't go wrong using Testors/Model Master Acryl Flat.
  7. Paint ?
  8. For washes I've recently switched from artist oils to artist watercolor paints. Its very low risk by only needing water to thin them with.
  9. Why couldn't Warner Bros purchase from Big West the rights to use Macross Saga designs ??
  10. Very Nice !!! How about some pics of that Valk in your avatar??
  11. You should all go back and re-watch the 1st few minutes of episode #1 as it starts off pretty far in the future and then time skips back to the past where the story starts out.
  12. FWIW, Here's the cast: Emile Hirsch - Speed Christina Ricci - Trixie Matthew Fox - Racer X Susan Sarandon - Mom Racer John Goodman - Pops Racer Kick Gurry - Sparkie Seems like pretty decent casting IMO. IMDB.com
  13. Is it too late for Big West to find another animation Co. for the new Macross?? Satelite sounds like a real clusterf$#k.
  14. 333 is Extra Dark Sea Gray (FS36118) British Standard Colors 108 is something called Character Red http://ipmsstockholm.org/colorcharts/stuff...mrcolor_map.htm
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